DocketNumber: O-4042
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN XonorairleR. i..krzif3trong County Auditor, Tom Green County San Angelo, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion Ho. O-4042 Your roqueat for aa opi&ii-& thir depart .bb.$?read. In part: *The Comakmloner6* the purpose of suoh lmprbvo~ doa a6 to the our0 to sub- oaaty parka and to on suah lot6 for the 0te or 8ourlet0, the rty to aoerue to the oredit It has alao been ruegoat- &t bo sold to lndlridualo "3x1an effort to advise the Commiesioaers* Court properly aa to their authority regarding thee* expenditures, I w%sh to aertif'ythe rollowing question0 : “i.&eetiOIl NG. 1. Does the oountg have authority, in conmotion with the irnprorammt of oouuty parka, to oonstruct or purohaso elre,adrooneitruetodoabim Honorable 8. L. AnnstrOng, Page 2 or oottagefs,and furnish, maintain, and operata suoh oablae and oottages for the purpoee of rent- ln,gor leealn& the sane to vaoatlonistr and tourletrl "Question No. 2. Does the oounty have authority to labiilvldea oounty park and eel1 or lease lota to lndlvlduale for the purpose of emoting summer aottfigal9 ~Questloa No. 3. Doeo the oounty have authority to expend oouaty ruads ror park lmproveme~ts to be emoted on land not omed outright by the @ounty, but held undo? a leame ooatraotPW Artlol~ 6678, Veruoa'8 Annotated Girl& Statutea, rsadsr "faoh Comaim~lonsn~ Court lr authorized to levy and oolleat a tai'm+fo exceed five (5) aeat@ on @action@ hundred dollars aneessed valuation of the oountg for the purohaee and improvmwnt of laudr ror u8e ao ootmt~ parks. Ho ouoh tar @hall be levied and oolleotrd until th; properltlon la submitted to and r&filed br thi prcppetiy taxpaylnc; voters oi the oounfy atea general or sg~ola2 oleo- tlon called for that purpmr, provided, a two-third8 majority or th@ propstiy taxpaying voters or mneh oount& at au eleot.ionheld for mob purpoc~e &all drterialae la favor of 8aid tax. fr mid oourt de- ‘ aire to astebli8h twe or mom or auoh oouaty parkr, they ahall loaate them in widely separated pwtlon~ OS the oountJr. Said oourt #hall have iuU pmrer and control over any and all such parka and may 1~ aad oolleot an anaual tax ruffiolent in their $&gmut to properly mal&%talasuoh parks and build and oonntruot pavllfonr and awh other bulldlugrra6 they may deem necessary, lay out and open driveway8 and walko, pave the same or any part theroof, #et ' out tress and rhubbery, oonstruot ditches or laker, and make suoh other lnprovements as they may deem Suoh parka shall remain open for the Oreo ``p``*the publlo under ruoh rearoaablr nileclWd rmgtiatlona aa said oourQ mq pre~orlb~. Hoaorable R. I.. Awstroag, pa@ 3 ?34at10n 2. All park6 loqulred by authority ol thlr Aot shall be under the oontrol and manage- -mentor the county aoqulrlng the same, provided that the Oo.mmlssloner8Court may by agreement with the State Parka Board turn the land over to the State Park8 Board to be opernted a8 a pub110 park; the expense of the improvement and opera- tion of suoh park to be paid by the oounty and/or oooperatlre Federal agenoles aooordi:T.g to the a&ree:nentto be mads between suoh oounty and the State Park8 Board.W We hold in our Opinion I?o.O-905that a oounty oould build or purohaae a baseball rtadlum to be uead a8 a part ot R oounty's park eysten. We bellove that portion of the above quoted artlole reading1 n* * * and build and oon8truot parllloas and suoh other building8 a8 they may deem nocaarary * * ** and ** * * make suoh other lmprovamente as thay may deen proper * * ** rests in the Oomml8slowr8 * Court the authority to oonstruot or puroha8e oabla8 and to operate the 8tuuea8 a part oi the oounty park 8ystem. Your rirst quaetfon 18 annrarea in the arrirmatlte. Countle8 being oosiponantpar88 ot the State, have no power8 or butler8except those oleuly set forth and derlned in the Conetitutloa and statutes. The statutes of Texa8 have eleuly defined powe.r8,preeorlbed ths duties and imposed the llabllltlc8 or the oommlsaloner81 00~1%~ the medlun through whioh the different oountiee act. and from those statutes met oome all the authority vested in-the oountfes. NdwardrCount2 Y. Jennfnizo,33 S. 8. 585; arrinnee, 35 s. W. 1033. The above quoted statute rurnl8he8 no authority to tha oommlaslonera* oourt to eubdlvlae a county park ror the purpose of selling or leasing lot8 theroln nor to expend oounty fund8 tar park purposes on land not owned by tho oouaty. Your 8eoond and third questions are answered in the negative. Youre very truly A7!TO~YGJWE%AL OP TEXAS