DocketNumber: O-5058
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable E. A. HoQ.8 CountyAildltor Wllllm8m8uouutf aeorgetom~, Tama m r.0.1Y.u your lo in whlohyou wWii tbr follo the iPndr nmoemrr~for f drawm a nrr- *maa to ul indltl- land 18 not UlthlB be4 pmprrtt rub&ot to n@ unnitr Of the uount~ ona 297 Howrablo 8. A. Sod-o, Poe 2 thmt oplnlon. The lonotltutlaool rad ltatutory proriolonaqmti- Mat to wur quootlooam lot out la ,a. oow of olty~ap‘~ Ablloaot. Btrta ll 8.U. (26)631 (1.036) (Writnfumd fah want of juloaloh !. wa ooprfror that 0000 u~folluwrr luoM$. Ad. a, Ilr wu PrQP.rt~ la thla Stmk ,whothor own.4 by natural ponono or lorporm$louo, othw thanmadolpalL:ti*le hma la pro erMoo~t0Ito v~lae. vldd, that#o ha&@& end fiftybllmro worth ob hoaoehold~4 hltahonfamltlm, belon(li~6PO lmoh farilyIn WklB #da lbalf. ba oxompt from teutlom.' * Voart.aH.llj I91 Vha .proprQf of loantl~r oltloema towo, owllrd8b Iu1aonly * + *and all otharprope*tr ior pabliopuxpoaoo, &ot@a8 8xOlWiY``JtO the UO@ Md bOnefitof the pub110rbollb&omp8 fma *** taution.' Woaot. 'ert:U,# 2t 'ThaLa4Jlolmtwa 803, b$ geaorol lwo,.rr#pt irontuatlon p&blfe projwby ao.6 fop ablloparpokoot ostml plroor of nli~loao word !9; plaoooof borlal not hel(L fo prlvmtmor oorp8rote profitirll bulldiay ooodlxolwlvelfon6 own@6br perooao or lo80- olrtlonoof prrroaofor lohool perpoor an4 tb 5ouooo~rf fornlturoof lll~eoboolo, (alsoaha .a b Owma afMtl# t Ol’lWb iilOtitUtbR@3?f leOF5bn(: ur(Llondo).adlnotltatioar ef pamlr abIle ahmrltyI Md rx11-8 aoaPwk6 pm!?* rti f fmm tartloh otkrtthrathe proparty rbon montlonod ohallbo aull o84 tolt.* -Rowlao Btotateo 1925,81% 7150, whet&r reel or peroeaal, **Allproparp~, Eonoroblo 8. A. liod~o, Pa&a ) b.laa n( lx811%8~Vrl``O this State,or my poll0frol labdlrioloo thorooi.'. - ErlOfl~, the.tooto ln the rbovr vratlo5.d moo mot Who Ol*y of Abilono~pardkooed $4;trrotr o.flo& lo- oaW4 la JOMN Ooumty,ln the pmot1926,tord lnoldxq 1930 to ba aoad$0 protidean o4eqrte watersup‘1 fer aal4 Clty.~Bm -Ult$thi~'laooo~ .theton6to lsdM&Uli for oplodlturol pmrpooerD~mt ho+lk&ruWlol*a& itim to we thw property. 1W the paspo#o for uhloh: it we0 pur- op&8odtr tlw ooutra~lar o f l lea to, tho~'8tcmg8- 1twor farthrrtou&tbattbb Oity banotabm- ton04it; iatontloa to bo iho propert for tha pupooe for hod bhx pareha.& W* ore not anmln6fu.l of the rule i&et‘pro- rlrlonafor lxmptloa fra tautlou I;?#to’ba’ ltrletlyl080t``aTao .geal or lomtruattaa, hovwor, lo the roeortolsmnt ot fntentlai.