DocketNumber: O-4008
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICEOFTHEAITORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS AUSTIN Eomnrb'le Osorge H. shsgpord Ca~ptx'ollerof Publio Accounts Au6tan, T6xe8 your latter of idrry6, 1942, aumta for our atteation aad ODiaiOn th@ fOllOlf%tig in-, Vhtah U6 OOpY tbl'@fl“=l mArtlole 7047, subdlvaaion 36, R. 0. s* lwiw a stat0 ocwpatlaa tax of O&q 2hmdr6d ($lOO,OO lam, foforthe op6ratloa of n&e Md twpka l “Ish a ll lp p r wia ~ te p u.r ep tnia 08 to n u h 6th e r or net the abovo wntiaood tax appllw to bowling al- XVI3 (nbi6 ud w Din),'Ubb3h SW tt6w mWt6d q tbo lwal Young lwn'o chrlatl+n Awoc5atioa of Port Artbur. ..!fhe barllmg alleyi referred ti are open to and bef& wad b$ ,4Ika genorrl pub110 Sor a fw 6r cbe!!g6or twaty (20) wnt* p6r gam6. The a6sb6w of the Y. R. C. A. art.aharg6d flf'tesr, (15) omit8 per It 18 4iaimed that tlla?-.t4.c. A. Boos not trgt4 th4b. bOUliru; Illlqb fOFor 4 DPOftt. %w~r6 tr'8,boulUzg allay loaated mar the Y. X. lioaoWbl6 O’BOX&Oil.i3hSDP-h P’43* 2 m 4lttWbSd 14tt6l't0 y6u f3Wi 86tUtOC ShiV6lV Imp- p164mnts the sbov6 factual statamnt~peintiag out that tbe y. H. C. A. building 16 lOWt6d On Oitr &W'k DX'0P.r~. UintdXI- 4& b;T th6 City Of POP: Uirtharc, but th6 boilding Vhbh h6ll666 tlx'botflI~&~ a316r ID OyW&ed iIkb&-WU%iltl~w th6 Asswlatloa. Tha oiwupation tax und6r oonsibez'atton3.6quot6d from tbs oIt6d st;tute a6 fOllOVs~ *ThQm Uhil be wiSa OZi8&t tSO]l6CtSahYIb 6V6X-y p4rsOII~ firtO, CanrpuY Or 66eOOiatiOZ5 Of P6WSOXiS~ puxsuiry:any at the oaoupotlons mmid in th6 foll~v- iX& n\ebOWd SUbdiViSi~S Of'this lSl'tiCl6, @II-1 occup~tlon tax, vhttehslmll ba paid annually ti rd- V6ZXG6 6XC6pt Wh6W h6Win OttUZ'Wi66pZ’OVid6& W 6Vim 6uch o66qdion Or 66?6RSt'666tsblishm6nt, aa follovsr Acts lat c. s. 1%9-t*D. 49. "a** “36. nine ana ten pin alleys.--praa every nlae or t6n pin or other ally u66d or op6rated for profit whPt6V0r appY WU6d, COXlStX’tlCt6d Or O&l6lWt6dUDpaPr tL principal of abowl¶.ngalleyupon vblohplm, g6236, ballS , r-6,’ hOOp8 OC OthOI’ d6V1C6fJ aP6 U66d, vlth or ut r g ator th d a6l66bo er ftr g cO mFlll6yIn s the 6m4 buil&Zng or plaoe, or ubethsr th6 balls or Oth6r d6V:O66 ap(LrO=sd OC Ussd bJ turndOr Qth6FUIs6, oaohuaQreQ~dollar6. Anyall6YuseilIn6onm66tIez% with any dmg stew, or p&66 wb6r6 toMoo in my form ia sold, or upon whleh Monet or ottir thiage 6P rOlU0 (LF@ paid of obrl”@ iOr th6 DriVil6g6 Of phy- lag still bs rs as or66 am3 op6mt6d r0r profit. Adis 1917, Jo. m It is rsadil~ ap$par6ntfrom an swwain~tion of th6 fix+ gelng tax lBeasul=s that th6 tax 16Vi6d th63'6\rs is an oaoupatlorul 6x0:66 or in@:rwt tax rrathorthan a Qlrwt prop6rty or ad valorem tax, from vhlch latter ta% YotzngS6n's Ghr2etZma Assooiatlons are, umlsr wrtsln cond:tIom, expross~ exiaaptb Artlale i%50, Sub- dlvlafsn 2, Vsmonla Text36Civil f!tatutes,reading aa foll6var fioAawtle c&xmgsII* ShepPsard,Page 3 "2. ChriatiBn A66W~tiOA6.