DocketNumber: O-5114
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN monble ilarid J. Uorrie Ooanty Attorney Brown county Browmood, Texas Dew Elrz ounwoodM66iorial pXWQ6rt37 i6 WMIQt, axes elraady paid W6 have r idered )roW r6c;U66t iOr ther aartaiu propsrQ OSPit&., InO., 16 OS8Bipt 15, 1943, there am 6et of the oorporatioa slhawlng ft not orgenlzed lor profit, end for odditionel in- law--r dated 2:'ay15, 1943, a portion The proparty inquired about is ueed 6xolu6~ve~y by The Rwwnwooa Mentorial Ho6pltal. "The Institution O-8 not rent orrio to dootore or to any other organl6etior, antI has no inoome of any type rr0ik e-3 propeFt7, other then yatlents who are abl6 to pay. mnorable David J. Morris, page 2 The property inquir6d about i6 the property upon whioh thaw ho6pitaL building Is looated. and no ot&r property is in gu~stlon. The hospital plant ant gmundr is th6 prOpWty ill qU66tiOn. *No one recsivse aay profit from the operation of the i3rownwood 3emorial &6pltaA. The doctor's oon- neoted therewith draw nothing from the hospital, and have never reoelved any oompeneatlon thererrom, and there has never been any dividend or any kind deolarsd; and no-one expeots to draw Or reoeivn anything from the operation of the bo6pitaI.w You have etated that the property Inquired about ia 666d eroIu6lre~y by the oorporatloQ. 'u6 thsrerore essum6 that th6 doOtOr6 oonneoted with the in6titUtiOn 814 not assigned Off1066 in the building, where they oonduot their private prao- tlo6 rbnt rree, in return ror 6erviose rendered. The requir6- mnt of exolualve uaa is not 6nti.9flnd in suah A case, even though those sharing the U66 pay Qo rent. Redp Johnson, 53 Tax. 288; City or Longview Y. marlchzun-XaReeZdemorlal Rospltal, 137 Tax. 198, 152 8. W. (Sd) 1112. We also further 888111114that th6 aotual operation of the institution la in accordance with it6 OharteX’ pSOViSiOn6. lWo questions ray be raieed as to the charitable nature of the lnstltution oonoerned hrr6: First, can an inrtitutlon be one of chtrrlty when its lnoorporators are dootore, who apparently a6 a group may minister to the slok to the exolu6lon ol’ other r^ootore? 3eoond, oan the institution ba drolared aharitable if upon dl66olutlon the 4ootor6 oonoorned are to reoeivo its aesota? The charters of the &enta:Rnaa Inrlrmarg and of the inrtltution oonosrned here are almoat ldcntloal, and these very qU66tfon6 ware raised by the Court of Civil Appeals in City Or San &ton10 v. ;liantaRosa Infirmary, S4S 6. W. 498, at Dss,s 336. The latermedl~te court ~(29 reversed upon appeal, ;janta %oea Infirmary v. City of tian ialtcnlo, SS9 S. Vi. Q&I, In a decision by the Commission of J~pj~3d.S abated by tha Supreme Court. It wan apparent from t.rie charter of the Santa Rosa InflrsWy that oluy the Sister6 Of Ch&UTity Of th3 Incarnate bard could administer to the Bick, etc., and we we unable to distin&ah such e situation anopable Dar id J. :Zorriu, Fage 3 from the one presented here. tie therefore believe that the Jupremae Court has by its deoiaion overruled I& firat objeotion. Relative to the seoond objeation noted above, we find the following: language used by the Commission of Appeals at pwge 935~ “The oorporetians here were not organized for profit.. They have no capital stocir--no private or oorporbte gain can aoorue. By their Very inoorporation for purely oharithbie and benevolent purposes they hava made a oontmot with tfie state and with t.e beneficiaries named in the charters effeotually constituting those in ohergo of ;t.heenterprise trustees of an exprees trust, nnd their charters in thoir last analysis and in their legal effeat become dsolaratione of truet. It would serve no useful purgeee to quote from the numerousauthorities sustaining this view, but the follueing are aited: mer. .& Sng. haoy. of Law (28 Ed.) 898; Linton v. Brown’s kdm'ra (C.C .) 2C Fed 456; 2 Uoravetz on Corporations ilO46; 1 Perry on Truete (6th Ed.)1 82. “By ertiole 1136 of the hevised Litcrtutes any renewal of their corporate existenoe must ccatlnue the purposes originally stated. viny benericiary of the t&u& areated by the ohartera oould prevent, and BD might well the representatives of the state government enjoin, a use or appropriation of the trust e#tstem of tiW corporations for purposes of private gafn or those inconsistent with their oharter provlsioniv. Cook on Corporations, vol. 2j 492~ Dazrtmuth College v. i?oodward, $zheat. 518, 4 629 ;
