DocketNumber: O-5041
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable f. Y. alllir?rr Coanfy Auditor Tarnnt County Fort worth, Taxar Doer Slrr papnent OS tar to v&e&her or opinloo of the Coxdssioners Tore perniosiblo ti aollaoot lfi8tallmed planr g*~0mmlnt of dsllnquenb taxer ocald ba aolleatd wbioh otharwlso will not bo oollbote4 or pla.'J .. . 2Q6 Ronorablr J. !l, lIllllarmo, Page 2 ~rotfono 1, 2 mad f at Artfclo ?345a, V.A.C.Y., prorld~ 80 rullowor l?a o tfP 1 a.On end aftor July 1, 1937, taxpayer8 aulng dolfnqucnt !Ttotr and oauoty . trx*o, covering b o th raol lotlrtc, and gerwasl proparty, shall bo prrloitted to pop ouoh delfn- queot t8200 In portlol poyacnto u&or l lyrt6m rhlah aholl be herr?noSter yrutiard for. *seat; on 2. The Aoooowr and CalMotor of Tax@8 Q? @#oh oounty ot this EXoto shall crest8 and lnteblloh a portlol poynant or inntollmcrrrt roaount oyotem rheroby lll dollnqusnt trxpoyero daoiring to pay tiboir toxso under the ~irovlslrmo at tbls Aot may do 80. *soot1 cm 3. All poymntl, reoelred by the Aoo6rwr and Colleator of Toxoo under the pru- vlolooo of this Aat shall be due and payable wlthln twsnty (20) ikontho from the date ai July 1, 1937 nuoh poyscnto being duo and pay- able in tsti (10) oquol lnatollmento, providod that the flsst poynent ot ouoh psrtlol payments &hi31 bo uado oa or beforo Septeder 1, 1937.” In Oplalon Ro. O-4545 to Dan 0. Joakow releoood OZI ~prll 29, 1942, this Deportnont ruled that dalo 73450, supra, rao no lower in faraa 6fia 6iieat. A ao>y of oald, opinion, ihlah aaowero ym.r flrat qurotion, b, enolosed harodth. nit41 resmot to tbo lrry, aooroomnt end wllootlaa of taxes, Uo Logloloture boo onaoted opooifla low8 relating &th; ;mGajdura to k fallawd. Artloleo 704.b-7359, Tltlo In the lboemo at l l pO0iri0 law mrmlttlng tko per&d ~o&l;nt of toxms, ouoh am &lob 73450, oupm, tbo Tax Colloator io not gormittod by.lar to eclleat taxer on o aonthl lnotallmnt basis. In tbn first plaot, the lrlotlng let8 wI th roapoot to the huidllngoi the tax money a6llratwl, t&r iroulag of rmooipto and the mokbg of the nquirrd rrporto do not aont6mtphee mad ~oonnot bo nmdr to apply to taxer ool- leoted 00 0 monthly inotollnent boolo. . .I . Honorrbla J. Y. Wllllai~, Pada 3 In an opinion doted May 13, 1936 to Willard XaLou&lin, Crl&nal rlstriat Attorney, yoco, Texeo, (Vol. 371, Attorney 53nerral*o Letter Oplnlono, Sag* 745) the Attorney Oenerol adrlsrd thet the law prohlbltsd the tax oolleokr tram morlving pwtial payments on taxes. We quote from 61 Cornuo Jurls, P. 965, as fbllowo: Vlar law 0ralnarll.y lntonda that taxes 0b0ii br mxa in ital 08 on* time, 804 ~000 it lo otharrlm prorldad by statute, 8 tat payer oannot tarrlor a portiar ,ot tha tax due and dcwinnd a roaolpt thsr8ior, unlroo ouah port paymew lo authorized by otatuto, **** ‘In the oaso or Rlohey 1. Xaar, 112 Texoo 493, tla t?upraaile Court, aprokl~ through Xr. Ohlrt Juatloo Cureton ,’ aaid: Thllo the eonerol hrlo in that taxer must be paid in tull et ona time, aud unlroo otber- wlw prorlded by otetuta a taxpayer oan not tondor a portion or tha tax and dcmwd a re- oelpt therotor, yet this rule 10 subjeot to mow aalifloatlaa. T&J oltlxen olwaya has the r 4:ght to pay the alramt at any one tax listed agaimt hizaz or, 80 held in ume jurlo- dlatlono, to psy the tax m any one item or pleoe of property *blah ham been separately aosoooed, rvithout ottrrlng to pay the taxer on other parts. 37 Cyo. pp. 1166, 1165; 27 Auor . h I&S. Enoy. of Law, pa 761. ” l** ,. Slnoe the L``lolature ham emoted opeoiflo laws with rospeot to ti manner oi o&laatlng rad handling of tax mamy ana olnoo thrro lo no law authorizing the Comlool~rol Catrt to looua a ortk pmrdtting the paynet of tax.8 in a diiftrtnt monnEt, w BZOof thr opinfo~ that Comnloslonoro~ Ooart ot Terraat Coanty is without authority to outbrioe the tax aalleotor of Terrmt County to wlleot taxer on a mmthly lnotal Imeat baolo . Tours vary truly APFROVEDJ~ 27, 19h3 _ _.._,-. .-; LS:lrr . i Inol.