DocketNumber: O-3962
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICEOFTHEA-mORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN. Eonoq6bla R. L. Arastro~ County Auditor Tom Qraan county San Angrlo, T$xar Dr4r Sir: O~lnion No. 0 of Tom Gram eaatlon of a ertment of Publla eat tha County olrrloal alla ith the State o iurnlah illao, ppllor, Jenltor88rvlo1, lorraary to thr oprratlc,n rtmrflt Or wOw4n ofri04. ruary, 19c0, you rraaerd tblr of?lae an opinion, Ho. o-1972, holding that the County we8 not authorized to sap10 ol~rloal halp for the T4xar on4 Ifedora I a&en- oirr , nor ~888 It ruthorleaa to rurnlrh offlor suppllsa for such drpart.3xantr. It appaare that the prorislons of the propowtl wmtmot with the DeTartsent cf Publia Wolfam would Honorable R. I.. Armstrong, page 2 be In dlraot contratantlon with this opin- ion a8 wall aa asvaral other oplnlons ran- dared by your dapartment, euoh a8 Opinion8 Roe. O-120, O-281, o-638, 0.1919, and O-3075. “Tha quaatlon of the authority of tha County to axaouta the abova mentionad oon- traot was ralaad with Mr. Jamaa Taylor, County Coordinator, Dapartmant of Public Welfare, who prasantad tha oontract to the Court. Mr. Taylor propound84 the quaatlgn to . T. It. Daroy, Supanlaor, Corrartpondazga $ nd Con- plaints, or tha Dapartmant of Pub110 Walfalu., I enoloaa a copy of Mr. Daroy*a”oplnlon to Mr. Taylor on tha quaatlon, which vary fully axplain the lltutatlon and ln4lcatad that aubaaquant laglalatlon has authorlzad tha ootitlaa to pay olarloal halp and furnish offlca auppllae to be usad in tha looal Da- partmant of Walfara office. -1 have atudlad tha acts rafarrad to by Mr. Daroy In hi8 opinion, and hare dia- ouaaad thorn with our County Attorney, but wa find no provlalona dlraotly althorlelng tha Coun!y to pay for tha ltama ln quaatlon, “1 4lallkr burdening your dapartmant with quaatlona which yxx hata pravloualy . anawarad, but dua to ths faot that tha Da- partmant p-i Pub110 Walfara was craatad aub- aaquant to your opinion to ma February, 1940,. am4 lnaemuoh a8 the sot Orrating tha dapart- mant doas maka oartaln infarancaa conoamln& the County*8 raaponslblllty, I wish to oartify the r0ii0wing quaationa: “1. Baa the County authority to pay clarloal or atanographlo paraona that work with and aaslst the County oaaa workers who ara pal4 by the Stata undar tha naw Intaka and Cdrtlfloatlon Dlrlelon, 44 sat out in the Ganaral Dapartmantal Appropriation Blll?~ “2. Eaa the County authority to furnish 0rri04 auppllaa auoh 44 rilia, atamps,, janitor c ffonor``ble R. 1.. Armstronfc, pas8 3 aervlce., etc;, naoassary to tha operation cf the looal Depcrtnentof rf:alrare 0fri0fc “1 ancloea a copy rt the pr0Posad ocn- tract subreittad by the Dapart:ant of rubllc Yalfara and In connactlon tharawIth,oall your attention spaoIfIcally to Artlolaa 3 and 5 of such contr’act, Marain the obllga- tions of the County ma sat forth. n Our opinion No. O-1972, referred to in your letter, has been overruled by our oplnl-no No) O-2217 (confaronoa opinion ??o. 3099) and No. O-2174. %a lncloaa copies of these o?IoIcas for your Informbtlon. Siotlon 1 0s Artlcle.23724-2 provl4as: . WSaFtlon 1. ~,Tha County CommIssionare Courts atid t ha City CommIsslon of any lnoor- porated tcvn or olty of this State are hereby authorlead to laeaa, rent,; cr provida offloe .’apace for the gurpoas of ei4Lng and cooparet- lng with the a~anolaa of tha3tate and Fad- eref Oovarnments``dngage4 in the edminlatre- tlon~ of relief to the unemployed or nor&y psopleor the State oflbxea, and to peg the. ragnlar monthly utility bills for such orrloaa, such as lights, ges, end watar; and ‘when In the oplnlnn of a '&iJorIty of a Coma.leaioners Court of a oounty such office apace Is aaaen- tlal to the proper