DocketNumber: O-5167
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
. . l OFFICE OF THE As7ORNEY GENERAL OF - AUsrrN ., -I . . . \ , ,. i i . .- . . I ~ ``norublo- BorG rOTd, Aikinistrator, Page 2 . g0~0pLnion ln responee to the follozing ques- \ : .-..,*a - ,, .I.. al. Con mrxlcd vjos~enwho h.2~2 hnd their disobilltios of coverturo mxmvob and bc doolor~a fene soles mder Srticlo !&b of tho Rev:iaod Stat- .UtCs 09 Texas , ~0 into the xctsil licdor busisess with their ma zzonsy ena obtain liccmos to opor- ate ret&l liquor stores up to fim? “2. ?4Youldit ~b3.h arjr difS0rono.s if thoiz* disabilitioa of oovorti?rc xors rczovo3 szcl they \7orc r;lcdo fcx~ colas for business pwoo.son, usti.6 their or;n mmy, iP thoir Jiusbsnds :mo algo in the mtsil liquor busincsa and had five gomits? c losable Sort Ford, Adz?inlatrator, Pago t+ Vrc0.a tha forcgoins authorities it mwt bs hold that the husband ha3 no icterost vlhatovcr 1.11 ths vfi?o'o bilsihom. It follow thtif the I?us- band should be benafittcd freon a pmxlt isious8 to tha v~U'o, it would not to by virtue of a3y ~Cr!ril.t l,n v;Uch hc! ';:a~ intcrostcd but solely bacauss~of tllo profit3 of tAs bu:;irIc3s covorcd by the ;xmit issue& Co the wife, and in xkioh ho was wt at all intoro3fod. The husband' 3 right!3 CO::?0to hin not fxor~ my intorest whioh hc hm in tho w.IILfe(3 bualn‘ieml but solely a3 a nattor of JAV;, vthich IX&OS the profrto oozmr!ity property. 'T?!oithor do me agree, under tha facta submit- ted, that the profits dosivsd fmn tho wif~'s busi- ness would neccosax5J.y be co:~m.nity px~j!x~t;r, Clearly, thg husbsncl x:>ul(l nor; ba ohtitlo4 io a pcmit t3 enter this bu8lnezz3, for tho reason that the &Wi 6033 P&t ElllOYS OS3 gllklty Of hi3 CCilblCt to racaivo such a ?m:lit. t;'hefc th8 laz denies a husband th3 ri&t to co into a bwines3, or pro- fit thsroL"ron, bccauso 02 hi3 oon0~ot, and the VIif C eJ36XV ouch bxiirmo, it YIOU16 se03 th3t the profits would be her separate pro$wty. We think both tho Poregoins ooncl'usions are fully auppxrtwi by tho culebzatod oa3a o? Dickson ;o. Strio!Asnd, 265 5. Y. 1012, in which the Su2rem Court,oyxcrillod the Contc2ltiO!l that Ei3Qr Kirbu f,, Fergunon co~U.cinot qualify as Governor because o? her husband's im~CaChi,lGut: t**5%0fifth qwstion inquires rthsthoy Zr3. ~WCJ rondored inoli~ibk? by ths doorcs of t&J ~8JlatC Of %X%3, uittin~ as a court or irzpeaoh- ment, rcmovirk? hctr husband, Jmoo 2. FQX~UBOI~, fron the office or G~ovcrnor and adjudZin3 t!tnt 3:~ b? hcnooforth disqualified to hold any office of yo;:o~, trlwt, or proliit 1uxlcr the state. . nonorable Dert Fortl, Administrator, Pa@ 5 Q'AppollanS's position is that tbe eLmlwents of thci offioe of Governor tire co.%mnl.ty progcrty , an;l that Satus 5. ForCus01? co*uld uot rcooive his comunlty half of his zifo’e salary a5 +40``mo~ .. . . wlith3Gt violuting the docrco’ of 5``pcaoltiat~ I NITt 13 umeccssary to inquire int.0 the exaot \ -a, Otatus Of th0 Y!ffe*s sc?le.‘ry fro!3 publio office ae sopsrate DT OOaam?.ty yroporQ, un.%r cw prcmiit Coastftution axid gtatutes. Yor, if it bn oss``~d that Era, l?erguatiti’s salary as Oo-icr;io_r xould be- ions to the COJXUni$~ cstnto OT her hz%band aM .herself, st5.11 Sai~liJO-2’. For~uson i’2onld not be rb- ooivins or ~hming any enolumr:t OS grr0fi.i clorj~vod fron any office held by SSJXMS:. Br:;uaon ur,dor the etfite. The oizolurxmt V~UUM be dsriued fron irlrlaz A, For,gaon holding, an ofl’ico end yorfomin~ its duties. Such a disQuurrl.ificotS.on 33 io hero in- olated 00 c.ould bu aupporixd on no o:&olp theory t&n thF\t Of lO& idciltlty OI? hUZb%~ f%? '2iP0, tUld tkt th2Ory i70 d6fiIlitcly lV?pUWitC, ??.Sit hEl3 been wkfomly rejected fron the esr3iest oases deter:tined by t&is coGurte f . . , Uonorabk Usrt Ford, Addnlstrator, &co 6 Board would not ba aathorimd to &cay the per&t, maor the Paots related by YOU.`` In ~ierr OP tho above and foregoing qzthoritics YIQ 8lls’iJOr your fJ.Ptt question in t&3 affilYYAtivo ‘;hd YOU37 second quoatioa 3.11tkc noGntivo. .., . ,. ,. .. .._ ;._. :” :,.,. ,f Y$. ;.: . , . . :