DocketNumber: O-5047
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
h : i, OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN You ha+0 repuer tblr dapartmnt ae to tba oonetltutlanall 55 and SiouBeBfll 623, omgaahnblll~n mu, a8 mou UC1 prorldod ln tho lmr g e nooyk ue le a & a ll b o k no un a e tb o o o ua ty Oo lP lir o lo n8r r tbu 1ilPltaot uld Couuty ltablldrPrento are barrby mathor- and oreate rortrlotedMllltary Zo ne8adjaoent to lmb Iultary eetabllmbmont. %l%c .5. Ziatat th e&alto o f rraldMllttar Zfmo8 & a ll b o r o t fo r tb in the J&tauter o f sa tx Co ur ta t that qprqwiate slgna &all be plaeod by all ~cmliuop paesa$wfaya lcmdlz~ iuto said Zon08 &owing thst swh Zone8 pro rastr'ioted lr t 8ua hzo a sr a a ll no t o sto nd mo r e thanwe ml10 f’rathe bo&yllm8 oiOzay lulimry 0*tabll*bmont. "ma. 4. That the Comnl88lonor8Court shsll by authorlud to s8tabliah rpolti rsgu- lations ror rwh tonar aI to 8pnd or totor ta- to be oontrulf to pub110 latorsst and that uould interfer8 with tha *av 8fforta. tharixed to ssnparer the olvllloa or mlliUrr gusrds at 8wh lllltu?y lstObll&msmta to ~a- fo r 0th 0 sr o g u la tlw l8tOblisbOd a far 8u0b nlll- tarr ZOMS. arrwiation or Ye bollevs that thaw billr are rlolatlvo of &tl- 0`` I, a00ti0n 28, ~rti0x0 IX, s80tm 1, and mi0b III, Saotlon I of the ComtltutSon of l’mm, uxi of ANdole 1 wfofOuPPIIUlG&. Tho8e law8 are sat out 2.ntb0 fduota- twns rh.wh follow. In Rx psrte FOlran, 93 Cr. R. 4031 248 8.Y. 343, the Court of t2riaiz.UAppaals held invalid l mnrl lta tuto pm&lbltl.ngtha QperIWC8r& Of eWmU.8l a&Or, VehUlo8 upon ths pub110 hlghwayr With lOsd8 in 0X0.88 or a orrtan uoigbt or width, but #parrring tbs Stat0 EigW8y Dfqsrwat to is- 8us SpOQl~lpsFmitr in writing to lnor*&e 8whrsdgbtfW width. Befomlng to ths pr6vl8lons of the statute ooxU8rrlmg 8uohpOwOr upan th~Ii&hu~D``t~eatthr Court uldt lIOnarable Jaak F. Rldgevay, w 3 “A 088u rWd%~ Of this QUOtatlQl 844E8 to MAkm ~tent the f8Ot th4t it 18 SO obnoxioum to 84OtiW 28, wt. 1, of OUI Canstltutlundeny- fngtOth4 kl;iU~tlWSth4 r&ht t0 d414@4tS g" t0 SLU$XIti l 18V, a8 t0 r4QUiF4 IlO w- . Suld 84UtiiO.U Of th8 bJUtltUtlW in tWM ~CW1&48 that DO VW Of SU8 3.4US hIthi tt$ 8-1 b8 WWOiSSd lXOept y br k@iSlA- . & th18 ~OViSiOlI t&U in th4 hIlStttUthlIJ pior to the adoption OS th4 one nw in r0lr04 m this Stat8, it l'4dl "'lo lt4r Of SU8mndLog UUS in th%S btats 8h8% 5" b4 4X4E418ed 6%04pt by ti.Wk&S- ~tUP4 OF it8 l‘lth OP itJ.v “It vlU. be observed t&t tb, VW& (or it8 Wtharit~' 4r4 M bng4r a pu't Of th4 fmda- Yam ull Of OW St4t4, @ 48 h4ld w t&&S oourt fn ~?JKpart. &NbS, 38 Tex. Or. 8. MB, 45 8. W. 89, aad bf tha &apena Court & thie rtate in ~awau v. Dentan, 63 iex. 01v. w. &!l, l%? 