OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable George H. Sheppard Comptroller or Publio Aocounts Austin, Texas mar Sir; TWX letter of t tiona ior deolrlan br’ this EonorabXe Qeorge &I.Sheppard, we 2 aeal0~ exmbuiw8 working outride the State OS' Texast~ abuse BLll 291, Aats Regular SB~IIIOII, 47th Leglrla- ture, provhles: *seotion 1. !Phesalaries of all State officer8 and all State employ&aft,except those Conrtitutfonal State orflaera whose ralaries are rpeolf1aal.l~flxed by the Constitution and other ooapensation of DIrtriot Judges #hall be, for the period be- September 1, l#l., and ending August 31, 1943, in luoh coma or amounta aa may be provided for the LeqlZslatuxein the general approprtrtlon b 2 la. It in speolfloally deolared to be one OS the inten hereof that the Legislature &all al80 ffx % t:e mount of ruppl&mental ealarieo hereafter,,out of dourt feea and reaeipta, to be paia to the olerkx and other euplope8 or the Wet of ?.Wtl Appeala, the Supxeae Oourt, and the ~Courto? Grrdlnnl Appsa3.a. * irhg papent of atQq.flenlen~wlaP~er frtroa court receipt8 and qlerka and other esaployeesof the oouxtm~..oil QWS% A&?p&s, the $upreme Court, and th$ Ootwt of. c*.iainsJI, Ap- peal8 are repealed in’so.:tar,u; they ,ye ,in aonfuot tith thir Ltirt., %eatlon 3. The ..ta& that mladsn or aany Sta$e o$Ylaerlhid ~aiiip~c+~r vets f%xbd by a tlraeMm+the state ma in a honorable George H. Sheppard, page 3 :Etmoo e8perou8acndltlonthan it is at pre- tL t there 8tatu%ea hamper the appro- priatio``aomlttees of'both Xouae8 of the Lee;- lalature In adjuntlng the ralarie8 of raid offfoerm and 0mployeu8 in their uiort8 to balanoe the State's budget oreate an emergenay aridan Imperative public neoe8rlty that the Conrtlt\itlon8lRulerewidng bill8 to be read 011t&es several day8 in eaoh Hou8e be suspend- ed, and the rame 18 hereby rrumpended, and thZe Aat shall take erfeot and be in foroe fram and af%er it8 pasrage, aud it 3.880 emtoted." Senate Rill Ho. 397, A&m Regular Sesrion, 46th LegL8lature, prodder in part am Mllov8a 'In oame of 8n examination of the oom- ~h~t8$;ani.sedundfm the lawn of Puma, exmmlnatrcnkmadebgthel!exam euthoritPa8 .alnne,or jolixt``with the Znrw- a~8 8up?vi8oPyautho``t$e8 ef,,um~ state or mta*eti,'the-expense80r rttcgma 4ama&i&lcn due to '4erar,partio%patiarr~theretn,``,ah8ll be' bornebye the acupny 'mder 8xaaln8t- By- mod8 of 8Ueh sl?jat;i shall al8.R8de 'by tlm oom- itizzz oi the mx8mlnerQ Rflmuneratrcra :+Ld eqmnmS8, 4tUdthe 0-Z' 84Wl8@8 ai’th0 .@9p+PtlWIktOf Ill- man, and all money .3cl$ aaleruoant on forelgxaoompauler $035'.the .aopt.~6t.&taa&u+tLm rhall be depomlted ip’t?w.~8tat~.