DocketNumber: O-4208
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
. . . . . . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Deer sir: . Wo are In rooolpt of 0-u actor of ii0v':k u I 6, 1941, In bhloh you rocgast tl 01,.io oi this department na to the Epolication of tb TQ f3sXha ifauoo TQX Law to the ?&tete 02 ViXllkm Gil art Svi ,,. ,``akL. ;_ d?ii??’ Divins OzcOutod~ &id trust'nae to trustee:WED to rmn- a son of the trwteo, the trust property of the trust prop- the p~o~mrty was to Tot3trii~tagroo- . oonkirma o&2Inistrationof this trust for tho i -: Honorable George I& Sheppard, Page 2 $@I tern!spacifiod herein, but ehould.thamid Villim Gilbert 3ivins die intcs?A.o~and'laava~ a wldoivor child or ohildre3, tber;meld trust properties shall vost in,his la:$il hcifa~accor+ $ng to.ti:ala\;- of descent and distribution.iti .: !Iaxas,subject tG the co~tinuaC's&inietration.,of thls'trust for the full tam specifiedherelhf .- should the said %lll~ Gilbert.Bloina, art’er. ~.’ attaining his mjorlty, execute his lant irill’ ai .” : : %este33ent,(ozG the'said 'iiilliaai Gil>art i3iViriS" .,.~ shall ufter:attaininghis mjority, hava full'. . xi&t, pozer iii&crut!iority to dis@,ijse'of 'the' trust propoztlas.byv~ill, subjaat to the oon- Sinued .a``z&~iatration of the tru$t'estete‘.for $$a tom .hczainspcoified) devisi&-tie tr’ust propqxtie,-,haroin,raferraCto, aha thax~ftar -die.priortomtho expiration of tbit:trwt, then ..a11 'such.t.r.ust propertics hala by’ the’'%ustde ' .um?ar4his agramant shall vast in.suoh &avisoas nnd benefiqiaries,subjeot to tha cotittiusa aa- .plnistra~ionc$ thi.strust for the .ful.l'.tern .? hcxqiq. .. ‘,. ** ‘. . , !ihe-said~i?illie~Gilbert E)ivinsdied &-Xay 23, ‘1440 cfter .havingobtainad tha age of -&w&y-ona‘yfars,’ lea?& a .will.whioh. provides in paxt,~a``folI~t+``e~. .. in.; *, ... .. . -%3UXXD:~I give, .daoiseand:beGuesth.uzto. sty-6r6ther..GLITST: TiILSC?T BITETS'andtis-sister.‘ 'b~Rk.~I~,``:BI-``:Stshara and shaS3 aliEe,~'all 6f &y-proparty:of.e+erykind lendoh&actor/ ~esl~ -personalfor-otherwisean8 ``hal~tler(sitrlatch,:of $ .~ia.saizadend possessod,]fo be their. co~wproparty', .aavisingthe mm8 to.,thm without ~apy',.cans.t.raint .or suggestion, to ~$a'hal~;~ mnaf;ed,, mtalncd, :sold,.disposcdof,': or o,tb~eer``:if+.~use; .' :as.thoiti~OT~I goo& juogaent'tlay diot&ta. t ,‘!...:.” ,.. :, -Tha.p,rohlmOf f@SsGGing the %x?S inbd,t6IKo tax to a oasa as present& hore,has never been passed od by tho oourts of this.State. Eere tha graator gave to the doccaant the poser of appointrzent over oartain trust proportisa. ii 2 Eonorable,GeorzeH. Sheppard, Paso 3 : - the aeoodcnt inlled to exercise said power then tiuiiier the original tru3t~aSreeE?ontthe proporty~wasto pass to Gllvor .. Wilson Blvius an& Xary L:ilosDivlno. Rowever, the decedent left a will in which h3,aevised nll,of his property of every -2. ...klnBwhatsoever to the s8ee indivi8ual3,Gllvs~,\‘UsonBiv&ns .. and.,&yy Elles Rivlne. Artiole 7117.of’thoRevised Givii~Statutes reaas in pak aa folloWs: . .,. .. . :. ., “All property within the jurisalctionof this Stats, reel pr p?orsondl., aorpozateOi In- corporat3,and any interest there+ InoluCilng property passinS mdor a Senoral pmcr of ap- pointmnt exerclsetl by the deoedent bywlU., . which shall-pass absolutely or iy*wlll or by the laws of aoscont or Qistrlbu- tlon of this or auy other-State, ; . . shall:, . ‘.. upon 02 for the use OS any Person, corporat$n, or association, be subjoat to a . tax fok‘tho benefit of the State’s General Rev- ., .. enue Fund,,In accor&ume with the io~lc~$~.