8. U. 823, tblr re akd any luthw- lty to delogatu ltr power tc rotafwe 4xlstl8g la th4 L8g181atur4.m h pWSieIl@ w tb U OOM tit’Atia r r r r ;llt7 Of l *tit- ut4 aeklag th4 rri1ura to lr o o tsire 48OAp48 &I Omf~O4 rlth upwUfloatlenu to be proaul@ted b7 state SW4 l&w- shaal a p4na3 Orf4W4, the was dowt Dwk4ry '1. atate, 93 or. R. P2Oj 117 s. Y. 508): uTb4 nat of tb.&S lav 18 aotto oowpeloa# to hVo (r fir. 4804534, but that dl uUt hsve thU bti3t Wm’Qine to S~iilMtiOnr vbioh 00 antnltt~niathe zCru,batrbiohuutb~ pawpared rurdpubUdMb~aaeth~ thas the lau- askang body. lroap48 Would b4 SUOh 88 th a th t 8lSSh a titi p 4 Pt Of it, 1.8. t-h k6 idUtdOb r a c rOtW flp 4 Oiiia f- tlane P404484l’J, al&t be obaqed, modified, add- ed to, or taken fro8 b 8 power oth4r than the LeLaglrlStur8, 8t the Vl 1, Vi&, W Whira Of 8UOh :~i$8?$ku+??~&&f%lii?l``?b~- that th4 4atlre v vould be raadered iutile. thr St&484Zlt Of th4 O(LII4U4W to - Wlf- ovldent the ~OpOSitiOn that th. bll udl4r d&S- OU881oP 18 ULltt4lUjlt t0 d4bk@t6t0 th4 St&O fire Oarlhai th4 pOWOr t0 SO w, UWkO, Or thtig6 tb4 424186nt n400884ry t0gw4 4fr00t t0 thl8 St&tUtO, A8 t0 TOllder th8 aOt ObnnriOus to tbe Qml.8tltution.’ Reot10n 1 of Artlelr If ot the aonrtitution dba~.Sr %h6 p4VeVS Of th4 6oVOrXWat of th4 &nt4 OS funs ehdl beg divide4 late thvee dlstlnat d4partasnts, u4h of vhloh 8hall b6 oonridad to l separate body of ~straey, to-Wit Thaw uhloh -8 bgirlative to cui8j tb.0.e uralah a-0 b8OUtiVS t0 UrotbS’, urd th080 rh;toh WI Jud%- oial to 4noth4rj &and310 person, or eoll4otlon of&er84M,b4* Of OM OfthO &pdWtWfI2tS, 1 4X4FO18. Wj ~62’ &U’@4&‘`` 8tttWh4d to 4ith4r or the 0tb4b8, 9mb4pt iit3 the bsw4r h426in Upr988ly p4PlUttt4’k~ In 8tephmnson v. Wood, 35 1. Y. (%d) 794, the @alvor- t0a fiO&art of ClVll Ap a18, pI88~ UpOn th@ W&id&r Qf l Stat- ute 8tt6qting or legl8lbtlvelatiborlt~upon tiw Wee, to QUAp” Flab and ~StiW 0&8l1OU, s@ldr “Ap g e f ins limtt~ la th tnt thlattr ao rn thgts lSPOftthtijjiSl~tUZ'4 6 t0 00& W o nth 4 a o is- riS$iOWr~ authority t0 dVtW&%bV 36 V a @ USi- d6r vhst oiroumetawer nnd oumWA4a8 the per- 848810n Oi 84b48, ZLOtiS,&d tralf1800 tk# VlhtWS BWltiOn*& did.1 k?OO<Ut* & pW& Off6l&86, i8 in viol8tlen of artlol6 3, rwtlon 1 oi the Can- StltUtiW Or thi# StlLtO, Wh%&A 43~408813 QVtddB8 tit th4 ~4gitlhtiOIl Of thiS Stat. m r 6 V48t- ad In the ~@JlSttU'e Of tb4 StSt,s, m b thsoe- fore void &nd unenforaeable, "Ibis OOJltWitlOJlOf@ -tS should bo SUStSti. fhattho &glS r turehm aopavor toooatw ~oa80~881On, bureeu, or went or th4 atate the povor to maks a law im uell settled In this rtbt , not oPlf by the provl- 8lon8 of art1010 3, i 1, of t&a Cosrtitutian but b the u~lfoa'm oplnlaru of our oowtr. ml0 I 0 3, 1 I, at8t4 aorutitutionj it LmsUo, 87 Tu. Cr. R. 276, 915 8.Y. 21 Jann3.nv. St&to, 42 Tax. Cr. 8. 631 51 S.U. U26j 62 8.U. 119 55 A.L.R. Jb996 Am. St. Rep. 821
; Stoekdl v. State, 116 Pox. 59,, %?I 8,~. 932,12 A.L.R. 1
.116~%x part4 Wtdmll, log 24x. ii, in b.u. 953 ate0 v. swhh4r, 17 tax. 4411 CrO88WU V* balv"8toB~ 112 Tax. 303, 257 B.U. 810, %6 A.L.R. l210. In Rx pwte ball*, 87 Co. R. 4762 2%3 S.W. 227
