I . I ’ OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Q- 0. kUNN I-OPI- l?onorableL. A. Woods stats 3uperlntondeat or mblio m8truotun Au8t in, Texas Dew Sin eat for M op%Jllcm, ,tatcd. in your i ts lor stuck&8 In the uaited state8 Oovem- raiabg or ma&era 0r the pwtaen0 or alcatlon ju6tffle8 the state Camptrallor or Pub110 of &SO per year for thcma 8tu- IartmAotion the pedambl oovema#at alw providea ‘oompulwtbnl?* I ’ , ,’ **DC. I.. h. Vuoda, Stats superlntandsnt of Public fLIstnactlon, presided over a mwtlng of WIS AdvlSOrJr COmalttw, compowl of repres6ntattvu or ua0r ~0udg68, 86n~0r CO~B~SS. ati ~60~16 rra VU i OUS p&6868 Or tXWd68 aad %ZIdUStF~, UhO Y6N Oa%lOd tOg6thW t0 d6rfn6 th6 iltWXlh&J Or tb6 tdJ-RS- ‘VOWtiOtUl aIIa/Or ternips). 6dUCIctiOn’, a8 ,U86d ia S. 1). Uo. 163, an A@t of the Irolrty-setatth L&s- latur6, vhlclppropriat*s h $325,000.00 to b6 dls- trfbated on a par 6aplta bash to the junior, cOlhge8 &a1886 thsrein. “‘&ft6P disau88ion by WlrioUa rspr686nta- ttvos of th6 comaittw th6 r0mving aotion uaa ma6 by Da. John E. oray, rm6otor 0r th6 LSm8.r union nmlor collegcr at maumnt, Bums, mad 86aoaded by Dwa S. B. Bards OE tbs Bwth Tuas 8tak 2eaotmrs Cullrge or Denton, funs - 'thatthl6group r66- to * stak mpert#at 0r s4boatw that tb tam ‘YOWtfd and/or t6-u 6dUO8tbkS', U $wd in tLu JuniOP C&16&6 LW, tM C~StMl6d t0 WcbuL COUl’868 ~lr w rta48 0r - 1. tnuiaess, 2 Era&s sad inclurtry, ': hcmmiaking,aod 1 . @*lcultwu - SU& OWS68 to load to OWUQ8tiOxWd a~ustwnt 6t the Wd Uf tVU YUFS OF 1688 Or COiiSg6 tw-’ "Thh 7sotlua anrrisd unuIfmOualg.* YOU ah&t irmmbh8d US Vlth 8 60~7 Or thr fOm8 Of OQBtZ’SOt t&t YU rad6 b6tU6.a the tlBlt6d Bt6tOS Ojv6FWWnt md tkU j~&lOr QOuOgeS in qU68tlOB. ThO fOX% Of GOntWCt &ov8 that tha tluinkor OS th4 kwd poror8 lttaadfng t&m aol- 1 a8 f#&.r W trrr, Qf th6 OODtNat donot t6k6 th6 OrdN co‘f kgr aourwo ud t&at #ytMularly thmy dQ not take w “YOWtiQld’ OC ‘tititi WWHS, tOWit, OOUFWS ia bpU~h688, tmdas and ln&astrf, haas-, amI agrhwltuw, leablng to occup*tiomi ‘adjustaunt at t&6 6n5 af tvo y6ara. Th6 aontraat . G.96 , shove tbrat they t&4 only a total Or 280 hours 31 york &&i&led Solely *to ~rspare tralneas both aontslly and p&yoioally for ~t~tlSiv* PilOt tHliIllIl& i&3 WM tiVUX36d rli&ht COUPSUN, Wd that the York is divided into cnurs68 IS irrllowac mathematics, physics, ei*ll air r6gulatioa8, nsvtgatlon, g6ner61 wrvio~, -8 0pe332tm 0r aimtdt, code, tilltary aad physical ,trsln- iIIg, airWArt ~dQIItir:CtttfQZI, silftwy SCi6nC6 and dfSCipli~, and msta3rolo~. Tlu ody authorfty row the payment ot 50.00 we oapita by the Hat6 to junfo~ cone 68 Is the anthart ty gruat68 fn S6Mt13 Bf.rl SO. 163, Acts 1942, $ 7th. X,6&, pari Of Vhfah 18 aodlried as wticl6 28l5j-1, Vsrnon's htUaOtat6d cl~ll Statute* 0r 48,``. Part or raid seaats 9111 made as rollova; a,a3atioo 1. There shall b6 approprlst6d bI6uaIsJ.ly fr6a mnmyr In tb6 Sat6 Trusuq tbot oth6mfIs6 approprfatrd an auount rufffcient to 6u@pl6mlt lo6aL runds in th6 progsr support, &a&n- t6IWlO6, op6ratIon and lz8proY6mnt ,ot th6 ?ub&ia -0P COll6g88 Of fUa8, vhfch Ob6t th4 StS&6rbS a8 h6r6l.n prorldad; rurd said sua shall b6 rlloaated On 6 basla aad In a -6f h6refnrlteo &WoYM6d. *seaa . .Yo b elafglbl~ fez uato MWLYO a proporttanato shan 0r thfs appropriation, a Public JunLor mlkSg6 rulst b6 a6CMdited a8 6 flret class Junior Collsge by the stat6 Dcrprrrtmnt of 6duoatign, und ths skte Dqawaent or muoatbn 1s hervby author?rsd to wt up -60 and provIslc+M by vhlah PublSa Junior Colleges pay b6 lnspeot6d and accred:ted. And providsrd further that to be lligIbl6 to partlaipata