DocketNumber: O-4139
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Bottonble Oeorge II. 8hop~r4 aaaptroller of Fublie Aeeouttt8 Au8titt, %X88 opinion x0. O-u89 Re: I8 proput~ in Tu88 pn88io(l tier 8 power oi appointment gnated In. 1980 ukd lx e m ir ed La 19U lubjeet to ln inherltenee tu? we am in neelpt or your letter of Qotober 18, 19U, in whloh you reqwti the opinion of thla department on the que**lon nt. w$ la ppI letter l8 folla~t *ltto qttwblon he8 bua rai8ed br the ?u- dtUt8 8f8tiOti 8dS Of ‘hXMkUt8, hXtI8, -8th tar oi the eatete of #n. 8ophle Rer8el rho die4 bn M8y 10, 19U, a m8iWttt # de Ctt\mtJ, n-8, a8 tOWh.thW OrJtOt``~f iIlthi8 Statcpu8ittg under l,P e woer fAppolatmnt, by itP8.8e88e1’8 huhon ~I’8ttte8 in 1990, Md lser eir ed In Mv of thl8 par, bt he& i8 rb- jeot to ui lahorltanoe tu. In ord8r to mom fully oapehend the ue8tiOn JOU i8k W rill 8et Out OWt8h Oth@r PUtitAMt P 8Ot8 rhlah we hnve 68therd Srom the file whloh 7op emIlor@ with TOW letter of opl3iioa mquut. Oa Maroh 19, 19e0, Boxnan A. we88u eXeOUtdd hl8 h8t *ill urd te8t8Witt. PUtiolrat pOr- tloa8 themo i r ea dl8 rolhmt T3Ixmt M to all Of the ?08t urd mdtlw of y e8Ut0, real and por8otuLenU Uti, uhere- ever loe8teU, not hefeirrbwom ~eolflmlXr 4e- vi8d end beqw38the6, x lve, bWi8e Md bequeath the 8eae to Mr. 2. R. 0 4,. or raarle Oowty', Tua8, aad to Ben Wil8OIk,Of Hi118X OOUUt~,&'k8M&8, 88 Trwteo8, to be held by thr WCr their 8WO888Om ‘ ~oonorablrOcorge B. Shemard, Pam 2 for and upon the following pUrpnss6, us66 and trust6, ntiely: '1.. . *siEVRW3i: I dlroot thbt this trust shall temeiAuto at the dsath of my beloved tire, Sophie iiessel,hemtinbefere named benefi6~tszy,and the grinolpel rund thereof, attar h6r aeoaase, freed from all trust, I givs, baqusath and devise to suoh person 68 8he raaf in her last will and tes- t6ment AdEe, de8ignhte and appoint. I reomaend and lugge8t to hsr&nt if sh6shall exeoLte euoh last will and t6staeeAt that she make suoh lega- ofe8, devises and bequelrtsto the ohlldren ot my sister, Phllomena z'omke, then living, or to the5.xdeoemlants, if any, as she may deaf6proper and advisable. If she 8hould is11 to lxerolse 8UOh pow&r of appointment by lxeouting her last ~111 end~testament, then I give, devi8e and be- queath the ~prlnoip81of the afore86ld trtmt estate, absolutely, freed irom 611 trust purpoaes, to the said ohildrdn of ay s6ld 61ster, I'hllomene Hoeske, survivingmy mid wife, 8hare and share alike, and the issue or deoea6ed ohildren and their heirs 6nd a88igna iorever,~6elU 186~6 to taLe the parents share per stlrpes nnd no per oapita. IA the event ai the death oi the children Of Ey Said si8ter, I'hllolaeaa uoemke, without i8- me, then thi8 devise is to s6id ramaininu ohlldren, .sharaand 8hare alike; but in the event any of. auoh ohildren of my sl8ter ahall die leaving law- ful i?;suerr, hlaor her 8urvlvi~&, than the share of ruoh deoeased ohlld shall pa66 to the SUrViV- ing lesue'oi 8UOh ohlld, th6 snAe to be distrib- uted 660% suah Issue, equa!ly, per sitpree end AOt p6r OaFita.