54 i’ ,.’ OFFlCE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TExAG AUSTIN ,. -~_ .., 55 . *(IL)Klrohaa resMod h this Stats for a period of at least one (1) year iawd.iately pro- o wlingth eda teo fthe lp ~io o tiafo rar ,r 81 8t- . lnoo; ox use born dthin the Stata one (1) year iEM&latelppmoedlllgthe ddm of applioatlon, and whom mother haa mtsldrb in the State for a prrimloi at least'on6 (11 yaw tisdl4t*lp pxeoedl#`` 8he birth o? lwob obildtand *(3) iihola undertb am of tourteen(14) . tw-I a ~(4) :ihohaa been depraved or parental uup- port or oue bp F,ason at the dwth, COntlnWd ebsenomfrom the ham, or phyeloalox ment6l in- oapaoitg of a,parsnC$and .,“(S)Was 8~ llv%n&with hi8 feShar, nothor,' grandfatlaar, grmnlaothu brother, slew, errcrp- father, *topmothar, etrpbothu, etopietbr,unol*, OP aunt, in a plaoe of weidon~e aulntdnrd by OM OX -6 Of 8Wh W&U*08 a8 life or thbir Urn ,& & "(6) Ifhahi8 not auffiolantiaotxamor other reoatl*ow to proviffo a rsaeozabl~ mubsietonoo Qorrpatlblewith dsaezaoyan6 Imelt&* paare;aml : ~. t Who 1s a aftls6nof i&e Un1tt.d 5tat.q win Who hea roeldedin tb Stew of %aros ‘for nii’ ( 5) ~ywrs _- or.-mors _ within - -the+t D* (t) years preow~ tw asta or hss bpp;ixob~mn for ~ael8tanoe and has ms~.od in the State of '`` _ _ mxae _ mxae oontinuou8l.fr oontinuou8q7 ror ror one one (11 year immodiatsly preoeatrrll;the applicatiolrl ana *(S) ,whO haa not suffloiantimome or othir roioaoer to pwvfde & xwwnobla 8ubeietbnoa aaaQatiblrrith hsalth and daowoy. Provided tlmt in aorulderation OS lnceneqnd rmouzw8 aotwll~ lTa %lsbto lelp p lia tha nte ‘Stat0 sney ahsllno* evelwts Inwas and rwouwoa wtdp “ffkaay be lvallablsonly to relatlvceor rpgliaant.In- owe ail rseourow to be la&en into.8anelderatlon ahall b8 kno*n to oxiSt and shall bb bvallabls $0 thQ f@plioOnt. linepplloontror old a86 80- eietanoeelm11 rot be denieda8sistbme bl)a&we o? the odatenor of 6 ohlld ox other relative, exorpt huebaudor tile, who, la. able to ceontribute w -.,- ‘. : 59 EozkonbloJ. S. Ill~rchiUOn,Pm&O 6 :' ;y, i(l, -r. .,,, .,. .> b7 the Ro6x-U am tha epplfouW8 gropart7,inde~eralaln8 hla eligibilityfor aid. nod ft the peruonapplyLagr0x aid riaxeprwanta the raotaulth raa~o$ to hle onnerallrp or the pmpayky txws``tl by the fiatl8loua transier he an& the poreone aidlzw and ~battB#hln Inthe rdtlow ~tranufar till bd, punishablewler tbs praviuloauor Sea- tion 84 of thle AOh 0 APPROVED OPlNlON cohlMrrrEu Ew@