ln 6ny bLenula1 appmprta- tlaa, each PublLo JunLor Collegs shall OffOr a rLn- of tventy-few (24) s6alest6r howr or *0crt1t?aal 3 OP t6S"JS&d OOUL’ WS. md proYld6d rWth6? tit ln oml6r to b6 ll&Ibla to partfoIpat6 In any bl- 61ualal ap rqwlatfm 6aah Public Jualar CoUsga 6haU hav6 oomp P led vlth all *tisttng lava, rules 6ml M@lbtbSlS OY6e the 68+.4kb&trhPlrat rad 9d.t4tO- nanao or Mb f la Junior UolLag*r. It rhru ba muda- tory that 6a6h laatltutton p6rtlalpatIng La th6 fuads h6rvIn provLd6d she&l1 aoll6at from 6a6h pupil anrollaa, mRtrlculatSon and othw astrfnn i608 not lsss than the 6amnts provld6d for by l6v 6nd by other atata suppoa-ted institutions of higtmr l6arnI.q~ I ’ s?n. L. A. Woods - ?,a 4 a8 provided in Articke 2654A, 2654!3, yrd 265&C, Ra- rlaad civtl atetutaa or rexst. *36c, 3. . . . Prmidad that each of the rbov. Public JunLor Collageb ahall qu@llfy vithim tha nquframenta of thla let) and wovlded furthor ‘that ttm fuuda here appropriated ahall be dieburred to end dlrtclbuted w the ?ubliu -or College8 whlah uu8lLfy to neelrr It Qp tb baa18 ot fifty 00) Dalla&Ya per caplf4 for esch Tull trae a ‘Ezat p6r 8ah 0 lwtie ynIP# and pco*idlq that ‘full $Im student’ aa heretn uoed la defined aa a ltud6nt do- fLftem (15 aewat6r hour8 of work, and that ttn twmbw of ml 1 tM6 atudente enrolLed in say a&o01 to be benefited bJ thla Act rhsll be datwdrmd by dlvidLog the total number of amater hour at work camled w all ltudent~ oi fhs whool, ls of ~ovembor lat In my ftecti year, by fitteam (15) .- We call attsatLoa to the provlaLoa in the Bill uhioh ppovider that eaah “junior aell6igo ball offer: a si of twelxty- four (24)~ lmrtelr howr al ~ocatlonal ax&or tamlml CQWMI” uxl to the p~vlalon Mioh provider that the funda appropriated ‘ah611 be diaburaed to and diatrlbutad emorq tb gublle juetor collegoa . l . an a brai 0r fifty ($5o,oo) dollsre par capita fo r sa o hfull time rtudent p a rlaholartia y o u, a ndp e~h f h g t&et %ll time student’ iu heac)Zn used ia’d6ffned as a student doing riftoen (15) aaaeate~ hawe of York." lie undaratud that the vomla ‘a etude& doing llftesa (15 rePrater hour8 of vopII”.wena a student taking claoeaa tha 1 tot&l 15 houra a veek for a ameater, a emetsr berry a ten of 18 veeka. TImWow, b atudent dofag 15 s&water how-a of work vould attwd claasaa for a total of 233 houra, If he ampleted hla VoFk. Xovever the tmlnesa under tho Oovornmoxkt contract lm qwrtion tab oaiy 240 howr of worlrj ti, thecCrfor0, they uu not rtudenta doing G remmiter, houra of voa?k. Uo be1i.v. t&t a readS.q of nld entlze Bernto till 163 8hcw8 milt the trunode tnuag uork In t&a juni.or collegea undslr the term of said Oovamnt contraat we not “fill tima ltudmta” wlthkn the mew of the Bill. A reailing 0s tJu 6at1rO Bill8 ahovr that )a0 ltu4enta r ’ x~rr. L. A. Woods - Pry;0 5 referrod to In the Bill are 'collage students* Ln the orUIna,-y sense of those mrda. Ther e~orornment lrlatlon tralnma are not “college students” at that term ?a ordtrurl~ used. Uh~n vo take into ocxaaldemtion that fact, and the further fact that they ape not *full time atudsntsw w?thln the defi- nition o? th6 at& uo do not boliote tho LogL*l~tum tn- tondod tht aucb trdne68 should be inoluded 4mmg those studenta on which the $m.OO per capita paid by the Stats to the Junior eolLqea is c&leulMad. Our, an*ver to y’ouc qusatlon La tihat the Strte Dqemtuanl of li&oatidO is not juat~led In aorttify* to tha State Ccmptrollor of Public Acoounxa payment of z.O$eper y68r foe those ~raSnoe8 mcedt* lnotructiom UJ terms of the Fedem Ooremment aontract Umuut whiti you bak. y~tare very truly .