OFFICE OF THE ACTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable J.:A. Hill, Pre~ldent The We& Toxar State Teaohsrs College Canyon, Texas Dear Sir: we lravsreo4 r of iroaentdata in rhlah you a8k th4 opl~110 tmont 0~1the above 08ptloadd QU48tA6tl. theUnlt4d Sta ohrrg48~.ofthe State. The 840 1 322,.hOt8, 4jrd Log., B.S., Ch. 596, Thhis~bill fixed the tuition. to bs 441. 8 ~OJ$i#t)9ing ill8tatO'%U8titUtiOM of and made no exompthu. Said bill proTid.8 "Seotion1. Tho @ve?ning board8 our the,~84T4rti iniBtitUtiOn8Of 04114@at4 renk IltIppo+&in . wiloleOT ., In pal-tby pub110 fUS3d8appropriat4d frQlith4 Stat4 'Prea8Ury8hall oau80itQ be 401lOOted~irarP8tud:Ont8 regi@iering in 8ai~10$00& aPtor SsptseSr4r1~,1933, tultibn atth4 folL~n$ng rate4: 11 . . . Honorable J. A. Hill, p8$4 2 "Sootton 3. Alllaws and parta of law8 in aonfliot *riththe PrOtidOIi8 heroin are hereby repealed. *. . .” on August 22, 1933, thi8 department rendered an QMiQn to Rmorable XL Y. Bsaadlot, Prseidant or th4 UniTersitY of 'J!4%48, whioh held that &AI`` BQ~ 322 (tit. 26540) r4peklsQ i3X6e Bill 182 ai the 38th L4%Isla- turn end Sglate Bill 66 of the u8t Lsgielatura,,1st C.S. Within a few ~4448 artsr th4 abow a~ti0n4~3 OpilliOn WaS the flrat 4&14d 8488iUn of the 43d rendered, Legislature pa884d Rouse Bill 15 Chapter 6, 44QitI4d by Vernon a8 Art1014 2654b-1. SO&On8 1 and 3 Of BOU84 Bill 15 ar4 quoted a8 follcwsr "846tIon 1. Th4 &BYSrAing bawds et th4 84VOrdl tititUtiOll8 Of 4dllO%iat4 ?88k, 811POrted fn Who14 Or Zn part by pub110 fUnd8 appropriatei fropltk8 Stat4 Treasury, am hereby authorized and dlr4Oted to 4qmpt and 6XOlapt d.1 Oiti8Otl8 Of %X48, rho h4V4 l%?#idO&in 2%X48 far a psrlod or not 1488 tklu,twolv4 (12) ~th8 prior totho aat4 of regi8tldion, aad do S-4& 4\lrIn% the Spanl8h-Amsrioan and/or during the WlU w8r a8 nur8es or in the anrod for448 ot ths tmit*d Stat48 during the World War, and vho are honorably dlsehargsd them- f'mn, tram the payment of all dUe8, .#448 MU ohargO nbat804~4~, taCrlUdin%f948 fOS 44rr48pOad~OO 4OUr848i prmIU4d, b.owomir,that the f0r4golng 4X4n@tIon eh8ll not be oon);qrUedto apply to d4po8It8, suoh a8 llb,rary, or laboratory deposits, whloh nraybe rsquirti in the natUP Of a 8e4Urity for the return of or propor 08r4 of prapeety loaned tar the ~44 of atq4sn%a, not to.anr f488 Or ahar%es iOr lOd%illg,board Or OlOthiWL Ths governin% board8 of said instituttions68f and it 8b3u be their duty to regulre every applicant alaimIng the benefit oi the above exeptlon to submit 8atisf.~OtOXY evidence that thheapplloant ie a oitizen of Texas and is otherWi84 entitl4d t0 said 4X4Ul~tiOIl.Th4 pr4ri8ion8 of this Section shall apply to thorrb8tUdMt8 rsho oP4 hersin exempted that have already r4%Ietsa4d and pold their fee8 or tuition for the 193393b sohool t-, and the goyernlng boarde Of 8U4h kXi8tItUtIOnS8TF h4r4by apt)loria& and dirOd4d $4 r4,iuad8UOh f446 CO W &ude& who ha8 already pald 8U4h t448 Or tuition for the 1933-34 MhOOl ``~* FIanorable3. A. Hill, page 3 “SM. ~3. The raot thet the Aot fixing the tuition f048 passed by the Regular Seaslen 0s the Ftvrty-thirdLegislature unintentionally repealed prt-existing laws which exantptedwar veterans and ,oertain graduates of certain high aohools froJxthe p*jment ot college fees oreatee en emergenar and an Qaporative public naoeesity that the ConstitutIonal &&a requiring bille to be road on three srvsral day8 be euspended, and the name is haroby su8psndeb, ahd that this Bat shall take areot from and after it8 passage and It ia so emaot4d." Thus, ths Legielnture in view of the opinion to me$fdeht Benediot pa4aed the above qurrtedstatute. In vi4w 0s the r0wgdn , you are r68p40trtiuy advl84d that under Art1014 Z&j&-?(l'ia Oiti24h'w TOxa8 rrho‘ha8 T48ldeb in thie State r0r a.2month8 or.niWe prior to the aate~or his registration in the Weat Texae Stat4 Teaaherrr6olleg4 Or in any other State inatitutioa of oollogiate rank end who aerred during ths~Woz+ldWar in the artaodforaes of the United States ia er4faptfram th4 payment or all dues, fe48, aud chargee whatspover of suah inatitutioas, except the deposite aad the lodging, board, or clothing ohargo deeoribed in the atatut4. Yours very truly ATTCRN2Y GAWJZRALOF TEES Aesistant