- yroa the above it may ba.seen that the testator g6Ve to his wife the powersto appoint by her last will whcsa- ever aha de6lred should take the reminder of the trust fund areated by him in his will. Ii she railed to exsroise the power of a~polntmeat then the test6tor provided that th6 prlnofpal 0:'the tru8t estate 6hould go to Ch6 ohlldran of tie.sister. '216testator died subsequent to the ereoution Of thi8 will. Bonorable Gemge LJ.Shepprd, rbge 3 k&s. Sophie i:eseellxerolsed the power al appoint- ment granted to her by the testator in a will that she exe- cuted OA the 5th day or April, l%W. 'Paragraph 15 of said will provides a5 r0li0w8: "'FIFTZWX It is my rill, 6nd I h6mby we, designate, ttomitt6teend appoint Dr. H. E. kOOS1637 of Texerkena, Arkan8e8, to have and rsoeive CL11 the.remaindor, raat al-drsaldue of the said tru8t estate of my deeeased hu8bend of svery kind, oharaotcr and deeorlpt~ion,real, personal and aired, wheresoever situate, romalnlng upon my death and after the payment of the f@6gooLi;pe- olally appointed beqU68t8 snd d6Vi666. ' alga give, deviss and bequeath unto the 8aid Dr. H. E. &008leJ or Tearkane, Arken8a8, all the mst, mrldue end msrainder of my separate ertet6 end prop6rty or every kind, ohar6oter SAd de8OriptiOtl, l'Wd, ~rSOtlU1 CA& tEiXed$ both in ocmpenutiott and gratitude for hi8 devoted oare and attention during my widowhood and old age.*. Km. We88el dled on Yey 10, 1941, a m8ident a? nonie County, lbxee. We have pointed out the toot8 in oon- neotion with the tw0 dlle in order that it nay be 8een that Mm. B'eeseldid lxeroi8e th6 power of appointment end 8he norPinat64und appointed an individtgl to receive the re8idue oi the tru8t estate .whowee a difterent %ndivldual than the individuals n6ged by the orlainal tastator'to take'ln the event that t'rs.i:easeldid not exercise the power of appoint- Eent granted to her. Artiole 7117 of the Revise@ Civil Statutes of Texas. a6 amsnded in 19aQ prov~dse in part 6s follower 'AU property within the jurfsdioticn of thi6.State. reel or versonal. corporat6 or in- oor~orate,-aAd any ik6r66t ih6r6fA, includl~ property uaeslrrp; under a gener6l power of apw pointmeAt ersroised by the deoedent by will, . . . whioh &hall pa66 ab6blutely or in truet by will or bg the iare oi Crsoent or di8tribu- tion of this ,or any other State, or by deed, grant, aale, or gift m&de or intended to take effeot in poeeessfon or enjoyment after the I drth 0r tbo grantoror doaor, 8h8ll, tama paasb$ to or ror the “4 0r any pemon, oor- jaorotlon or amooiation, bo rubjaat to a t8r for thr bmerit 0r this meto* Chmrnl Rerenuo ?UIUI, in 8000ra~no0 with th8 r0ii0m8 olawi- rio~t~oa. . . " (Und0rroorinq ourr) -rho1939'clmmlaoat iPoluQ0d ror the rirrt tis, th8'lw• "iac,lUdilPg prOp8rty p8*81IJgUILdOr8 gOhO& power 0r nppolatient lXWO18d'by WI. aooodent b will." 81 8rgm88 ‘lragU8g8 the 8bOrO qUOt& 8tiiOi8 ieT I 0s th8 Tm88 fnherltano~ 'pax 8gaiarrt.propert~ pesslng under 8 gen~d pOWW Or cpp0inm8d 8t thi3'tbIOth8 pOW8? 18 OX- 8rOi886 by th8 dOO8d.d br Will. und8r the t8OtB 8UblQitt8a in thi8 0888, the l’O81bU8 Of the t-t 8Dtmt@ Of hEm8B A. Werem lm now p888ing und8P a 0arrrl ~OWW Or 8pp0int8m •%81%18~I bl th8 dOO@d@Ittby W ! 