, the Court of Criminal Appwls said: *The povor to aakc law 18 plaosd b;r the yp~TJ,throu@ the aoartttutl6n,upon the 4- . Tha rl&tr of lndlvldualawe guard- ed by restriotlona touahia(l the 0-t-t aad publlaation of &MS, and th4 prfvl;leiplb al- ~ordod or prosesUng by ptltion or appwxww b4fOPS th4 iCgiShtiV4 OOWIitt848 OppOOit~W t0 propaasd ematmmts aftsot tb4 pop4rty ‘or tha or the oLtltbp. A ocPpleted lw, ii &WB’d In it.8 iffeot, SUSt daWaa th4 8Ot DC col8814i¶ denouwed 88 Or-& Vfth SQL0 Strulsnt of, 8U4h 88 th4 11V6 StO& sanltiw7 oammi88*on, the power to aak4 cul48, th4 aon4b8uvur@4 Of okt4.b 04U8t%tUtOS 4 Orhl* iI OffOMe, it 18 dewed AW688&'7 that t&S ~gi8~8turo define the peVa,r and plaoe lfmita- tiozm upon the authority to prfaa~to W%48, to th4 end that t&47 uy Bat bo laokln& 14 tlm WWO``i;l d454Bt8 Of 8 UV d4BOUWirrg 119 Of- &a&n, in & part. Ullaoth, 67 il. Y. (Pd)18$3,tha 88~ Court 8Udi 9h``b2 r0r th0 0s~ h8v0 w8rrbd tu8 oourt to m8nyjudlot8l d8olUoa8 or th8 rar- 81 aal 8trt8 OOurt8 in rupport or th8 ocama- tioathattha ordumrAo* lnql&rtlc?ndmls not OHbad aguMt th8 (pw8l rule uhloh dael8ru th8t th8 tha lm8Eyb&3 b8 d818mt8d t0 Otbcr8. The OUe8 z Oikd CW % gz%Ist tit8 t0 =ttW8 Of & O&Vi1 JlatUF8, ti M thOS’8i*O IhOt 8VUkbl8 88 mO8d8Slt8 in FO- g8d t0 8 ``81 Ofr8M8. 8&20h oi th8 Oa888 Oitd Whi8h 8J3~8ntly 8U8tti th8 68-@&6l¶ or pow0 8x-8rron tb rwa aowt, in whiah th8 rId8 h@8 bo6a Fe- t0 8Qu d8p.8 in 8ooctrdwith tha umounoomantvt t&m&QII’.~ aootl$th8~al~agt~t~ i&H88*V: iyouw ‘!@h8 ,9?82UC& iot8P$P&wOIi Or th8 Fllk &8 nOt k8a rdllOU8d UiIdW WiY oi th8 8t8t- Ut88 oi dOOi8iOM in tb&8 8t8t8, JW’tioUlbPl~ In thair 8ppuo8t1on to tha paaal laur. Th8 8t&UtO8 ~l&ocrblO -8 - f&lOWing: f’m do8i@ ai 8Moting thi8 cOd8 18 to t&r&XI8 in 9u.B b~8&8 8v8?% &r~88 8&uMt th8 a08 Or #ii8 bt8ka Ud dr%X t0 08Gh Or- r8n88 it8 PCIpW p unlrhunt.’ &rtlOl~ 1, F.C. “‘fn OPdU th@t th8 8y8tU Of w &U t.B rOPO0 in thi8 bt8t8 Uy b8 8Omphte Uithin it- 8df, 8@ @8t PO 8#UtU Or rWI??ou;t,i~it- t8t). 0%’ UBn?ittbR, llyy b0 a d8GbF8d th8t m p8P8OLl ptAh8d roll lnjr AOt W OEl&881OZl, kUd888 the 88M i8 Ud8 8 ptbd OrrOMO, Urd 8 &W%itLty 18 8rriX8d thbEb- t0 by thb Wl’%ttOn %8W Of thi8 btlt8.’ &tiOb 3, P. 0. It will be ObwrVed th8t th8 bilX8 b.F. WE’ OOB- 8ldrZ’~tiOIA attenlpt to G@llfO? Ugosr. 0~88hWk8r8’ OOW't8 tb p-r to PlJu, chaago and 8lUwad th8 law, to Oeatrr WOn thu 18girhtiV8 pOV8?8, ud t0 8rrix 8 &38titY tQ &tit8 Uhi8h U8 not m8da &18x Orr8M88 ud dOrUt8d in p&at -~8&8 by &ii8 orlmla8l Er Of tbi8 bt8t8. PW thb P808058 8t8tbd, tt 18 QW lalon thet uld $8Mt8 Bill ll0. 29 Uid 88ld &OU88 Bill Be. 6 3 -8 "x UOM8ti- tut1oJw. xB vi8~ Or 0~ oplnlm a8 to t&o eeaetltutloaaltJ Or #b bill8 08 8 UhOib, it b000W8 UWOb8 toEW8WQ5 th0 00mitutlOdit~ Or &OtiOM 5 Or th8 bl -3 80 r-8 V@?Jtrw