. .. . -...:... OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ‘TEXAS AUSTIN By the hw aithib Chafe 5058bitiJtioaaland *$a&. uwa7, 8 wrwn i6 gmhibi rod irea Irorcitq a0re than 040 es+11 oltloo of e&51uoat uirtm* 16 ~:rotlon J&Qfaho‘;tat* Cenetitution)exe& ae,rtRSnaldws oi whioh that of the jwtloe cb the pmoe ie one* Ra9mtr, our crourtebath g.one Brthar e&d huge oxtonded tlu rule that cwoc where there f* e spooiilo oroaption to the ml0 of more than one offiao of emalumnt se in this ocP60,or nhero an sffioe &oe not pay for hi8 seniors to thrJholdor tharoof, that when a parmn sroks to hold more than ood olvll offloo aad the dutlolr er the tw offloos tire lwoapatfbls, that woh 6 pereon cmaot hold both offfoss, and the sooeptaaoe OS Chs latter, ar later Lo paint of tlm, is omslldoredB vaoanoy or reri@%tlon of the .of'Tfootorwrly held. Appl$ifw there mlea, ?ho oourtieham hold in tho oaso of Luars t. State, 63 8. T:r(21 699* thaC @he wtlae of t&a pa00 0821 also be a rwerder in t&a oorporat i an 05urt 6s the oity, ae Art%014 I6 3eotion 40 0r the meto can8tltul t&on dooa not apply to jwilew ot fib pekoe sad the dutiee oi tbo tnm ofiioas ara aot iaoota tlble OIU to th other. .Zventhough the tmr oMos~ in tr0 latpllrrat haad, tax aaMSa8r oollooturof tka Wna Indspendat PJohool Urtrlot end juetiso of tha pmsoe, mny be both oftll off’ioau Op imolutaeatyet tUa px5vl8loaof the ConrtituMon dwa not aagly to JustJooa of th* pamo, wham on0 parwon oould Mid b&b oif%ooa ualoas the datlor of tbo IIMTOwere fnaaspetiblo one te t&o et&a-. Theah the liae rhioh dl~tin&ehhr8 eompattblo ub lawapatlblodutfos of separate offlooa lr aosstluiw dim aad dittlau1.t to dietinppuishyet uo are 5f t&e opinion thst the oiYlo*s ar tax aa~o8eor-wll#t~ Of tho F&a Iae4padat So&ool ?%0triot efd juetiao 81 tikapardoeam not lnooepati- ble olylto t&r 02horandthat the mm perron aan hold bstd~ offloo at -0 ears*tim. teiot, 200 S. W. la vlaw OS the farep,ola:: autharitlee,you are rem 1speotf’ul4 ed+fosd that it fs the opialonof thle departaoa6 that thaljuat100or me pmos, lnqairedabout,oaaal.rmlepelly hold the ofl’foe of tax aawneor-5ollsatar of a,nb for tho :?&a fndependmt :iuhoal2istriet. In other word8 a perwn can hold b&h the Offhe Of juatioo of tbu ipaoe and the oflioa of tax aswla~-OOll~@tor oi the Z&m Independent:!.oh001 CGtriat clt tha saw tam* Youra YOry tro1y c