DocketNumber: O-5103A
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorablo u. A. D8Vl8 stae Regirtru Tex~r State Board of Health Audln, Tour You have repuerted rtment 8 revisv OS our oplnlon HO. o- ructlon 81 to how to prooeed in the ier of birth reoordr of perron tating that in the part you hav i08 when ordered to do 80 br 8 QO 8 determination aenelderqd iheeqw W%8diOtiOll 477, V.rtiOll’8 Revi8ed 8aUa964l O? 8 cectlflcd ato vhez'elnl ohlld or an ‘Udlb88 8UOh oertified tent jUri8diOtiOn." Heither AFti prOV18iOn Oi th0 OOLk8ti- .Oc;rl’t 8peOif9.0 jlU?i8diO- aertlfled OOpie8, but UU- der Seotion 8 of Artlole V OS the ConrtitutIonof Texa8, oh&oh provibc8 that the dirtriot oourt *rh811 h4ve gener81 origin81 jurisiriationover all oau8e8 OS a&ion vhatever for vhloh a remedy or jUrl8diotlOn18 not provided by l&Y Or thi8 oOn8ti- tutlon,' Ye held that the di8triCt court ha8 jWd8diotiOn to Order the 188umoe of ruoh oertitled OOp1e8. Honorable U. A. Davlr, p8ge 2 &I XO‘our 1Ott.r WJUO8ting thi8 OpilliOll YOU point out that, vherear the above montloned prohibition lg e ln8t Uu iaruanoe of oertlfled oopler of birth reoordr of 110 legltlu8te8,vhioh va8 oont8lned la the or1 laal Vital Stat- i&i08 AOt Of 1927, i8 8till r eta ined, Jetflt.l’ uPrIldllWnt8 authorire the judge of the probate oourt to aoorpt and ap- prove the reoord of q btith or death not p~vlousl~ reg- lr ta a d, and luthorlae regi8trOr8 to 188u8 oeatgled OOpib8 of birth or death oortliloatea,vlthout in either oa8e mak- ing a d&8tinotlonbotveen IrgitWte 8nd lllegltlmatebirth. But thi8 do.8 not maan that th8 prohibitory rovirion ha8 beu, repealed by $nplloatton.,fho rule 18 8Pated thou in 39 Texor Jurlrprudenoe, PU!-241 'In oa80 of ocmfllat brtveen a genrer& ;g vision snd a 8peolal provirlon deal 8W rubjet?&,the i0PB.l'i8 Or liBit- ld by the bttorj and m8 18 80 vhether th. provi8ion8 in quertion are oontalnod in the 88~ oat or Lo dIffereat enaotmenttl.In other vord8, vh8n a 8tatute make8 a gen8ral provl- 8100 &~@lltl~ iOr 4u 08808 and a 8p8Oia1 provlrlon ror a portioular oa80 or olarr, the Sormw ~alld8 and the latter prevail8 in so Sar l8 the ~tiOl&P 0880 OF 0188r 18 oonmm%ed. & 8u8h OirOUlUt8Me8, th0 8JlOOia1pFOVi8iOll or rtatuta 18 regarded ai though it were 8n lx- oeption or provlrh, rmovlrlg 8OBetw f'rOl8 the operation of the generrillav.' Smtlon 16 OS Artlolq~!Vof the Texar Qoxutitutlon preroriber the oozutitutlonaljurl8dlotlonof the oountl o;m&, lnoludlng 'the general jurlrdlotlonOS a Probate Court. YO knov ,laibringing the irruame of a oartiiled oopr- or a birth oertlrl8ate, 0r it88ii, viathinth8 gonrral jUri8- dlotlon OS a probate aourt. Seotlon 22 of Artlole V of the Conrtitutlon de- oluer: 'The ~girlatum 8hall have paver, by looal or gerural lav, to lnorea8o, diaieirh or ohangr the 01~11 and orimlnal jurlrdlotlonoi oountr C!OWt8j and in Oa8e8 Or 01178uOh ohange Of jur- l8diotlon, the Leglrlatwe lhall al80 oonform the jurl8dlotlcmof the other 80urt8 to ru8h, .'., a. Honorable Y. A. DIvir, page 3 UIldOr thi8 OOIi8titUtiOAal &3POViliM, 4 8t4tUtO Om- ierring original jurlrdiotlon on oounty oourtr of Deaf Smith County in 01~11 08808 vhero the amount in aontroverry 988 00.00 op 1088 war held oon8tltutlonal. Camplay v. Bwmley, rCOBB. App.) 55 8. V. (26) 810, In the ea8e of Jon08 v. Ni880ur1=Xan8*8-%ua8 Rall- road Compeny of Texa8, 14 S. Y. (2d) 357, the Boll48 Oourt Of oiYii 4peal8 84idl “ktiole 1956 (1771 (1169), R. s. 1925, read8 I ‘Subjeot to the LBI tation rtatad in thl8 idaapter(;lurlrdlotionallimltatlon),the OOunty OOwt 18 authorlsed t0 hen? and determine any o&we vhloh 18 oognirable b yaourtl, llthar or l&v or equity, and to pant any relldr uhioh y2Bdjbo ranted br raid OOWt8, or olther of . .It tollov8 therefore that oounty oourtr ruy lxerolre the power of both i&v ml equity oourtr in the trial Of any oawo over vhloh they are given jurlrdiotlon,inoludin~, 0r 00ur80, a oondemuotion prooeeding, Yhloh 18 to bo tried and determIned 88 8ny other oivll oawo ." But it 18 noted that in both of the oarer above olted, the oounty oourt had jqi8diOtion of the 8UbjeOt mat- ter of the oau8e involved by rea8on of a 8peolflo oonrtltu- tlonal or itatutory enaotment. The oounty oourt, along with the jwtloo wurt, ha8 but llmfted jUri8diotionin thil State. Jaoo v. W. A. Rarb Coinpan, 269 8. N. 1089i R. 0. Elpp Ocmpany v. Anglln, 270 S. l?.B93.. And we do not believe that the provi8lon8 oi Artlole 1956, 8u a, are applloable to any e&we over vhloh the oountp oourr ir not given jur- 18diotlon by 8&ieoiiiO rtatutory or OOli8titUtiO-1 provl8lon8. It 18 therefore our OplDAon that the oounty oourt 18 not a oourt oi ooapetont juvl8dlotlonto order the lrru- anon of a oertlfled aopy oi a birth orrtlfloateot ati119 legitlmato r8on, and heme, that the State Regirtrar 18 vlthout aUt rOrity t0 i88Ue 8Uah oortlfled Copy upon the or- - der OS thr oounty oourt. Yours very truly