11. Am th0 •X~Oi8a Or th8 paror 8? a~OiatS.nt p888M th8 prOp.l'ty88 Of tb. t&me of th8 de8th or d*OOfMt rhioh 18 in 196l 8Ub8OqWIt to th8 UUibaent t0 tu ‘hX88 fnhrriknO0 ‘hr 8t8tUti 8bOt8 l~ntiond. 2%. 8tt0r w8 r o t&-h el8te la this 0880 8pp8rant- 1~ &8 the pdtioll that th0 tU iOTi8d 8bol8 On 5~0p8?tY pm8ily under 8 amar8l power 0r 8ppointaent 08mwt oonrti- tUtiOti~ 8pp1;l ia thb 08Se bbO8U88 th8 OL’iginiL Will oi tho'ta8t8tOr mting th8 pOU8r Of ``O,oiatRULtW88 8XMUt86 utd hi8 68ath 000Umd prior t;oth8 the Or th8 192@ 8-d. R8at to tJl0 m-8 sahorlt8ae* T8X L8w which 8p80tri08ii~ t8X88 th8 8XOrOi88 Of t& pOU8r SO ~riUit.6. gt8tr hV@ Ii&Or Q888.d \190a ‘!hO OOUZ’t8 Of thi8 the prOpO8ltiOn imoln4 la thf8 0808, but than 8r8 aumorou8 08888 d88id84 bl th8 OOWtB Or OthW Em08 Uhi?h URhOu th8 w~i``rb~;80~ogir0~ or th8 re8alI4J0888R oa thlr The @onarrl rule or 10~ lpplloebla 887 bo round in 61 Gorpur Yuris 1800 88 r0iiar: “. . . B 8-0 8kt88 t&U4 8re lt8tUt8# rhloh tax the eXOrOi80 or the pouer 0r appointment, an4 under.ruoh 8 8tatut8, ii tho haerioi8rie8 nooir8 by tlrtuo of the 8XC4TOi.0or tb’ power, .th8 tr8A8- ror la tuubl8 8lthougb the OXO8t;ioll or thm past Jionorablo08048 H. shepp8r4, P8ge S wa8 b&ore the tl8teor tha emotmeat, whether the power w8m oxerolmd in l will or by d8.d. . . .” In 1900 tba Supreme Court or the United St&w in 0880 0r Ohanler the T. Pelrry, soa u. 3. 466 pi888d upon ~ii;guq8t&oazxer~ ridlar to tin oaa belng drou88bd horrla. m8 hO8dnOttI$0 8UOh.088O~UhiOb i8 iO\urdin SOS U. 5. neportr, briefly 8t8t88 the holding of th8 oourt, ia thEt 0880 88 fO11W8I' -The lmpo8ition 0r 8 tnn8rar or lnheritmoo tax uhdar oh. St%, -we 0r 818wYork, 1097, OP the 8~erol8e of 8 power ai 8ppcfintimmat la the Mm0 l 8a ner as thou@ the .88t8tO p888ing thoroby belonged abrolutelr to tie penon uerol8lng the pow8r, doer not, although t&o pcmr nr ore8kd prior to the 8Ot, deprive the plr8on taking*by 8ppOia-&it, 8&d Who would aOt OthWw180 h8T8 takW the 88tat8, Or hi8 p?OQ8*r WithoUt dU8 pro0088 of In in rlol8tion ob tbr Fourt8eath krMdB8nti nor 60~ it TiOlate the obligation or 8ny ooatr8otwlthla tha protootloa at thr lm- pQim*at C18US@ of the Federnl hn8tltutloa.w ‘Lhora are probably ION Jh York ease8 oa th& QOiat thbre8ro 08888 in 8= the oh&r 8t8te8 Of tb than United State8 put-.t&gether.~on0 or the ludln&$ Oa888 I8 th0 0888 or In Re V8n6erbllte8 B8t8k , 8S Ii.Yv SUP. 1079. In th8t 0888 the Supryno Court 0r Hew York w88 oono8rne4 with 8 dtuation whora a power or appolntaeat had b88a grant4 prior to the 8meachuoatto thr tr8norsr t8x 0r Yew roe of 18Sl whloh amma&mnt provldod th8t property pesalag uadrr the lX8FO18. of 8616 powrr ~0Ul.4 bs t8X8bls. m8 POtit W88 raired t&t the abow 8aOadment UQ8 aaOOa8titutloa8l in 8p 91fiZ1# It. to.8 IJitImtioll where 8 pOU8r h88 beoa gnurt.6 prior to UIO eaaotmnt of the aomlmnt ..beoaum the aam deprloml the t8Xp8r.r of hi8 prOp.rty wlthliutdU8 pr04~088Of 3.8~.Ih. court 8tated as~rollarrr I. . . Ths ma1 grow&3 upon wh$oh tt?clooa- teatiOn o;itiU Ppptil8llt i8 md8 here illth8t the execution by Cornel.iuaVeadmbilt or the power 0r appolatmuit relat86 b8& to tM will of hi8 father; whloh garo him that ptmer,.and that thenfare oterythlag oonaeotod with urd every intersrt affeotod by the oxeroi8m at that power is to bs tig8rd84 88 oarin& under the ad- : i. .,. .