~ _* --. ‘-~classiflcatlon. . .R _... :. : Qf”cour3emkthe abovo*quotobprovkloi-‘of‘I;he will of the dec-3&M is aonstruoa so as to tiotbo an eser- ciao of the power.of appointmat granted hiz~‘hythe donor . but..tilncluae only the said decedent% other property, then the;propcrtyin trust paaaes to the saia Oliver Hlson Rlvins ahd Kary Eiles Elvins under the to&s- of tho irrevoctible trust anQ 20 tax woula~bo due on the acatbof. the.decedenL “~l:aagfacts as to the testator’s intent would.have‘ta’bo‘t&eh Into oon3laemtlon to .doter,-lmwhether.or:uot~he&HmiIed that his will should be au exercise oi the powor of ep.polnt- nent gr&ed him. .. Eowever, a&me that the salC deccaoift&ki ‘emr- oise said pc-mr of eppol?ltnentin his will a,?dthat he oppolnt- cd Oliver Wilson Rivino a& iIaryLY,lcsB.vins, the :3m3 IU- dividualawho woul? have xeoelved:‘the pkopertyhnd :he.feiled to oxercinc the pom2. The question then Is would the Texas lrLl3ritanco tax,iiriiolo7117, supra
, whkch taxes property ‘paosinS.upouthe exercise of a power of appolntnez~t by will .applyunaer the oircuxst3ucesof this csna? .~ 2 _... :. - -- - ,&.-A- Honorable diorza HI,Sheppard,P3ge 4 . Me belleve‘thstthe anmor to this questlo is controlledby.~thacase of Arnold v. Southern Pine Lumbar co., 133 a. x. 917. In that (l3a3pzo?azty m13 deeded to .a hu3bimd in trust foslhis wife for life nod Shax+s granted the,pouer of rtp;olnt3anteither by deed or alll. In.the eveat ~38 did not exercise said po~os the pro@erty viesto pass to her cblldzen.,.she left a wlIl In which,she left aU. of her property to her children. It was contondcd that 'by seld will the deoedeut hod erazclsed ths peer of appoint- ment end t&t the ohllaren too4 the progsrty fro,?:her Sub- jeot to the dcbts'~ofher estate. The court overruled thle oOotaIktiO?l Md St&Cd aE fOIlOV3: . . .q.’ yj. XeUsee Ties given no prororty lntar- est in the lend,-but V&S mroly ths dei;osltary of the nsked.leseltitle, holding it in trust for :._. the real owners of the benofiaial intereot.. _- ., : : *(5).For'uhsn, then, was he hol~ln~.t.hat which remlued after the tsrr&uStiou of the life cstate of his rulfe? ~vldently for the children, .? _. or xhousoever she z&&t Sppoint. Those who tight take by the eppolntzantwere not-then eaeaoeptlble of aacertslrment,car do&d they be %ill the ,.-. power m3~axecutea. %6 ~ri~htwhich W&E. to aolte into eris+ce Upon tne8ggoistmIztbeI= mile '. : 8188;t&erefore,so.contlr``ent and uucsrteln~that it did not ri‘ttaln to the.dignity ck"en .astzte. .. h-encethe olllybatieflclaIInterest comeyaa by,' the'&ed beyond th,elife estatesof Lirg.Sillaoe ;' xqa3that 'conferradupon the children. Tney then had a oxsentrldht 'o? futura cnjoyxakt, subject to be u-o& bytt;?eemsution of the r,cxrerby ...' I::rs. ?iallz?