~ -A':; lo not kllovo6 thatthe rtilo oi rtrlet,ootrotrretlon uoal4regain the adoptianof the 16&8%?688om818 of two pooolbloeonotrootlano, lnb pdtloolai`` it that oln ba 1000lffootlveto rooompll8h the maltirt parpgoeof the SUP tfosi.In ,thephcroe 'o8.Uior pub110parpoooo,' E th. wfnd ‘wed’ be eonot~rlieato 1IM the oua *II amod,*on em.u bon elrmrdtama-a k senrllot~ktwwneoMtltutloaol p?ovloloiq. Saehnamltiorbilo, thontora,the ldopttW of thatlomtnatlon. It nmrlno harover,te we&&r- whether the uor4 *wooi0shod4 DEWlo n- ltr e.4 60r )o 5a h oM M a 8o 05tlnu68``M .lD- t*rrmpt*, or Oluuritte581~ 5806. 8Ueh8 Ronoroblo IL A. MoQor, Page 4 . . ; _. \ ,. Roaorabla H. & Bod@o, Poga 5 6 tkatl.ftant, r) thlah,tJ~altatrrta valid and oporatlra." Too *tit*in ycm.rlatte* thstthe 6lttOS t3aorea- tqn par~hoo~d tha ~anb``n~q``otl~ -- for _-on olrpor(. ._ ?mm -a fops latter, w* wtbor tbat the msQua1 Omarnaorit ma xa- tan``nralah tando for tba nooaooar~ oonotrwtlofi ana It now lppaarothattha Ndercls 8ommaent wl 9 1 not ttoryltafundsto lonotmat on4 improve the Ion4 for 08 llrgm=t. in qtnotlon A8 .n tm6aratiIk tha Qltrof Abllonreooo,lupra, the propartrin qtuotlaa ruahooad br tha Olty of Ueorp ton lo lxaapttror tuatPon prcnldad oat6 Oltyhu not lbOBdOaO4 its lntontlon to &rot0 the proflrtrto a ublio purpow-iferft-onllrport. In thisroopeot,what tx0 u1tr lntoadeto do la 0 qao8*lol% of tortwhlohlo not dthln our provlnoe~ to dotarmlna. kforo n oan anowu yoer qruotlan, UB 8111 hateto know whetherthe aitfof Ckaege- to wnb a rlb~do5ed ali1 lntmtloa to aoo the pro t for a n llr p o or r tfor mm0 0-r pabllo 9rrpooa. tF"a80,footo ore naaoooltotad by tb Olty 6f Ablloaooarno, #~?a~ SW lloo Stateto. dlty-ofkammt, 161 8.W. (WI Mb. . Honorable H. A. Hodges, Pago 6 Should rou deternlne that th4 City has abandcnmd it0 iIit4ntiOll t0 US8 the 600 OOCOO Ot l.alld ia qU4OtlOB tOr a pub110 9urpoa4, it vi11 k, oeo4aeary for us to know Wh4th4F 0~ IiOt th4,oitS VOUi6 0011 it ii Oif4r4d 4 "i4i? Qr'iO*' tOr OOm. We uould also n44d to knor what typo of bonds the City 8f Georgetom lasued to purohaaa the land and, should the City 6611 the land, vhathsr the oon- alderstim ot such sale aould k agpllod to the bonded iadabtedneaa. Ia OUT OQidOB, 001~0, if not all, Ot thure toots 6t4 M ulred by the 0604 OS ctate 10. C1t.y of Houaton, l&O 8.X. (26f 277 (Writ Retused). we riah to point out that under o4rtaln oondltlona the 14aaehold interest in thla land would be 8ubj40t to taxathIL Art1414 7173,R.C.S. ‘Ye ainaenly legret thet we oaanot 4nav4c your rbguaat as aubmittsd to us in JOPT letter of TanWirY 22nd, last. We might lug@at that y~pu oonault with yoor Distriat Attorney sbout tiia mstter. It might b4 po66ibl4 that you can obtain end glre us the n404060rp iaota, girlng (Luoregard to the three onaea cited herein, that va 0611 dsrlnltrl~ answer your qU46tiOn. Tours very truly &!TOZE?~YGFWRAL OFTEXAS Lee Shoptar saaiat4nt . , . LS':xIV