OFFICE OF ?‘HE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorabla&l&r BlankamM.p, Cbaiman oa5alttSe431OoMtltuttonalAmen~llk nOU88 ti bpE666PktiV66 &ustln,Terse Decrrslrr opinllm xo. o-5188 An almndlu6nt to latterir a draft of the pro- The propoucrdamendsent if?& &@AM ~kUdC6IU?bip I we 2 th6 Wii6, 0m6d or Olalffiedby hex befor nmrri~6, aad thnt aoquiredaftaward by gift, 66V166 OX'de6OMt, ah6llb6 h6r sOpa- rate property*and lrrs shall. bs paesed moss olaarlyd6fdlQ th6 rlght!?.Ofthe wife, in rsl6tfQnas~w611to her s6p6rat.6 property ad that h6lb in OopIllOnwith h6r bU6bmn4, Iawa shall6180 be paaad proridingfor the I'6gi0t~tiOll Of th6 Wir6'iI06p6lVlt6 prOpUty.* In kWpkIg with the mIknd6t6 Of th6 nbOt6 qUQt6d 86otlonor the ContitLtutlonwith r6fer6ao6to commualty. property, the L##gisktUre W this State Wl6Ot6dWh6t 16 now Article 4619, Revlnd 01~11 Stetntee,whlohreads: "Sob. 1. All pkoperty6oquimd by sither the husbandot'wtfet!tlring.~66XTiage, OX?6pt,that whlah 1s the 8ciparat6property of 6lther,. ehall be @xiaM the omreqn prOp6rty of the Inmbd# and -8; +%I all?khs'~f6atrv@iQh:th6hwWul porros``atthstS86 tl$qmace ~gay be Qln6~lved~6ball b6 rsgudad aa oomon 6ffeeta ~eslthzJ bo utltiaMm?SJs Hon. Callas iilsnken5hip - agil 3 ildt6 r66idOd, if the husbhnd ~6% a aonkid6nt ‘of t&la State at the tina of dicappcarancs, or 'Of any oounty . the oommunlty in __ _whiph proqs'ty or part therooTid in whioh petition situated :th6 wife ahall set forth the facts'%ntitllng :hU tQ aOlStlO1, hiWigS, aLld di%pO%8 Or the OOa- ~runity property under the prmldons of this :iirtlalr. i’*&30. 8, Mt6r the of said petition ths :Judg6 OS said oourt ehall 56t tbc 56~6 Eon for h6arin5, either in'tqa U&e or vacotioa. j”s60. 4. Wotfce at thn riling of said patdtion .andthe date sst fox .thohsarizg thclreon ah511 ;bs iaaucdby the olerk of thci oourt Zn rrhioh the titian is filed .e?ldth6 saw shall be publi5$.6:.ed simc mmspap5r.oi, aa6ra``oiroalation pub- ia ths countyPn.wbIohtbc petitionS% {fiilad, if there be a in said toowty, but 'ifnot #en in thq..htareat county whus a newspaper bi genual alreu&tion Is pub- ,‘- 'Mahod, woo infd i~&&@&g& ..: ,i::*i+&3~;,~.~*: mob .wmk for :&&~2*aw~.z&wta;t..c0nrrcloutf?``~,.``. .;&+)p5&:;````w~;:':'::., *;.:;I:; p,i$i. '. ,' ., We tirrrtof tihiohpablioatixmns shall be not ilrss than ten daye pr$or to mob date sit Sor : jsuahhr%rring. .heo. 5. ftj upon the pearl~ugof mild~pC;titim, &ha Ju&gs shall be ,%atgsti8a that.thberaots j%lleg%dthereinare tnts, and that tiota ex.Xst #leh entltlethe Cgntml, 5wm&1 a&?l diUp056 O? $h6 OOimRWity pl't3pUtf' UnbU the $y?OYi~10I~ Of-96otiOn 1 of tois Act, he ahall MU~c,hi% ordor.fiPd.irQ and wtflmg out suob toot%, landtheroarterthe ~12s shall hare the ~mn6 pow6rs year the ocammnity properly aa ar6 oonlermd by :16N upon the hu%baUd, until the hwzbandshall $%VS returnsdt0 tha Wif6, and Until 6%th6S.t'h* jkusband or Wff6 5imll make arid f116 tCr XeOOrd :lfothe of?lee of the ooimtyolerk oilthe county &a which eel& pstftionwea filed, his or her . ‘affidavit stetingthe fact of suoh return. Sal4 .afii&avit shall be moor&%4 in the deed raaords ;Qf tltdd OOUntjy BIid may t6 r5Oi2~%6~& in th0 dM!d lraeorda of othss ootmtiers In which the property of said~Oo.sautity @tats nmy bs rS.tuatad.* The laterpntatlonof thi provir%onai ti&8 statute with retertmoeto the controland dlrporitionor oomsunity propertymay he round in th6 r02i0dog cases,stone v', ;pokg30``105Tex. ZfB5,210 6. 1. 955% Itcore 0, Xooten,255 . l is our opinionthat the prop06134 It oonetlt\;tional anmadmentwould .ooafliot with the provioionbi the present oomunity propertyrlghta atatuto with respsotto the control 8nd aisp08iti0n or comaunIty proparty. t-h02-4c0fd, porn. questionis anewsred In the atrlmativs. VZewlah it understood that thfa opinion fc ad- dressed to the speolffc qusafion askad ati ia to be so aon- atrued. .