-%e contlwcncy r;hichconironted. .. then was oaa which eli;htdcfeot ~3 e;ristlnSright, ‘ikaer not-one upon vihlchIts origin x%uId de3ca.d. : the 8uthoritiosreferred to upon tha forner ey- pesl this conti2ssncydid not prevent the rami+ der fron bacozlng a vest@. one. Set &xold -L So. Fine Lbr. Co., I23 3. 1:.lI.G.2, nnd.caaas @zara : CitGd.~ ., ._ Honorable George E. khoppard, Page.5 . . by virtue of'their orlRlnal title. birs..ITallace could not t&e augthing Sroz their intcrestac- qUi%d under ths deed, exospt by appointing so100 other person to the estate, .'.'. .; . "The lntdxest whioh one his in an estate .'is neasureo'by the'older and better title." (Undersoorl~ ylrs) ': .' Apply& the holding of the oourt to 'thefacts in our cam Oliver Kllson Elvins sod hkry i!ilcs3lvins orlglnallywere given a vested remainder In the property . subject to being defeated by the decedent having passed the property to a thlrd.partyby the exercise of the power of appointment. ibis he did not do. Therefore ‘tlxprop- erty in this case~passed under the terms of thv.trmt agrae- Inent. The question arises, however, 'whether'ornot the. s8me is taxable ufder the wortlingof our taxstatute, supra
, due to the fact that the power of appoliltmntwas,exercloed, as we assumd, and the property passed to.Oliver Zllson Blvlns and lktry Xlles Elvins because the deoadert did not . -appointa third party. This point was passed on by thr : 5ldrd Circuit Court of Appeals in the case oS.Wear v. Ckm- -.-misslonor of Internal Revenue, 65 .Te& (;iG)665. ‘me Fed- .- eral Lot elso~tsxes'npropertypassing under 'age&ral power OS appofntient exercised by the decedeot by valll.'...n The court stated as follows:_~ _, _, .,' i ; . i Vhat'question is predictted on the law of 'Pennsylvaniathat, 'IS the douse of the power * exorcise it lu such a tuner that the property pusses exactly as It would have passed .lSthe povierhad not been exercised,the property will be treated as passing under the w-sillof the donor.' . . . ._~ : i Vhf3 real .question,ai we venture to 'putit, ia whether the exeroise of a g,cne$Lpo:?-ercf ap- pointment ia a la&ul subject OS Sedersl-taxe- tion, to be neasuredlby t.he.v&e OS property vinioh under state la;ipasses. ii?':iu:thkcase,not from the decedcut donee OS the power but froratho donor. ._ .. R.. . . 930 subject of the tax In this case ~1s the exercise of a general power of appointnent;'The .. Honorible George 8. Sheppard, Page 6 tax 1s not on tha property OS the pmer dut 1s on the exercise oS tho pv.?er1tselS. , , *An&, further the Congress has, ln some situations,powr 40 tax transmlsslonof prop?- erty etfeoted by death even the@ by the'fau of tho decedent's domicile such property lo not part of his estate. Fidolity&h;i.ladclphle Trust Co. v. lZcCau#n (C.C.A.) 34 F, !2d) SOP, @2? .. “. .‘. .: . ., 'We .have not been convinced .thaton the aeath of .theQonee nothing happened lp rospeot to the 'property of the povfer~8. ln xespeot to the daughters' right to the property by the ex- erolse of the po??er. Eefore Its exercise t.he daughters OS tho deoedent, the twice pamed ze.- olplents, had under ~Pennsylvania :Jq:f an e3tat.e in the property'of the povfer. But~:it was a de.