OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableU. A. Devle, State Regletrar Bureau of Vital Statistics Stat4 Departmentof Health Austin, Texan A Dear Sir; We receivedyour letter re fOllolmlgQuestloMI '(1) 18 the fee or death cortifioatea 4477, 8. 0. s., 1936, 08 0n the day illthe state money ordern, Vital Statlatiae at 31, 1941, am aar- the DepartmentalAppropriationBlll,mne 23, Acts 4'7thLeglrlature,Regularseef8lon, 0 the limltationmappear- at the end of this Aat all fees receivedunder the provieionn of Article4477, Rule 548, and depositedto the Vital StatisticsFund are hereby appropriatedfor eaah year al the bienniumbeginningSeptember1, 1941, for the EcmorablsW. A. D)clvio, State Registrar,Page 2 uaea and purpoaeapresarlbedby the above Aat, and any aiuendmmt~thereto,incltidiag aalarleei, mainten- anoe, traveland aontIngantexpense. Thl.0approprla- tlon shall be In additionto the itmIxed app-rla- tlonahereinmade for the Bummu of StatIstlas. we ham oarefullyexamlnodthe above quotedprovlslon of the DepartmentalApproptiatlon Bill. It aoem aloar to ua that said proviolonapproprlatosall fumlm legallyoontainedin the Vital statlrtiarPuwl on September1, 1941, an veil am all funda legallydepoaltedIn Bald fund on or rubsequent to that date. Howver, mmh appropriationis limitedto tha feor reaeived under the provirlonaof Rule 5&a of Artiale4477, V~rnon~s Anno- tated Civil Statutes. We vlrh to point out that In detem&Gng vhat funda are legallyaontalnedin the Vital StatlrtiarPund, our OpInIonaHon. O-1394and O-2720 must be aomldered. Oopiea OS the80 oplnlonr am attached. Althoughw do not have aufflclentfacts to anaveryour firat queatlon,ve think it tamwesaary for 8ame to be anuvex-edin view of our ansver to your seaadd queatlon.