DocketNumber: O-4051
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
4 OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable 04 P. Lookhart, 0hrinm.a Board of Inaurrmoo Comirr1on.n Austin, Taxa Deer sirr Opinion No* 04gsl ~0t adiri0m 4*00riba should s0t be aonuldored a8 liebillty or rratmni bsasrit rochtg m00t- itr ro1v.n``lullma e.nboat11 a 9 iml judgupot ir roedraW M -* Your requa#t iOr OpialOnha8 bean rsOeitrdAndyoere- tul1y 00nsie4r0d by thlr ll.partzI.nt. fiequote from your r.- quest am rouana lTo x eP a r a telnel ~o o letp 0r , ~lla e,Tex a e, (forwM.y Taea Logal funoml soolsty) la a fkatmael benefit roolrtf lnoorgoratd and operating,purportedly, u&r the provislon~ of Chapter 8; Title 78, oi our &tired Civil stetute8. It bar operated under a Cartirlcatr or Authority room thin De rtment which. ha8 K&W ls;lred, however, and it 19" 8 ocntlnul& to operate under the h6ldorrr prOViSiOnoi the rtatutea uatll a %nml Ca-tlfloato 10 rlthor lasued or l$JeofflOell~denied. “bong othrr romon~, the llrnmml Certlfloete 18 being wUhhel6 beoauee itr rsoords alsolose that at mm t be in the past them was e-~orted- ly lssllsaby the SOoistg: to one BI J. O’keOffa a Cmtlfioate whereby the Society jmr:;ortedlyobll- 38td itaf t0 PRY to cwc~w~ th4 8um 0r $4,167 on a future bate, thr Certitioate being, 88 no are lnforhd, rll~d into the rora of oertiflcclte of nhioh wo are furniahlng 7ou a aopy barewith, *If this obligotloa is to be Oharged ae a iiabtlity 0r the soolbty, In emmining ati mait- Eononbto 0, ?. Uokhart, Cbeimn, hgr B lng it8 lmlrr for thr 08a or d0t0rriib lag whothcr or not it laTlo wont tbrn our d~trmliaatlw would ht. to be &et it ir la- wlveat but lwh 4~tomlnatlon muld not bo nqulr a it the Oortl?leatelr wt prog8rly a llabllity Or the SOOiat~ln the rirou~- 8telm~8 bnlnoutllnedr Cmr attorney roptumntiae t& .Sooloty, la ordar to obvlatr 8tmh obj*otlon, baa 8ub- titt0d t0 w 6rrid6rit0r f. Y. 110pki~8,thr rnv Reridont of tha holot t0 th0 lrr00t that th8 Swlety 'lr not 1AI’lbtad to B. J. ovswta, toriaarPr~fiidwit0r ruoh moletp . . . for beak sale?l*r or on any other (IO- 00uut.’ 80 has aubldttd to tu also en la- d-it7l~anent ahnod and arknowbdgod jollltlyin rtatuto r0m by I. Y. Ko;klna an4 hi8 rir0 hho, T 0ltetuto us,er a . eapl.7fiol~entand able thanolally to baok up the leroaunt ) to ladmalty end MT. the gookt harmbar ??om losr by rwwa of fiuoh O@rtlt Ioat@. *The ittomey eleo mteter to ue rerbelly the ?OimVlIIg feOt8 whioh, ior the -080 of thir opinion, you me7 la8uw to bo true. vhat thr wtiri0at0 18 In th8 r0m hereto etteohad. =Th t lwh Oertlfloeta ua8 108u.d by Mr. s. 1. O*furte to himmelt, purport- ing to aot a8 Pruldent otulr&i10 he we8 lotrall7 Pre8ldeat of the Soolety, but contrary tn the raoltel on it8 ?a00 4th. out aAy rewlutloe 0r the Bar4 0r f&w- tor8 or other proper euthorlcetion to him so to do having been granted in eocordems with the provle1on.eo? the oherter end by-leu8 0r the aoolet7. "'fhat,WAtI`` to the NOital in the Certlfloate, omdto aavbr ldvenoeU eny rerh or lto lqulmltmt to the Soolaty aad that the &ale&y we8 not indebtod to mOOri ln any 8um or on a nylooowt Wh6A suoh Certlflcate we8 irmued. * Eononbls O* P. Laekhert, Cbklnun, kgo S *¶%a attoraq OTmfi up00 w hi8 rl8w8 -. that th. CUtitiUt6 &md.d sot bo Set 0; es a lleblllt~ot the 8Wkt7 for porpO8.8 of det.l'dIii~ it8 SOlTrAOt', trl AOU, to? the ?O~OW%``S68OIMo vhat it wea lsstwd WlUlout .0n8140rr- tionr That it ram issue4 vlthout luthorlty of th0 govarnln&body bring glron end etldonoadin eroor4enorwith the oharter end bplnrr. CbSOFTO8 00 ptiisiO# Or ia-• iSSU@d ;&tdo;hFOU& it, 6Bd the Pa-At Of it8 eretloaa~; end that, themfore, it oennot %I any orrot baotmo'en obllge- tloa or fire4 liebllltyo? the dwldty or bsoomo duo end payeblo unlos8 end until tho Swl6t7 baOa6efi amply 8Ol.tUit end re- mains rolront dth all opsrstlng lxpermes, roln6umnoo prmluma, an4 legal rs8srv*8 MO~8UX'y iOr it t0 mUt it8 PliOy obli- gations, lto ., em fully ~mvl4o4 ror end until, over and lboro all of 8ueh itom, it s&11 ham looumulatsd a 8u?tlol~at rurplw out of uhloh tc my the ?a00 value or the4csrtlf~oetrr _' *A8 yet A0 Suit ha8 been bfowht, Or d6WDd for peymsnt made upon the Csrtiflsets~ but Ur, O*Kss??r rtlil hold8 it and wemumbly treats it as a biding .obllgatloieaU intmdr to beman peymsnt ead ?robsbly sus later OR.. . . Eonoreblo 0. Pe Lookhex%, ChaSrmn, k&s 4 lAuumlng th, above rertr to k rrteb- . - site u8 four o th0 protifiionror l tar 8 lto mnl4 4 othsr p?lluable.iew#, and la the above lroumskeeo8, thlr item l8 to ba trutad by hi8 BO624 es a llablllty qi tha 30ottf ror the pup088 of detrnainlng . itl 801WlS7." rrm 7ou.r lsttar tint the rmtrrnrl beastit 8OOist @row4 OOntOStS th. rtiidit7 of thr ebotr 4soorlbed and ha8 St?Oo& $O?MSOfi thsnto, qe hem sarlow doubts es to t& authcrlt7 or thr sooiaty to lsaus rush 0~rtiri06t0 an4 serlousl~ dmbt thet a ju&gnmt Ootid br reooYerod &&Afit th. 6OOiSt7 UAdSt ths ieOt8 Stat*& but it 18 cot a.OsS ia taifiOpiCiOO t0 +lOfi OC thO#S' Quutloc8 Snd we 40Ta PBS oa nm* I+Is our o~l~Im, under the raoto otatod, that uels48 aed until a ria &Qasnt of a oourt 0r oaapetqnt &rlr4iotlun la rwdomd OA ml4 *artlfloetr,you rhmald net 00n814rr rcld 8eirimcp ns e lieblllt~ of tbo socisty es- tWtiCC it8 8017ellSy. Vary truly yOU8 P APPROVED OPINION 00YYrrrEc