OFFICEOFTHEA170RNEY GENERAL OF'IZXAS AUSTIN caru,c- Anwwxv-~ ~RonorebleGwrge H. .Bheppard co~ptroil~ or pubii0 i000wa Austin, 'l'uea Dear Sfrr opiAlon x0. 04088 80: &trama mpart0t0nt0 or A. 6 Y. eoll*gm, ulthln tlm roridona or Dubmotion 3.X ii0~. Bill 878, hrty-"veah Lagldatllm, Begalar 8eoolon, We .haro your letter or ueptwber smh, enolwlnga letter rrftten by Mr. U. 8. Xolsnamt~coqtrouer or thbs .A&- oultnral aad X~abanlaal DoXlege or Poxaai and~aeldng UIIt0 ad- tire you aa to ~uhat~lri8lonn oi A. & if.Colbggs should aomb onduthe prmlaloas of Bubreotlon 11, Rrwoe Bill 878, ?ortr- aeveath Legimlatam, Rogulm Session. i,. sin0ein Botmr Bill gle, the teglslature he8 ox- preso1.folaul&S oertala dlriilioaror the win oollege 211 "UtX8mll.d" - to-rdtt %&iA8UinQ RUOibrOh, EXteWiOn Teaoh- lng, Branoh GoU.bgu OrflOe, 8~3 ?arnmrae ghfxt kur8e - w u8 l&t OelJ te determIne wbat, ir any, additional depart- meat8 may k 'utnnrprclr.' . Webmtarq~Xew fntuaatloml Diotlonnry, Bemnd &l- tlon, ~eiines *dstraawal* a8 ma&lag: Wutold* the ml18 aonduated or aamiag rrOD outaldr the preolnats or (Ialrea in- 8tlt~tloa: 6ald or sauoatlo0a raoSlltles, *to.* By ray or aontrmt, it la to be obsemet~wmi thl8 oame authority wiai6 ulntruural* ar r0xronr8 =@ith%A thb ualla, as of a alty or ooUe ef henoe or oollegiato lotlvltles, ooniiabd to tke nwberahip oi!the ao~ege.w We are ap opI~lon that woxtawa~lc Qepertdmata or A; C X,. College ure those uhoae aoti?ltler are sot aonooraed rlth the st\tdexatsat tha college - those deparkionta whloh are oondaatbd far tha bemirlt 0r the pPblio gonemll or ror the benefit or mtu8 than the aemberrhlp 0r the 0011ego. Into this oatagory, in ad<lon to the departmode lbted abOw, tall the r0udnp UOpwtarstrr 'Pox08Agrloultural sxperlment fstat1oA,ktOASiOA ser~loe,Texas Foreot Senlee Rodont Coatxvl Serrlae, @'ire- men's mlnln& sail001and X"b Qontrol s&vlor. 8upportlag oar oo~oludon In thlrrrespeat i8 the raat that aach or thare brpam#nts 18 or'the baw &8neral oharaoter ao thooe expresalj reaognired by the bglalatun fo ba *extramural,* a6 roll a0 the rtehrr raot that ~ooordiag to the l&tar aoocmiprirylag your regue~t, the eol.legs ifui ror mevea year6 baa ala*rlfl~6 them departmelskta ad-%-- mural’ in its annual riAEA+3ial reportr. ma0m QQT. 9, .1941 /n/ Oravbr Sellbrr FIRESTASSISleBgff AT’f’ORUllp QBWEW.L APmovEDOFIWIOX cowwITTmBY BiW.& -w {I j ’