~ .._ 635 ``4 ~& tdiOn Or h iliiU n. vM d8r b iit*8l8k t8, aad BUSt be oontrollod by ths lew in o oration titthe the 0r the probate or KilUu & . tko- derbl~.C’S will, or, tkatato~tho point ~88 u&o by the loernod OOUl6Oltar tlw,8p;l41184t; th8t every right of iaberitano8 with ro8poot to the rund pimd and baoasraoomplate borora the pare- age oftthe umadmont c? 1890, aad no right.01 lnherit8nae omo fat? rld8tsnoo by the nwul# Or thO DOWOr ia the till O? cOrB4&iU4 &IAd8IVilt, amI tllmo 18 nothing la l'88p4Ot to th18 tu@d for the amenbont 0r 1897 to operate upon. n . rrpd10 think that the 8Uth4rlty Or ,thO ,ht; t0 %&PO44 8 t8X 04,thr rieat, Of 8Ui- oesslon aontiauab until the tire 8t ukioh bh~ 8xorolaa or.th8 parer 4r 8ppoln?#84at. 8b0ve lxpro8sod 81% OorroOt~ rlewa then It is quit4 8Pp8l'44t that RX'0 tip h48 ll4t bO8a t8kW rithout duo p~0848 all but only in %he 0r p" ordill8ry lXWOi88 0r thi &t or the State to i4)OStI burdana .UpOO the 4itfna by W8y of t-0 tton** Th18 OaM 1(18 8rflFJEOd by the %W York.COurt ~2 mO4lS 84 XWgOFtOd ill 59 R’. It. %lm. Ih8 fb&WBBO JUd1Of81 COUl’t Of bh4484hkU8tt8 in the 0880 of MiaOt V. .6t4VO48,9s If.%'t7& &t8t4&tho x-da 88 r0ih4: It i8 hOId 8Bb 80 ?8r 88 W4 kn4W. dthOt;j,&8+t that' through the 4XOrOi88 af thO POWCtl,8 r&t Oi*8UOO488iOlLtO~&WO~rty LOCr OCEB Y fnt0 lXi4tenSO 8rtOZWWI8, WhiOh pZ4py 4rli map bo 8 aubJnot ror the, iB&TO8ftiOn at 8 tax. Emona v. 418w, 171 kfa8& 410, 50 I?iE. 1033; Croaker ‘I. &h;har, 174, I&%&. ~&3~., ST, e I N. E. 548; In ro~DcmP6 Eotete, 167 Ii.Y, W??7, 60 3:.E. 439~ 6% L h, A. 433, 88 Is. St. Rap. 608; In M C00k86y'8 ESt8tO, 188 If. Y. 9%; 74 M. X. SSOg Chanlor T. &186)(, %06 ll. 3. 466, ITi7 Eup. ct. 560,’ 61 5. Ea. 88%. The tax14 l&=- ~080d a8 of the tliaowhnn th8 8uoOtiS81~n in po8aoa8ioa end lnjo p ent OSOUrt# through tha fionorobleCsorgs !l.!,:hepp6rd, Page 7 Imppen& of the event that detaxmln.6 It." cm or the best statements cf the rule 666 the rwaona ior the 86~ uaa m&de br the Supnm6 Court Of Ki6- con6j.nin the aeae of Eontegua v. Stats, 187 ‘:i. R. 508. The court ateted as roliwr: "1. %e InneYltanoe tax, being a tar upon the transfer or dalolutlon of property or the right of suooe66ion thereto, a30 not a tax UpOA the ``ro~erty lt66X,mag be properly levied upon A transfer which beoomsa stieotlto by 6ppolat- ment made elter the pisr~a or the law under 6 powor grevloudly created, ror the refmon r&t tt:etranrrierdoer not booome otmplete until the appolntment 16 made 6nd 6tthat tI.methe lm $6 In lr fr o t. Matter of Dwr, 187 ?!.T. 827,60 N.E. 439
,52 Lans. Ch. 7
. A. 455, aa 43that. ~09. 5-1 F'atteror Cook8ey, 162 I?.Y. 98,74 N.E. 65C
