OFFlCE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL, OF TEXAS AUSTIN BDnorub1.rRoss Dodghty; Jr. oounty.Atforney UT816idr county- Uveldr, Taxaa Opinion 100. O-&O?3 _- RI: May pamona, offninean un- dlrld~& lntrrrst in osrtaln p?Oparty, a8 wall aa other propsrfty- individually,be entitled .tofull remisalon _ of paoal0lrr and latrrrrt ~andrrEone8'~Bill76,Aotr 1 :. .~ 47th Iagielatura, Regular :. 2>; 8ereion, by only paying 2. the tata8 on the, property I,!;,‘~’,’.,,,- . : -’” jointly.omrd. We’ham raoeired’a r8qurpt iron you for an o&ion i i .-. Tom tpia department. We quotr3rom~your requcrstf : Vh6 rollowlng qurntion'&iii,arieanin this s oounty and har been submittad to ao,b the Tax ~. Oollrotorr Srreral.``peraons. grthor the8 ie, ~thrso pmon8 raoh own'an on- divldeb iity i.n tour lote,:M d lioh of this6 persona am-o.thrr proprrlbf mparatrly . and inda.pmdeatlynom thr.~-othrrrr.. tradarthe86 tcote ID it pirmissibls,to~8llOr~tb.rr.prrsOn~ to puy all the taxes.apon the property uhioh thry all own together end ~to.givathsa bhe .. bmailt or Aot 73361,VarnonL'# Aunotatrd Tsras 8tatut68 (Aots 1943, 478h Logirlstorr., H. B. 761,rslaaaing penalty and interest. Vhe86 pera& only wleh to pay the tams upon that propsrty~in which they all owu an un- divided interest and do ngt pay the other taxer whhichthey owe. !It ia my oplnlon that'Seobion 3.of the , tbleRoadiDoughty, Jr., page 2 above mentioned Aot 73361 answers this question, and that all penalty end lntarest should not be deduatad unless leoh oi said pereons pay all of the delinquenttaxes rhioh eaoh owes. *It seema to be well settled tihatkaoh traot or land in this stato Is liable only ror the.taxa6~agslnstIt,' Riohle vs. Moor, 249 t3.w. 272, and that in Texas taxes are assessed upon. indlrldualsby mason or their ownership of property rather than upon the real estate ltse&, Art. -7lSL ``"18 Is my unijerstanding iron the statute (73361) that under the Iaot situationabove men- tioned that these persons may ~y.~thr~;+upog the property whloh they own together and:Mll of six par sent-,but only hare;to pay a,.:pe.nalty I'would appreolets~knowlngyour views on this matter.(r _ ,.I .A Thd applloableprori6lcm6?bf&tia66 Bill. 76, AO ts ,eglrlature;Regular session; an:" i, 1. &let-ill .zLutcAb ~"seotlo~n~ sk4i``.peaaltiee that hava~-~aoarmedl'~n~.ell~. ad ralorem``and~.poll .'taxes that wera U&Linquent.0~4~: before.- Xuly,,-1, 19A0, &tie . -theState, sny:‘uounty,~--.aosmon~ sohool``dietrfot, road distriot,``leoae improvement.distrlct, water GIL- protemai-+ AlatrIo%; and~water oontrol and improve- ment .distrlot,Irrigationdistriot,and other.ds- fined,6ubdlvl6ion6of the State (and, sabjaot to the provisionsharoinbeforeand herelasrteroontalned, suoh lnteiest and penalties on delinquant ad valorem and poll taxes due oitirs, towns, and rlllage6,~end speolal sohool Ulatrlots,and independentsohool dlstrlots,) shall be and the saw are hereby rs- leased, provided said ad valorea and poll taxes are pald on or before lioorember 1, 194.l.. . . *. . . Veo. 3. Anyone drslrlng to pay at one tlms all the delinquent taxas for only one yaer wherein euoh taxes ari dalinquantfor more than one year shall have the right to pay tha aama but withouti :.: Ross Doughty, Jr., page 3 Fionorablr renrisalonof penaltlesand interest; provided, however, that any parsons arslllsgtheseelrasof the beneilf6 or thie,Aotshell ba requiredto pny ', +.a11 delinquentad valorea taxes due the State and oounty.~onany ap6olrlO pleor or propartyon whleh 6uoh~taxa6are delinquentbefore the peaaltlea and interest my be relea6ed as heniu prorldad; oondltfgped that a 6%~ per oent (6$)penaltyon the totqL;amountdellnqaentba paid on saoh pro- perty.’ Iu our opinion No. O-3657we held: “ noted ~that in Section 1. thin is a geaere~l...zaleaeo.. ~of- 411.~penaltlaa asd lntenst, If payment is made loa or beforeEovember1, 19.90. As ,w YISW the last oleuse In Seetlon3 it do66 not preeerre any part of the penaltyand int6nst tharetoidreaooumuleted. It6 14~ 0r a pudty / ! 16 afresh. While the languageoeed la perhaps i ; not as might hare been used, we bellete thst ~Baotlon3 was6aeant t0 have this errrot: j ‘. ..! (lj if~more t&m one year*8 t6xrs are delinquent, ‘P tha taxpayer aiaynot hsve.thebenoritor thr N- :i : lease it he papa for one year oply, or ii ha pays for any number.of yeqrs 1488 thanall; and (2) ii he owes taxes delinquenton eereralpieOS4 Of . property ho my elngle out cm pisca and pay the deU.nquent taxes 0664444d against it, without :,; paying other delinquentad valoru-.andpoll taxas owing by him,.but.in6uohe eaeoor thee paring only a part ot the delinquenttaxes orb by hi.8 ‘7: ’ he will here to pay a 6$ peselty.. . ." Fj[ .j~ &-y 'Wethink the faots eubPLittod by you brine yomr i~propoeltlonwithin the eioond conolaelonexpressed eld quoted above. You are, therefore,sespeotfu~y adtleod bj~", $K that it is oar opinion that the pereona,rrfrrrrd to ls your request, and under the raote eabaltted in YOgoilr !%I,: ra- : quest,nrquldbe entitled to have the eccrusdprueltieeand p:;' interestremitted end released, providedthe drlinouest ~":~teXaeare pald on or before November1, 19U. but ro6ld '1:be subject to the 6$ penalty providedin Section 3 of b:,Bald HOUSE Bill 76. ~otirquestionis, accordingly, anaware in tha negatl?e. .Yours very tru4 ATTToiZR’EY OlXERAL OF TEXAS &$?&.&qww rl 81 lprold MoCracken A8si686n8 mmw .