‘%wutrppby the aha%mmn to the ara&lk’c@ the xnirpmse Examlnatlon Fund oat oS~wbleh’&k3Jm be W vamfiutof the State maptrd,ler of Fabps”ida Au- eountr on veuoherof..fAaenbrLFIilrnOf the Board of In8uranos conmlla81~8; the emr'm re- muneratlan and mpe&e@ .ip the ``muit~&t~mUacid by the method bspeLiiatl;ei~.p~ida~,``~ v’asS.fied bythe$r aftidavitma:agprsved``~the &iaSmum; rprapriated $0x?that and 8aZd miane~la .bexypbr $2 .any,to ptbmab~in the purpoee, the hafurnti- Eonorable George B. Sheppard, page 4 IumuranaeRxandnation Fund In the State Tream- ury *ubbj00tto b4 erpanded for the p!W&40848am are other funds pLao8d therein. Rxamlner~m re- muneration and 8xpenme8 ahall be the *am4 am that whloh would be paid by the home state of a oom- pany under examination to person8 oonduotlng ths examlnatlanof a !%ua8 oompany admitted to do bu8in888 In that state, IS there be no reoog- r&red oharge for 8uoh lervioe, the ohalman ahall Six a remuneration and expen8e allowanae of the 8xaminer8at nuch~reamonable SlguFe a8 he my determine." "Where the ohalmauofth4B0ml8hall deen it advirable he may oomniesionthe aotwry in the Board; the chief exmlnm, Or any other examiner or employ44 oSth4Depsrtm4nt, or8xly oth4rp4rron,to oondu4t OF arsistinthe 8xaml- natloncSanyoumpauynotorgaa;leedund4rthe the laws of Texas and allow them mmpen8at~on am herein provldedi+xoept that the? otherwi8e oo8@4n8at4ddarlngthet18ii?i~t~ a88%gmd to muah Sor8ia;naopiprny4mmlnat%On. tjtabrthan am tlgamprovhl.ed,i+.the~ the a&u- rFyOStheBocrrdCf&81````9``8l`` IL0P zany exidner or armtittmt 8haU oontlnue to 88rve a8 8Wh&f,XfhllO ho~aa~hporltioP, he 8hrlx dlreotly or lndtrectly wrapt from ang lnmuranae O~.any48plop4nt orpag or o4ap4n8atlono~ gratuity on aoo4unt of any merrlae rendered or to be rendered Or esy ae4ount vhatscreve~." The term " employ a fixed and pe~icdiaal ~reman,eratiOn for the 84P 488 rendered illthe OQkWSe Of S ~a~- -Woyment 4 54 Coru Jurr, pp. ll2bll22. The pro- ~Isiona of Banate BlU PJo.397 quoted above do not fix a “*$F&SF~,” but provide a askhod by~uhloh 048@4I+~tiOn fo* (L (~peoial8emlo4, to tit, the ex8mlnatl0n of SoreZgn inrpr- anoe ocqpanlea, eh.sllbe rov5ded. Benedlet t. United StateS, 176 U. 8. 357, 44 L, Rd. &3J~'(ext+asem@enm@i~ reaelved g0 Mmtrlot Judge for holdlq qourtout8ld4 of hi8 dlmtr.lrlat held not part of hL8 oSSlci&l.a@iU$“), lIi&&ted States ~6. Sh4S (D.G.B.D.) 55 Fed. (ad) 38rit;: 383. (Oa~en8stion reoeivedby Court &ler of $5.00 per d&r SqFeaoh dey th4 &HlPt 18 in 8O88iOIlIheldIlot"SBt&rJ" Wkdel'8tat~te poihibiting draWa *al.ary of two or zuorg! poeitionu totakingatopsthan $2,~OOcl.O0 yearly.) ~,.,, 2" Xonorable George H. aheppard, pa4385 PbrrC fi.rStQUOStiCUIi8 *Iut?tw6din th0 MgatfV4, a r ep ly r ender ing to le0mdqUO8tiCllUl3lW088SW7, Your third qUO8tiOSlis anewwed ?q 0~' q~inion Ho. o-1471, a OopY Of Vhidl 34 8nO~O88d beretith: YOUWVel'7 truly ATTCRRXXCfXRRALOFTRXAS RWFImp Eno1.r Opldon X0. O-1471 AFFRQVX? am!. 14, 1941 4+rwer BeXlerm JusnTAHT 1.