; Ylnot v. TN66urW, 207.Y666. 558, 93 n. R. 97s, 33 5. R. 2%. (f3.s.)a6; 8dt.h 1. bdAtb COUX't, 154 Xlnn. 508, 145 1:. 1.. 390, 5s L. P. A. I!?. c. 1 868 &JUl. CAA. 1915F, 661.” One or the leading 0(1606on this point 16 the da86 of WaOhoVia Eank k lkU6t 00. v. ZbU&tOn, 186 8. E. 176, by the Suprem COWt of lzorthCarolina. In thet M66, A6 In the oa6e bero'ore u6 at thim time, the pownr 0r rppoint- mnt naa granted prior to tly enaotmnt .of the ntetuto wiilohauthorieed the taxation ai thm exarol6e ot raid power by a deoedatit. ?hs oourt held that prqmrty.paasing untte~r ouoh exeroleo of the power wm taxable and was a proper 8ub Jsot of taxat.ton. The oourt 6tated 66 tOllOW6~ “. . . Ii the right to t6ke psoperty by baqueat or de466 ba not an lnhar8nt or Mtural on6, but a privilege aocorded by the ,CLta?c, F;hloh it my grant or withhold at. it6 pleasure, It roi- lows that the Fight to m&r 6 will, olito exnr- 0186 the power or 6ppolntmnt by tc6tamentary di6po6ltlon, Is eqUAll$ A prlvllag* and 6qually 6sbjeot to the taxin;:power of the atets . . .+ The exerclee or tha power 0r appointment mm under oonrldorrtioa took plaom by the peml6- 61013AII~under tb direot proteetlon or our law6. Honorable George H. Sheppard, YagO 8 Thle would 6eem to bring it wlthln the naob and power of the 6tat.e to tu. . ." The oaec was ravereod by thO Supreme Court of thO United Etatee,In 61%opinion reported In &78 U. 8. 867, 71 I..Ed. 413. The hpremo Court reversed the oa6O bOo6U66 tkie sup~e.Oourt or kmth Carolina htadtuod proparty lglnu without the State of North Carolina. tiover, in r~lenlms th6 Oae6 the Suprsreo Court of the United State6 neognisod the rule Etated herein and Etated a6 rOilWE: *In Orr v. Cllun, 188 U. 6; HO,46 Lans. Ch. 64
. lO& ZE Yup. Ct. Rep. e]iS,and OhPnlor 1. &dEq~ 805 u. 6. 460, 51 L. ld. 883, e7 sup. ct. Rep. 8110, thi6 oourt ho14 that by an sot paesed oub- eoqusnt to the izutrument rhloh Ormated a powOr Hew York Lig h t o f ep p o iq twnt tex it6lxroution without rlol6tlng the 14th A8OndRiOnt.. .* In the o&60 ai St8te 1. Probate Court Of -66x county, 14s w. K. 990, the Buprra Court or Kinneeota UQhEld the r6lidlty or.6 6t6tuto wtilchtu6d transfer6 of prop6rW by thO Ox6roleo 0r a parer of appointment lncludln(l truwren whem the power bad be06 gmnted pr&tr to the pa666m e? thy lot in qU66tiOZl. The roet reoent oaoe that we have found dieowei6g thi6 la the 0666 Of oCIU6AOMEdth 1. Pldollty -6 ~OEtiOIl Coltmblm Truet Oo., 146 8. W. (Sa) 8, by the Court of LQpo~6 Of K66tUOky. In that oaoa tlm oourt h6d betore it a iaot EitUAtiOn 6OMWhat 6iRibr to th OIW b@iOM U6 6t th6 &W66- ent timi 606 th6 oontention Wa6 mado that to apply the in- hOrltano6 tu to tan6ier6 by the exeroleo.oi the pasr Of eppolntaent In a area where the per had been given prior to, the lruotment of th6 lt6tut6 authorida thO tclutioX&of luoh trursiere would render mild 8tatuW Invalid M bsln(l retroaotivo. The OOUX't Etated 86 idl1OWEt E-jutIt O6nnOt be aald that ths Log- lElatk.1~ kyling a tax on the appolnt6ee tAk- lng tbO property 16 in reelltr aaklng the tu .. retroactive and taxing the property of the donor. k6 ~66 said In the Ihnnlng oaee,.the benerioiary had no right to the p066666106 and enjo)lent of the eetato until the