OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF.- AUSTIN o-cmmm mwmRu~- : HonorableT. M. Triable, First Assistant State Superintendentof.Yubllo Instruction . Austin, Texas '. ., Deer Sirr ~l.nlcm No. ii-3965 Rer Doss the board of trustees 1 _'. hsve the authority to convey : the DroDerty of ?Mwnsvllle ktdepenhzmtFchcol Dlatriot to the City of Brownsville under the facts set forth? ..,. the Roar& or Trustees oftthe Brc+msvillsIndependent school Dlstridt, setting out the POllotig facts8 93rownsviLleIndependent Eohooi Distrlot has a propositionPron the City of Drounsville .In which it is propooed.thetthe School District ,oonvey to the,Cl?y~oertainreal eststs oivnadby .,theSchool DiatriW,on ~w.h%oh the City-MviPl'cc+ struat a gyrxnaaiunwhich till be ,oontrOleden-~ tirely by the CIt'yand the School District nU.l. hsv,ecertain pr-IvUeges use .ofthe bullding. ;: *The-DartTWlar proposul now before the Board of Truetees'of the Drounsville Independent School DisCr3et for deterrcinationInvolves a conveyaanoaby.ssid Boasd o? Ttiwtees to the City of Drownsvilleor certein lends owned by the ,~ DrormsvilleIndependent school District: That 'thewiiy oonsidsrotionfor this proposfidcoz- vaysnce Is the constructionby the City, on the lend thus r?cTuirod,or o g.ynnasiunto be o~.w.6 end operated by the City undur en ~sgreeneattlIlola- IRL;the Br:rcmtxll:.e ?ndaCendent?ohool.Cistrlct certafn privi&cCes of use thereof.' " fl . 0 * . . / j. 'apon the-sefacts you submit the following question: L&as the 'boerd:ortrustees have.'eufhority to.o6nvey the property of BrownsvilleIndcpsndont :. Eohool Distriot to the City of Brounsvilleunder the fects.set forth, and it so, in It neoossary ,;;o;yfethe epprovel oi the Et&e Boe,rdof Xduoa- 6. . c The Brownsville Independent Gohool District wes tree&d by speoiel act of the vLegislatur8,n:i::roved ?Zafch'22, 1915,being Rouse El11 1?o.594, Cheptcr 63,,Page 209 of the Iaws of .the34th Legislature. Sootion 3 of seid'sot r:ecial' ;rovidesas follows: ".zl?O. 3. Thet ths se~idBro%ntiville Iudeponderit ! Sohool Dietriot shall hevc and exercise, end is hersby vea.tadwith, all t&e righto, powers, privi-. leges and dutiesor e tom or villaze inoorpomted under the Gsneral Laws of the %,ste ol Texes for i-~ free school purpooss only, end the board of trustees ..j,: of the said Iirownsvill~lndspendent School Distriot shell have and cxeraise, end is horeby vested end j: oherged with, all the sIghtsi powers, privileges and duties.oonfsrredasd loosed by the Generel Le3-s F~ or thieGteta upon'the 'trusteesof ludepandent,school /`` districts.oreetedend organized under the General I hw5 0P this state." (F%&asls o-ma) ~ 1s can bsseen from Section 3 of eeiU Act above quoted, the 1 District wss vested with all ``~Orr,?eville independent ?ohoo, Xr,ri&s, potve33 , privileges end duties of a tom or vll- 1W incorporatedunder the generel laws of the State of kee fbr free sohool purposes only, snd'tha board of trustsea cf said distriot.heveall the rights, powers, privilegesand tuti&soonferred and imposed by the ganeral lews of this .State WXI the trusteea of IndepeXkmt ochool districts oreeted uu- hr the general law bf this ::tate. We have herctorore held !C opinionho. O-415, aopy OP which is enclosed herewith, that ',=iClG 2.773 of the fiovioedCivil Ctetutos of Texas, 1925, t9vWn the sale of school propertjrof ilidependent sohool &is- triOtssuch es the 3rownsvllle Independent School llistriot. Article 2773 reab 8s follorsai "dny houses or lends hsld in trust I? eny city or tom for pubfio frce~schoolpurp0r.o~ my be cold for the purpom of investi;Lg in rare con- ven1ent eni,d~sirehls s0ho01 pro;lc?3y, with tha conseilt0r the Ctate Board, by the boerd or trustees E . : c _. 236 KonOT6ble f. i& Tri``ble,First Assistant, Page 3 : of ,ych city or tiwn; and, in such cese the presi- dent of the eohool board shell execute his deed to the-pui-chaserfor-the s&e, reoftiug the resolu- -.tionof the .%ote Doard giving consent thereto .and the resolutlon ot the board of trustees authoriz- ing such sale,e~ uiiae the ,rsotsoutlined in your letter, it Is the opinion oi this dqmrtaent that the proposed oenveyanoe of the school property to the City of Brownsvilledoes not com- ply with the provisions of'Article 2773 in thatsame is not a~sale for the purpose of fnvesting in more convenient and Bore dos1rable school prp3ert.yand therefore oannot be nads. _ In view of the'forego;oing,. it beoolresumeoessarg to deternme the question of whetner or.not such a sale would have 60 hove .theapproval ottha gtste Heard of Pduoation. : DpB~rnp ..