. .d . Tho 8aia Rouse Bill x0. .46 3.8lalom ss t.bs Toma Rice Developwmt &en and in brisk it.provfUeo for the leqy and oolleotlon.or.a tax ana the expenaiture..thereof in the prcuaotlonor,snles and advort~sb~ or Tears rioo ana rioo pXVhIOt6 #U&drOr rS802mh in'EIibt%?WiOpEiOnt ,OfnOW U808 ror rlao ana rioe produoto. The AOt lwc%viaestar a rlae develop- QOILtOcDnaiSsiOnOOQOtU3a Or ri'oeprOOXIi3,t0 be QpPOintOd by #a Cond8sbncr..or Boara of AgFioulturawith t&o advioo arrd oonsoat or tha licnate. &I Saotion 6 OS the Aot it ie pro- viae4 that the tax 8hell be remittea alraot to tho woe De- . _.VelOpIWlt 0CEXd58iOn. hur 4LLOl'Bp t0 ~Ul'firot QuBStioII, . therefore :D that the Toxe8 Rloe DovuWpmont Owamlnn%oa %a authord to raaoloe l’nntln 8OarUlnS under the provla~o~ or the Aot. Xt is uotob howeyor that Seotlon ll 02 the Act ex- prossly praviat3i that such Texas Rloe Developmnt comlo8io~ ohall not oonotitute a separate or nor Stete agenoy but Is * a. part 61'tho Ds$nrtnant 02 A&aulture. Ae noted abova, the aolleotl& eve to be made .by tho.COmlsoionor or Agrlaulture thrOu& tho Rio0 DevelOpmmt Board. The Aot itee1.i ooat8lM no 0X9W88 prov%aloM as to the-mathoa o? hea4lintjthe Monet after it hm 'beanoollootea. Ih Seotfon lo ft is provitledthat: wl rUa8 ooneotod hareunder or horebyapproprfated to the Texan Rloo Develop- mmat coFsDinol.on for the purpose of oerr$ln~ out the provl- SiOll5Of thi8 Aat.” But tile us0 or SUOh lantpage a8 that l.a lGekiagem appropriationbee never been teIcen%o moen that the austodg- of the fund8 80 Bppr0pmti8a le.tadreby ohnagea rrm the State~Txvaeurerto the Department'towhioh the epp+prla- tfOR 18 leadO+ The.``noys a8n be depositad with the Btste Troaaurer ana ~614 out'upon w&manta drawn by the ccmptroller snd yet the appropriation be given ?rta Tull meeting. Kor ara there aqnather provlslane in the Aot whiolatwo neoeB- SkW11y.inaon8istentwith the bati* Of thO50 fUId8 in the SQUO mumor thot othor noneye aOlleotoa by the Stats aro he&lea in the abnenoe ot opooial prooi8ion8. Ye wm.54 nota in portfouler thht this Aot oontafne no prov~oion for the bonding ai the Texas Rise lkvolopwmt Coml8sIOa, or any ap-' pointeo theroof, 58 thd pornanant OUStOdllD or theSO'runas. Our amwar to your boooad, third and tOUZ%h QUMtlOM, there- roro, io (IAarrimativo one. . -. . . . - _. . ." ~ Dapcrrbwnt*r Agloultrire -Page 3 . It is not eboolutel$naoosasryunder tha etatuta, Al-t. i+335,R8Vi883d civil %tetUtOS, iOr the head OS the de- p5rtmant to 5Im ololrs ana ecoounta. It is nooessary that the 5GU8 ba aQned by tho.head Or the dopartiaontOr other parson roagonalbleror Incuxdng the ixpendlture. On this point t&e roquilwnentOS th8 COnptrolbr 8hOultlbe 08aer.. talnad and oaxiplle6with. IOUr8 very truly AmRovm OCT 30;194l ATTORNEY tyNERAL OP TEZAS (sigiea) Groves 3eZlers o- BY 8. H. 8. .oxAIma' . ‘.