2 Perry on Trusts (6th Ed.) j1 732- ; “ttyiaaI ii Garrison et al., 101 ;dtrss.233; Parker, eta.; v. ., 5 Gush. (Mass.) 336.’ In view of the above language, 1 t would seem that the public and the &ate of Texas are well proteoted from a dissolution Of a obaritable aoryoration which might redound to the banef it of its incorporators and members. Upon the fact6 presented, we hold the real estate belons- ing to The arowmvood Memorial hospital, Inc., tax exempt. It should be understood, however, that the presenoe of new facto or wditi3ni3 arising i;i the future, might chzzge Its exempt status. However, ti differtint aituation exists iifth respect to Personal 2roperty beloqing to the institution. krtlele VIII, Yaatlon i, of our Constitution only permits the Leglelatare to honorable David J. xorria, Pww 4 exe t "inatitutioaa of gu1.1~ publio oharity*. This portion of tu T onmtitutlon is not aelf-enacting, and siaae &ticlo 7150(T) V. j., only exempts the bulldiaga and @rounda ooaupied by a,",itL 156tltat2onB, it is our opinion the personal pmperty ia liable for faxen. See Davis v. Santa hors Ufirmary, (Clv.App) gg 6. iI. 185. be next consider tb refund oi real e&ate taxea by the rerloub taxing cruthor~tiae. In thla conueetion, you mike t& following ltaremnt: "The oorpor.atlon Aid not reader ita real lrtatr for tha [year 1042, but had been paying the taxes Oy the month to (L lonn company atwryiag a previous loan, and this loan company beiore February 1, 1914%. paid to thm varlour taxing unite of Brownwood and 3rown County taxeu aaseaoed againot property of The Brownwood &aorlal hospital Inc. on the untendrred rolls." ihether the lam oompany be regarded as baring geld the taxes ?a ageat of the in8tltution, or under the powexr &ren it by oontract, the result ir that the taxe8 were pvid v01nataP11y. The sitatake mede wa8 e8 to taf liability, which 1s a mletakce of law. Turma gaid voiuatarfly through mistake of law are not recoverable. Nntloaal tiisoult Co. v. State,134 Tex. 2c
13133 S. A. (2A) SSI; kuetln Nation&l &alr 0. Sheppard, 123 Tmx. 272, 71 &. L. (8d) 24:; Gttf ol Houston v. yei?.er,76 TexL. 963, 13 2. %. 255; Frost v. Fowierton Conmolidated School tiiet. go. 1, (Civ. :;pp) 111 J. P. (2di 754. Although the Cuestim of tax liability ia one Of law, if there has hen ELml&eke OS fact in couneotloa with the pey- aunt or theme taxeo, we belteve the institution etill not en- titled to a refund. In this State, the burden 18 upon one clainiw exeqtlon from taxation to show himself clearly within the statutory or constitutional exexegtion. ?b~Gallum V. keao- Cl&ted tietail Credit *ien of iiuetinl (CO&U. ngp.) 41 5-i.. (26) 45; ii. P. 0. C. &Age v, i:lt.yof llcuston, 44 3. +. (8A) 4593, nit of error refueed; Trinity Methodlet lipfsoopal Churoh v. city of San AntonlO,201 S.W. 669
, writ of error refdaed. ~0 offioere of the aorporalion knew ~$11 the facts establishing itr rights to-the tax eremptlon. ID our opinion, their negli- Genoa In not Drlnging these raote to the attention of the taxing authorities, and in not olal,ing the exemption, bars tba insti- tution froa recovering the taxes ?aid even though they IWAY have wen paid under mistake of fact. See City of Nouaton v.Felmr, supra
. Vie truet the above euffioiently anmwerr you.? request. WE:ncd