--YOUUg #ha’6 ChriSti43A&llSOOiatiOABUti- ufd YoUag lfM'6 ChriStilUlASSW?fAtbB Bdh%hk&S, U66@ l XO1U61V6~ forth6pwpo66ofiurth6r~ r6lI@nl6 vork,ua aoting mrdsr ths 8pDrOVti aAQ acubpr8tioa of the 5t6t6and~tOlU8ti6lUl~olmg88Ul'S ChrlStiroASSO- Oi4ltiOAtWMllitt608Wd th6 YOtUl$vQJB6ll'S t%dStiUl A6606isntiOB065itk66, - book6 ud fU%iitUZ'6QOB- taln6dlnauohbul1ding6,uul the&polmdsattaohad therut n606666ry for th6 prop6r WwpaAay ot SU& bllildiag6,W6 urd ClajOmt Of th6 66M6, 6lldnot l6666dor0th6ruI66u6odvIth6 ri6vtopr0fitotb6r th6U3fOP i&4 -066 Of bUd.AtaiAing tb LruildiZ~&S and Aaooolation, 6mdallandoumW%t hradr oSth6 8bOv6 &umtiOrmd nllglow la6tItutIon6 not u66d vith a vlou to Dl-Ofit,but for th6 plll7H66Of Mint6w tb6 fi66OCi~tiOth pad bus6 in doing I'O1igiOU6WC&C, Aota 1913, p. 153." The for6going us5ptlou Is not a lIoab16 tin 6akdr6- -6 no d6t”mlMt1oa w OS of vb8ther tE prqs6r~Inqu66tion 16 60 USttd 66 to OW Witbbl Mid 6%U@iSlL bUEWh U OIir W- 68W&I bfbE d6V61m PO O&U SktUt6, gWWib1 Or Smtrl, 6OW f6fitng w l%‘B@ tfO Up On A6U6hASSWi& tiO fF A8CU iU@Oth 6r tm of tax6tIan, It but rtmreksr, to b6 d6temIMd Ii the A66oaIatIan &ytatlon falla rithlatkb6l~grlisold6w6 of th6abw6quotad . xtWill.bsOtd tbttbtu lWi6d~S~*Lltazl% Of Art1616 7@k7, v6lraon's%~a6 Qia st&UteSr a6- axed16 aorqput6dupw th6ausb6ro?nlm66adt4aplaall6p oro?iheal- lqs u66a or op6nt6d far DWfit (soMldsrlng all tatstraaks or Q116y6 in tho 66l66 bUf.lding W p1S66 U a Wit) WthSP thrn U&WA the prlnolpal bu6Ine66 or owupatlao of th6 ts%pa WI cm 811meal lpula . Tb6 Young H6nc6 Chd.stian A66wiatfoa a tnlf & not, tmd6r 6n;roomtmf3tIoa,b6 oonrId6zvd~S 6agag6d inth6 pr%noIprlbwl- a666 Or OOO'&"htiOAOf Op6X'Cbtilt& -6 luLdt6U pin all-. ~OY61p- th61666, if, a6 iA@idOA~ t0 ttu b6WVOl6Ut #W@“’ Of it6 6xX2" itop6ratu Suahau; in l 'p&%6 Or '-66pWtt6 66kb- within th6 wwdm of %. St6tUt6, Vhi6h OtbW'UiW WtiS- tI66 tdlW'&lhW&6~tS t0 taurbulty fix* w SUbdiViSiOA 35, 0 tax lmula 114. ml' currot aaistrucrtIsuaAd o$tsrat1sAof talenIA6 aAd ten Din Rlltty6 OJXHTtt6dbp th6 lOW1 USW%StiQA 16 AOt d66CXibOd fn your P6tter. It m6t be 866UObd thst 666J6 N-6 "CWStrUOt66 OF oprWt9d UpOn th0 pX'ti6lQlOOf A bQlfl%R$ A%lSJ slpotlU'hbXh p-8, Qe@, b&118, rings, hoop0 or OthOF aori8es &Fe used, lritbout ngud to the &w&or of troakt or Alley8 in the Wmo bUi16ing or plaee, or ubether the ball8 or other devloe~ AW rolled or tuti by had or otherul@e,* 00 as to meet ehe reQUlrr;r?nts d the atatute. !Pheonly w5Alnlrlg requ~ent of tileltattse ra- puLrlsigour conslder~tian l* vhether su6h nlae ~0.6ten pin rl- 1~ are 'opozatd for pwflt.’ 130a6 to be subject to the tax. We do ad cauul6er the mere le$+Atlorrof the bpilding on olt~ property t.0be mAtedA to the @eatian of barabilitywe1 non. uhother a See or ahrge of tvanty cents (204) pes game to ehe gurewl publio, or flfttrcm as&r (15d) per gane to mmmbom of the A*mcl.ation,in a uoe or upewtlon OS theoe xilaesad ton plo.82Uya for PwILt, a0 &e to ra&ier them taxable, vould, ia the genonlity of eaee8, and vfthout f&x-tbr clefI.nltlou of the tenu “opewted far profit” by the,p~selble remre a traalag of the fun& &a16an examlnatloa bto the orgAril6Ation a a pda r p o em a ?th e l8se6la tio to n, determine iithe net pwaeetls Uuwd to the beaeflt o r emiabmnt o f( h Le r eoPn, lmo r aorpow- tlen or vow devoted to ohsbltable uaat so ai8 tc, ne@loe the pwnt feature. Xoveve~r, 231 th e Lnstmalltnation, t th eLe g l8k- tu r bessr ea i~e e6h ls Que8tton tmr th e field o ff-A&r md Zmter c wtatt6n by oemlog, A# iWlom, in subdlo~*ion 36, what tbq L- b ,wu u lr ing t& & to t b efur a b s le, A%dAllo mmust b a %Be6 00 C&PAbd for p,orit*'