dome*6 d66th, thue a new right 06M6 into OXiEtOnOO 86d it 16 tihj.6whioh the 6t6tUt6 &I66 tU6d.” BonortrblrOeorga IT. Shappard, Pago 9 . _ In tha brimi aubaittml by the lttermya for tha aatats lo oontainad the tollovd1~6~atatamentr The law relating to luoh matter la, aacord- ing to our im¶oratandi~,~hereof,oontrary to the riowa oxproaaod by Mr. rSird,.upon the theory that Lha appointso takes by virtue or the original grant, whioh preoludaa the exaotlon 0r an oateta tax onaot- ad after the death Of tha donor or tho power, aa fn,tha praaon6 Instanao, notwlthatanding thm aa- actment or tha pneont law providing ror a tax up- on proparty paaaixl6under a @$m*rd powor or lp- o d tha daaodant by will, an6 polntnant lx o r o ia by it was so hold in the oaabo of IZnltedStates v. Field, 255 U. 8. 259, 65 L. ad. 619, U 6up. Ct. Rap. 856, and Ephrbiw -Waror, Oollsotor of In- ternal xar0nue ror the Flmt Dl8triot or Penirayl- vanis, v. John U. Poaroa, Bxr. at&, of Alrrad Plaroa, doomaodl, 256 Bad. 495, whiah oaaaa are also reported in18 A. L
. R. 1461, at aoq. and rather extensively anrrotakd.* lxamitud the oaae xa ha r e or Uasrsr ‘1. Puiroe, 260 fed. 499, and do not baliova t&t the same in any way touahaa upon tha quaation in this aaoe for the rbaaon that ln that aaam ihe Federal Court was not aonafdering atax statute rhioh taxed the pasoing of property upon the ubr- oiaa or (Iganor~l power or appointment. Ala0 la tho oaao of United Gtatea v. Field, 255 U. 8. 259, the Suprune Court of tho United 8tateo was not oonaiderlng a statute whiah apeolfioally taxed property paaain6 by the sxemim of 8 gmiaral power 0r appointma+ In that came the oourt state4 that th queetlonwas ona of statutory oonatruotion und the only authority ror the taxation of tha proparty pdsalng undar a genaral power of eppolntmont was a regulation issued by th! Cnlted States Internal Heyenus Dopartmant. In paoal~ on thet c:ueatlon,bcmavar, tba oourt reoagnizad the general rula stated throughout this opinion a&l .atatsdae followar *No q.ueatlon bein etI#batqd am to the pawei or congress to irapoaaa tax ugmn the paaalng ot property ,wder teatamaatazy oxaoution of a power or appointment .ctre&ted barore, but exooutad after tho parssageof the taxin@ lot (see Chanler 1. ISolaey,205 G. 2.:. 466, 47s. 49%,47@, 51 2. od. w, 885, b%%,Ewa, 27 sup. at. Rap. 550; Knowlton v. n%wre, 178 u. 2. 41, 55-51, .44 L. a& 969, 395-997, ,tiSup. Ct. Rap. 9491, tba aaae lnvolvaa iwra1.f +Bquaatlon at t.m oonatruotlon of the lo t. ...* By way cU ooncluaioa the Turns Inbarltanoa Tax Law tuea proparty ~aolng upon tha lxaroiae Of a general F&or ai appointmeg srsrolaod by a dboedont by till without amkit@ aat diatlnotlon am to when the power of cppOlntWn6 kg~grantbd to maid dwmaubt. Baaed upoa the abowa author- lt$w, it is cha opinion or thi8 6apartaaat that the tax!Bs Que in this oam, doarite tba hot that the paror or ap- polatmnt uai grantad prior to t&a laao6Poat o? tha akt- utory mama&m6 in quartioa. W trust that tha SorepUg ~511 be luifioleat to lntig h toyn e a?a this utter. Yours ver y tr uly ATTORNEY GENE&L