DocketNumber: O-4127
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE Or THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN on reo*lYed ma oare- uote fro14your requerb have the ant f3tateonu co e bwm mm% in sttlu11~1a8 mot up the 1$&l Bud@, soulb them revingr remaining per% of 1941 to meet the expe~1~08 11, 3941, *ith CoulitJentered into an ha State Degjlrrtsent of Fublio Selfare, a ettaohed hereto. This agreement makea no mention of adUitloka1 ow3e workbre CIPequipment and ruppllea ior them. The bud&et far smith UQunty for the Pear 1942 war not ado ted until Sept. 22, 196 This would hara plrsa befare the cv omisaimers* Court thm ~ment and bhe letta of Wnderstandi~* fro33the WrlfarfiD* rt5entj (Copy att*oBed) before they adopted the budgot for 194ip” . Xi &oh itea8 can be added to the bu&get rt will, then it sboDDb but little bud%*t oontrol really exitis." @a. 8. ‘2. Walters, pegye 2 1 &adrt the holding of opinion #o. O-3962 (l,imit~& ``erafi0o),.M this '2epnrbtent, B OQ9f Qf whleh ir 4nOlOard hnewith, it is our opinion thdltthe oomi6aionera*~Qourt hae 1p0authority to emplot the ease wcWcer8 deaoribed in your letter a nd h a 8Q a lutih4wlty to purohase or aup;l?liea eqaipmpnr%nt for ruab da80 wiid*m. Yinoe the Oo~iseioners* oourt haa AQ aathorfty tQ pe'~:Qu%6OUty tuada far suoh itema it beomsa m,aterlal aa to nhcithamOr not eUOh Items were Qr were not l@ludad in the original buds&b. Fdotlon 1 of +\rtiole 2372~2, Vernon*a Amotsted T4xaa ClYil StaQutna, rssde 28 follonr I Tha 8bove quoted lstiole olrerly authorieea the oemalaaion4ra*~:.~rt to erpenQ oounty funda for the rental of o?floe ~paod.~O~Ohe Old A&e Aeal~tanoe Camulaakm. Th4 8mouut of .OftioeapGi~‘wnl eaount of rental to be paid therefor are Oxearly anttiers tc be dstarmln& by the wea1aelonexe* court in their eognd dlsorstioa, is quote from Artiole 6b9a-U, Vernon*6 Amotslt& T4X48 Civil &tctUt44, 4S iQuO-84; I -. . . ?+henthrtbudget has beerafimll~ spproroU by the Cmafsefonersl Court.~tne budget, a4 appro?ed by the Court shell b6 tiled with the Clerk of the CQUtlt]r Court, Lyletax44 lerled ,oaly in 88oQrQaAOe themwith, 4114110 erpennditnraQf thr iunda of th+ bctmtg 4hs.U th+esftsr bs .zadoexcept In atrlot aompllamoe with the budget 48 edo;:teQby the Corrr%. moept tb4t 4mwg4noy expenditureal j.n6486 of gr'Jv0publlo neQeBsitg, to meet ualiaaelend gm. B. T. xaltas, ~464~3 3 WJforetseen oonditions whioh oould not, by reasonably dilf~ent thou&t and attention, have been inolud8d In the original budget, amy frowntime to time be authorlaed by the Court a6 amendniexite to tze original budget. . . .* A&..~owhat oonstitutss "grave publlo'neoesslty* ae that t&x is used in &tiole6894-11, supra
, dependa upan the facts in eaoh @as4 and is 4 question printarflyto be paaeed on by the ooimirsioners' oourt. See op:nion No. O-1053 or thi0 Department. Opinion No. C-1022 ei this Departamnt holds that the oaaaisaioners~ dourt may leplly -ploy a oounty holae demonstration agant and pay her a salary for the remaining five mouthr or 1999, won th4u@ no provision was.nadr for the,,ruPployment or mmh agent, nor w4re thaw any rutid0 set aal& ror the purpotiefn the Otiintybudget for the year 1939, ii the mm8 w4a a 0480 or *grave publfc A0084aity, tamed unusual and unforesem omdlflonr whloh aould not, by rearonibly dili@mt thought and AttOAtiOA ha+@ been inoludsd fn the origiital ba&get,” end that the dSte~dlWltiOA of this tact iwue ass fb, the oommi88ionere* oourfi. T&s mnmmr to your ,quertion a8 to whether tha eomde- e&onura~ oourt has authority 00 ~qx``~doauntf Sunds fearadditional ofrio spa08 and rental ror tha+jlQ Age Asslstanos Commlrrioa till depend upon whether or not #amo is a oase of *gave publlo neaesaity, to meet uaasual aml unYFore%ernoonditloA8 whloh oould not, by reasonably diligent thmght and attautlon have been inoludeb in the original budgab.* It ia the provinoe of the ounmlssioner0* aourt to Uetermins th&&Ot qU8stiOL Very truly yours