OFFICE OFTHEATIORNEY GENERALOFreXAt3 . Hofiorablo@orgo 15'. COX 3to:e l%alth QfflDer AuotLn, Tsxaa hur film ~Q;rlnhi la. wQ44 Her L&y publlo health numes, as- l5tgAuuto?pims sro3 unltsd stubs Fubllo Health &mica and,pal& by the ulllt0d states iUbli0 &a&h &Wyico for 8W- vice in Qr~ooae urea8 On ;UblfC h8Clt.bnuTB1~=:% YitiB8 hi the80 Wea8 without obt.nir,lc& a lLce%a tc ;rac- t1oc &WlAg lr,Tsraarr proYlaQd t::asenurm8 have shown,thsm- ssl~es to bo m&tared nurses allable for listing 00 the Clril Sanioe r&mrdr of tho fedoml goTrrnMAt? 'The Pa?iC a-n&or: ot health 8e?Yiaoe in defense aran ,4-i&& EsOe88itakd 8mh% rroti- yities OA :he p.?rtai the Publie Health Serrlce~ tC 38Si8t tho TZioU8 8tfit88, fn line With tbld policy tho Publlo Heeltab SarPiOo bn8 al)- alg33U to Tara asrtdn &octorr 0nd nur8b8. thrwgh owrtt48y of the Ssnio8, ~l~oatlun&a~ the Oireetion of the Btato Hea.lthOfticer .but the8e $ndiY~duti8Crb ~seleotsb by tkm t?nh. Stat@8 mbllc H8alth Senfcb iroSa oiril 8orTioe rollt aab 0re k(L d.iXOOtl~ fZ’WS fU&@ti StiM~8 . tar their 8U nr 00, en6 thulr 8btiCN lenst b. aoztai~ero~or a tomgorary abaraotar rho ouch cur8a8 are ell&blr for tXtti8sSrt5 other aroaa . OS nse& at any tine. o&3 #UDh tHUX8tOr 0QlWrr.d. Honor&b16 06Orga Ti. Cox, Page I: ~WlICal DsfIoer8 arrI&d to thi8 ,Statr troa the U. 8. Publlo Health Sorvlee ara not required to obtain a 1Iceosr to praotleo In Tax38 nlnor thlr autter 8euaa adoguatsly cover- od by the Stat. law. EiovIYW, the Stat8 Sootird Of b'U8e -h4r8 AUr8.S 80 8#- hU6 illfOl'itl46 Ui&‘aad that they murt be 1iOMi8d ik Tema. Thir wwku a 8erious harlrhlp rim?, these aUI'8oL1km assigned OA 8n 4Ki18r~OAC)-bfi8Iahad may be tmnsterred frsquettly. . . ,* TiMa 71, Ch6ptOr 7, Of the ikIae6 clYf1 stEtUtC8 ot 1926, presorlbes the r&WJuilWWDt8 for a -moon deelring to praatiaa t8 a 'grsiduats osrtliled re&stored nur8V ln Texas. On9 of the require2anir I6 the *pent ct a foe af sittebn dolbr6 to the State Eoard oi mm k1~138r8~ (Artlcl, (319) BerIde jlS)‘li34At of the 038 Dafd person 3!uSt pass an amninatlon preacribsd by the Board (Article 4ZlQ) or hold *a reglrtratlen aertlricatr 86 a ;ro-t4sa1onal nurd frm another State whom requlroLc;lts art sqilal tz those Of 'hXLL8.* (&tlols &El) Am010 776, 0s the POE& Code Or i9zS I6 8.6 SOi- lowu : *t;D jM:103 &all fraotlca ZulrSI~ se cr ol8IaIng,to be a graduate oertiiid regicstar- od nur80 without 6 iiCUn3e cr p4rdt trOZ the State Bomd of Wrre r%a!A.nor6, rklch lfeews Or peXidt It&B11 h4VO bran rs&Stc:-ed With thr county OlWk Of the CDWlty in vihichhe Or rho reridsr within l p a r lo d of thirty dap. WhD htXl r@Odtd hi8 Q;P h.r liCCtL8e accordlag to law &hell be styled a ad nurm 1 snci no other .serson shall csaum auoh~tltfs iiruse th ubbrarlcticm '9 . I:.’ Or any other to:$ndioats t&t ha Dr ahe Ik c yaOu8te oortiflsci rsGIstc,-ed numo: and my pOl'8OA Yiolatiq; any jX'O-?iSiOQOf thle artI or rhc Ihal mke uny f418e re?re34At%tiC%3 tD 8tifd board in a>plyI~ for a liCenO sball be ilned aot leas than ttwitp-Zivs nor 9ore thawtko ha~drud an3 fifty dollnrs.' Artlals 45E.a axmgta ca&ln penona tqa thr~re- qulrumntr of eald Chapter 7 In tha follting lM6UaEeI no.?orcrble 0t3Or60 N. COx, h&O 3 'This law ehall not be con6trued to'apsly to the gretultou~ ourslng OS the slak by frisnd8, ncr any ~;erBOn nUr815& the edak for hire who does not 15 any way aeeume or rofesa to praotloe as a graduste certIrle6 re 6f stared IlUFtS..* Article 799 of the Penal Code of 19Zb, in like::. lmguage, exes~ts~tha sam persons Zroz the panal~provI6lon6 hLOV4 quoted. :ie have been ONlly lnformod by you thr.t the ;ub- UC health mmas rerarrud to by yr&ir. the letter vated above do not a66tme or profess to preatlce in Tern8 a8 mid- uate certified reglsterad nuraesi that they periom pre- ve?;tIre servicas ozly; thr:t they hold thenoelvea out 6lqly &6 "';;ublicHealth Nur606"; and that they use oeithcr the title TiaZlatered !;urean nor the ibitiale *R. N."- Under t&e faats stated, it Is our opinion that thb second era::~tIon Frovlted in Article CC28 of the Civil 3totuta.q end Article 777 or the Pczal code applies to ?ub- llc health jurors al;ployed by the WItad States and :ge.Id Fublla lioalth service and by t&t 3arvioe asslg~ed to‘work In defense areas in 'Isme under tha direction of the State Helth Clffiaerlend thetiforo tW&t such nurse6 are sot required to Obtalc a St&e llcanm to praotice nursfne; III Terns. . Tours very truly