TErE RTrORmEY GENERAL OF %=EXAS Honorable C. 0. Murdoch 'CountyAttorney Menard County Menard, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-4058 Re: Is a State Game Warden entitled to collect an arresting fee of $2.00 for making an arrest in misdemeanor,cases i.nvolvingthe violation of the game laws? We quote from your letter requesting an opinion of this depart- ment on the above stated question as follows: "Is a State Game Warden entitled to collect an arresting fee, fee of $2.00, for making an arrest in misdemeanor cases envolving the violation of the game laws? "AHTICLF,NO. 1065 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Texas provides: "'The following fees shall be allowed the sheriff, or other peace officer performing the same services in misde- meanor cases, to be taxed against the defendant on convic- t ion: "1. For executing each warrant of arrest or cap&s, or making arrest without warrant, two dollars.' "ARTICIZ NO. 4024 of the Civil Statutes of Texas pro- vides: "'I~making arrests. . ., the Commissioner or his depu- ties shall be allowed the same fees and mileage as sheriffs, the same to be charged and collected as are sheriff's fees.' "Though Article No. 4024, above mentioned, probably was, and I~think it was, repealed by Article 978f of the Penal Code of Texas, which abolished the office of Commissioner, it seems that under ARTICLE No. 1065 of the Code of Criminal Procedure Game wardens as 'other peace officers' are entitled to collect fees for making arrests, unless the legislature limits the compensation of Game Wardens under Section 7 of Honorable C. 0. Murdoch, Page 2 (0-4058) Article 978f, above mentioned, to such an extent that said fees would not be allowed. I do not know of any law that limits same. And, too, under said Section 7 the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission has the power to limit aaid compensa- tion. Since I do not know of any regulation of the said Commission or law prohibiting or limiting the compensation of Game Wardens to the extent that they cannot collect fees for making arrest, it is my opinion tbat they may, until such limitations are placed upon them. However, I do not have a copy of the regulations of sai,dCormslesion." Senate Bill No. 83, Acts of the 4lst Legislature, Regular Ses- sion, 1929, (Article 978f, VernonPa Annotated Penal Code) was an act abolishing the office of Game, Fl.shand Oyster Commissioner and creat- ing the Game, Fish and Oyster COmmisaion;vesting all of the authority, power aa autiea ana functions of saia Commissioner in the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission created and provided for in the Act; providing for the appointment, compensation, bond, duties and functions of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, providing for an Executive Secretary, Assistant Executive Secretary, to be appointed by the Commission and providing for all necessary Game and Fish Wardens, Division Head6 and other employees of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, and changing the law of the State of Texas in such respect;6as necessary in order to carry out the purposes of the Act; enat:tin.g the necessary matters and things incidental the purpose and subject of the Act; making the necessary appropriation out of the State Treasury; providing that the Act would take effect, declaring the rule of construction, repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict therewith and declaring an emer- gency e Section 7 of the above menti.onedAct expressly provides in part, '. . . the compensation of all divi,sionbeads, Game and Fish Ward- ens and other employees of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, herein provided for, shall be fixed by the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission; provided that the Legislature in each biennial appropriation bill shall fix the maximum compensation to be paid to such division heads, Game Wardens and other employees." Senate Bill No. 423, Acts of the !+7thLegislature, Regular Session, 1941, is a general appropriation b5.11for the executive and administrative departments of the State government. The salaries of Game and Fish Wardens for the fiscal years ending August 31, 1942, and August 31, 1943, are appropriated thereh The Game and Fish Wardens of this State are compensated on an annual salary basis and no compensation or fees are allowed for their services a8 such, other than the compensation provided in the General Appropriation Bill above mentioned. We quote from an opinion of this department written September 24, 1936, addressed to the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, Austin, Texas, written by Honorable Harry S. Pollard, as follows: HonorableC. 0. Murdoch,Page 3 (O-4058) II. . * As none of the game and fish wardensor other employee6of the Geme, Fieh 80Oyeter Commie~ionare entitled to collect,receiveand retain for their pereonaluee and benefitany arreet fees allowedby law, which are aseeaeed and collected88 coets of court,they would not be entitled to retain for their perennaluee any part of the fines or penaltiesasseaaedfor violationeof the pollutionlawe, even if Articlea950 and 951, aa amended,of the Revised Code of CriminalProcedureof 1925 were applicableto crlmi- nal cases arisingunder the pollutionetatuter. While it 16 providedby legirlativeeliactment that the Dame, Fish & Oyr- is entitledto collectana receive the 8am.e ter COmIIIiBEiOn fees and mileageas rheriffsin making arreste,eummoning witnessesand servingprocesses,such feee and mileageto be chargedend collectedae are sheriff'sfees, such items can- not lawfullybe retainedas the personalproperty,ofthe ar- restingofficer. As respectsgame and fish wardensend other employee6of the Game, Fish & Oyster Commission,such fees when assersedand collected.must be accountedfor and remit- ted to the Commissionend by it depositedin the StateTreae- ury to the creditof the proper fund." We are enclosinga copy of the above mentionedopinionfor your information. Yours very truly APPROVEDNOV 4, 1941 ATTORNEYGENERALOF!CEXAS Id Grover Sellers FIRSTASSISMNl' By /e/ ArdellWilliame ATPORNNYGNNNRAL ArdellWilliame Aasietant AW:LM:I&l KNCLOGURE APPROVED OPINION COMMITPE BY /e/ Bh'B CRAIRM4N