- Seaslbls estate.,not unlike the interest of a -. -beneSlolary fn a polloy of l$.S $rm&ice .vi& the insured .has:xescrved, yet has not exerolse$ the right to ohange the bencSi.clary,,melx estate was liable ~tobe whol1.ytake.navzy $roG them by the exe~rolseof the power in J?a~?r. pf others. So long as -the don69 :livcd and retains8 oontrol.over ,thedispositionSp$he aaughtars ran -that:xisk,vihlchpas akin -to-the risk of a change OS -ina .polloyof ,: insurQnco..rot until the donee .disddid ~that ri3% disappear..%Jntil then he :stood:lntheir 3VQY..Tharofore :ltwas upon his .death -v$thdut exercising the .poVwer adverse to ~them@at. ..the estate of the daughters becme :lndoSeasible.. *... And such a .tnzc, we :hold, the -fe,deralgovqrnmqnt, under its sovereign poivcr to -levyta,ses, .may:lfliF fnl1.yimpose upon the exercise-oz,.a,ect- Ing such a change.,.. ,...(I i ;~ Under the reasoning of the above case ,the.Texas inheritancetax would be due untierthenfaots you present. Honorable George E. Sheppard, Pa&6 7 However, the Point was again passed on. The second Circuit Court of Appeals in the ease OS Grlunell Y. CorzissiouerOS Internal Pevenue, 70 Fad. (26) 705, held ccztra to the U&rease, supra
, The oourt held that as the proplortydid not"' pass upon the exercise of the povler.dSappointmnt but’xather passed under the will of the orlg.inaldonor t.hesaci9was pot -taxableas Property passin% under a general pomr of %appoi,ut-. msnt excroised oy the,decedentby will.” (Underscoringourr) Eecauso of the confliot In the t%:oabove mentioned Fedora1 cases the Supreme Court OS the United States granted *awrit of certiorari. See Fielvcringv. Grinnell,234 Up .S, 153, 79 I,.XX. 825. The oourt Btatatia3 So1lo~s.: *(Thecrucial words arc ‘property,pdssin~ .~. under a general power 0S appointment exercised by the daoedcnt by will;* Analysis of this c1.ause” discloses three distinct requisites--(l)-theox- lstenoe ai a goneral pwlar of appolntnsnt; (2) .an . exercise of that povrarby the decetlentby.will; and (3) the passing OS the property in’virtuo of ouch exercise. Clearly, the 6enersl pzvar-existed and was exercised;and this Is notdisputed; Eut it is equally clear that no property passed under the powor or as a result of Its ersxciso since that result was defiaite$y rejected by.the.bcne- Slciaries. . . Yi’egranted the writ of certiorariin.~thi’s’ case because oS~an.e.l.le.~ad conS1ict aith,Uear.~y. : Commissionerof ‘InternalRevenue [C..C.h.‘3d).65:P. (2d) 665, and Leev, CommissioneroS.Intcmal:E6v- enu6, 61 ‘App.D. C. 33, 57 F. (2d) 39~9.``The.rea-~ soning and,oonclusionsof those oourts and.of’the-. ocurt below cannot’conclled..%e are:of-.tho .. opinion that, to the extent of the conflict;the view of the former is wrong and that ,oS..the.oourt- below Is right, cod we hold accordingly.” ~,.. ‘Under the abo-~0holding OS the Su:rene,6ourtoS the United States ani¶the othor.authorit,iescitedherein, It is our opinion that ,the,propurtypassing to Oliver Wilson Bivins and Kary Eiles Bivino passefiunderthe trust agree- ment and IS not subjeot to the Texas Inheritancetax.upon ~, ,.the death of ths decedent, Y;illitin Gilbert Zivins.. ” ;. : _ Honorable qeorgs IL Sheppard,Page 8 i We trtistthat the forogolng is suffiaientto en- / lighten you in this matter. I . I I . i ‘. 1.. . .__ i