OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN c\ Honorable J. B. McDonald Gommleaioner,Depertaent of Agrioulture Austin, Texas Mar Mr. MoDonald: Attention: Xr&$%3J B.\Eau@man Your request for thie department made aa follows : /or stallion to eok and Stallion o. 12, (Lms of Texas, 15th Lsgisla- t dsslfmg with the subjeab oi author- ent selating to *State-owned jaoks and stalliorzs and the lease thereor.w There is nothlng In the Aot that would oonfer the authority mentioned in your inquiry. Morsover, in no event oould an expenditure be made by your dspartnient f?rom any fund or source whatsoever, in the ebsenoe of a speaific appropriation the-for, and an examina- tion 02 the current papropr~iation tails to disclose any item that would cover the subject. The neareat approach, perhaps, I;onoradleJ. E. MaDonald - page 2 to such an gpproprlation is to be found in the fees ap- propriated under ~Item 108, and it will be seen that those rees are lor the apeclflo purposes of paying "ad- ditional sglarIes, equipment, autotioblles,trevellng ex- penses and other neoeasary expenses lnoldent to tkiead- ministration of these ects (there!.nenuz,erated),and such fees collecte:"s!?sllbe used for no other purposed." iYetrust this will be suifjcient answer to your inquiry. Very truly yours ATTCLRFIFXGZ?ERAL OF TEXiS By, (6) Ooie Spesr Assistant OS-m ,os-JBs ....: APPRQVRD. mm. .39.,..L1943~.. .Al?Fit0sw‘ ~exwa By (8) MB, Chairman