a4m.tnfatratIon of such aRanclee of either the Stats or Federal Oov- arnments,~ said Court Is hdraby speclfloally authorizad to pay for seme end for tha regu- lar monthly utility Ills for such offices out of the County's. %anaral find by warrents es In the rey:r,ent of such other obll&atIons of the Bounty. n Sauat6 13111 423 Aota of the 47th taglalat~a 19&l, R,@ler Sesakon, which la the gamral epproprIetI& bill, under the subdivision of *Division of I&eke aa CsrtIficatIonw, pr~vlda,s ea r0u0we: “Provided that theama hereby appro- PrIate4 er0 to supplement the funda being used by the counties and cities of Taxas for the Hanorebla R. L. Armstro~, ~?@a I, purpose of making arrtfflaates and ra- barrels to ths Kork4 Frojrat Admlniatra- tion, the National Youth Admlniatration, ths Civil Conservation Corps an2 the Fad- oral Surplus Conuaod1t.v programs. Provided, that In the event the sum8 hereby appro- priated ara lnsufficlrnt for the St&to De- partment to adrquatrly parform the lntakr and arrtlrlaatlon funqtlons,of thasr pro- graeo eaaording to the stand&rds and M&I- lntlons or the State Department or Publio Kalfam, tnen In that avant tha Stat6 Da- partmat of Public Kalfara isharsby am- patired and aothorlzad to withdraw fta rundr end mnlcw~ tor thaar:programs rrom ansp County or City .not conttiibutlng month- ly to the Intake and aortltloation tuna- tlons of these programs in that Countr or City in an amount aqua1 to the aaount usrd~ for the m .functiona and 4 x~pandtrd by such County or Clty during tb month or January, 191.1: the aaaunt.~.rxpsndsd dur- ing January 19&l, lnaludm ,,el~l amounts Used on a oaeh, kfnd, Mut41,, l#am, aon- traetual or 14nd bsrls,, : ,~ “Provided that ‘tha stat4 DrprrtPirnt 'or Fublla Walrars shall e.pplp :to, th4 Works Projrat AdmInl8tratIon ror continuing thr necessary pmjaqts for the aolaaodlty dis- tribution and supervision ~or...aJmm@dlty ,aIs- trlbutlon. Ana proP1d.a ‘that .in the. .av4nt the V:,orks Projeats Admlnletrat~on aontinueo to provide rundo for tharra’ 04rvic4.4 as it has dona sin04 Septrmbor 1, .1939, than in that went, the State .Ds~rtamt of Fublle w4lr4m is prohibitsa rrtmusing th4 .iuna6 provided in Items 89 to 126; lnolurlva, and Itam 128 or the above appropriations ror thee4 44&3Mrr . Provid4a,iurthar, that in that avent, the Stat.4 Dapartmont nor Publlo. Welrere may us4 ~‘ths muds provided in Itrma 89 66 126, lnc’lu,alve, and &tern 128, or the above appropriat&imr ,fOr ~tratieportation or surplus and conmoditl4a ror~ thr ih3+4 hot sohool lunch program and othilnd,rr to thr extent nraeseary ror thr ltflairnt and 4000 Ronorabla R. L. Armetrong, pogr 5 nomlcal dl4ttlbutlon of aurplua oom~odltl44 mea4 available to the Stat4 D4prrtment of Publla w41fare.w Hous Bill No. 611, Acts of the 47th L4glslatun, R4guhr S4aai~Yn, 1941, which la commonly r4rrrr4d to snd ait4a as the vubllo w4lrar4 AOt W ohargrs the Stat4 Board of publla Vialfdra with th4 adminlstratlon of thr waliarv 4ctivltl4s of th4 Stat4 as mentioned In said Act. S4 otlon &o or thla Act ap4aiflo4lly providra that Vh4 oomaiaaion4ra* court of any aounty may appropriate runda from Its grnrral funds, or any oth4r available fund, for thr 4dmlnIatrstlon 0r such county child vi4lran Eoarda and proviara ror a4nio48 to and support of ahlldrrn in n44d of protratlon and/or aarm.’ Thl4 la th4 only provlalon tf tha Aot rhloh dlraotly and rxpr4aaly authorlera the oommlaalon4ra~ oourt to make 4ppro- prlatlon of its run44 l'or any OS th4 purpoa4s aWti:nrd~ln th4 Aot. Subs4otion 5 or Section 4 of the 6blio v!elrars Aot authorIz4a th4 Stat4 D4partmentor ,PublIa Wdran to aaalat oth4r d4partmonts. a(;aaoirsatid institutiona or th4 looal Stat4 end~Vrd4ral @otrmmrnt, rbrn so nqueatra and oooporsta with auah 4g4nal4s whrn expsdlrnt In p4rforning lr r r lc ~a in conformity with th4 parpos48 or th4.aot. Subarotlon 7 of Smtion 4, supr4, authoriz44 th4 Stat4 D4partm4nt of fibllo K4lfar4 to 4atabllsh and provide auuh arthods or loos1 admlnlstretlon as Is d44m4d advleablr, and prorldr auoh p4raonn41 as may be found n4araaary for 44mylng out In an raonomloal way the admlnlstratlou of the Act. ssction C, or said Aat sp4driaany providrs in part: Ths Stat4 D4partmmect lahsrrby authorlard and alraotra to ooop4ratr withth4 propor arpart- manta of theF4dsral. Gov4rnmrnt and with all othrr d4parti4nts or th4 Stata and loaal Oov4rnm4nt In th4 4nroroam4nt and admlnlatnt%oa of auoh pro- visions cf th4 Federal *Soala S4aurlty Aot* and any amendeunts tharato and tha ruaea and rogula- tlona Iasuad thereunder, endln aomplla@aa *k&4- with, In th4 manner prrsorlb4d In this Act or as othrrcrfse protld4d by law.' Eonorablo R. L. Axaetron& pagr 6 S4atlon 7 ot the ~Aat provld4s In part: .*‘&a Stab4 D4partinent la hrrabf d4algnatsd as thr Statr'a aganoy to 4dmlnlet4r or eup4rvlae r4f4rrals and c4rtltIoatlons to the Wmka Proj4ate Admlnlstra- tlon, the National Youth AdmInIstration and th4 CivIlian Cona4rvbtlon Corps. ‘Th4 Stat4 D4partm4nt msy ooop4ratr with any City orCouhhyIn 4ny manmr aasmaa nro4aaar~ ror th4 prop4r op4retlon or l&s4 progr4ma." * s. s4ction 35 of fh4 Aot prorid Fl!b4 purpor. o? this Aot, la to Inauguratea program or aoo1al arcurlty *IYI to provlda nrorrrary and prompt 4aalat4nO4 to th4,olt1a4na ot this Stat4 who are 4ntltlid to avail th4ma41v4a or its protIalona. This Act ohs11 b4 lib4rally construed in ,-orarr that its purpoar&aiay br 4ooompllah4d as rqultablg', roonomloall~, %nd 4~p4dltloualf as poaaIb14." S4otlon 39 or the Act pmvia48: Vo provisionofthla Act la intclnhril to re-. 14aa4 th4 oountl4a and lupio1pUltI4e in this State from the sp4olflo rraponalbllltywhloh 1s ourr4ntly born4 by thoar oountlaa and'munlalpslltl4e In sup- port or pub116 w4lrar4', chila~w4lr4r4, and r4ii4r srrvlara. Suoh run&a whlah msy! h4r4aftrr bo appro- prfatrd by the eountlcra andmunlo1p4llt4a ror thoa4 a4rvlo4a nosy be~adminlat,4rrd~Qhrough thr oounty or diatrlct offlors ofth4 Stat4 D4partmsnt and ii so admlnlat4r4d, ahall b4 a4v0t4a 4~Oluaiv4iy to th4 " a4nlc4a In th4 county or.munlaIpallty m4klng suoh approprlatlon.w ,, <' It la w011 4etablIeh4d in this Statr, by authorltl4a too nunuroua tD rantlon, th4t oommiaaIon4ra~ courts ar4 oourta Or llmIt4d j.urIsdlatlon and poasrea only, auoh pow4r and author- ity, as la granted by thr Conatltutlon aad atatut’aa of this Stat4, 4lthrr 4xpreasly br by Impli;oatIbzi.~ Dors any provlalon or thi P,blIa w4lrare Aot, ebov4 mclntlon4d, sxpr4salp authorle4, rrpriro, or oharg4 .a- oounty Oommlaaioners* court to oooperata w%Mth4,StqtO Drpartm4nt oi Honorabl4 R. L. Arm8trong. pag4 7 Fublla W4lfere or appropriate Its funds for any of th4 purpo848 auntlonsd th4rsln, oth4r than S4ctIon .$O, aupra? W4 think not. Is such authority aonr4md by impllaatlon by any of said provI- slona? It is our opinion that auah authority Is not so con- rrrrsd. Ii this la true, th4n, ~4 must look to other statutes ror such authority. .-... Consldrrlng the subdIvl8Ion or ~Dldalon or Intak4 and C4rtlf'%oatlon,w S4natr Bill 423, au@ra, w4 rail to rind . any authority rlthar rnpraesed or by implloatlon, author1x.i~ nquiring or gharging a Oommtaaiomral oourt to oooprrata with the State D4partm4ntof Pub110 w4ltarr or ap roprlatlng Its. funds ior any purpoa4 m4ntlon4d In the Pub1 Ipo W4lfarr Act or smst4 Bill 423, supra. Howavar, It la true that thr Stat4 D4partm4nt or Publla W'rltarr is rmpowrred and authorlz4a to withdraw its funds and ssrvlaes for thr programs mantlon4d undrr~ths subdlvlalon or wDlvlslon of ,-take andC4rtlrloatlon~ rrom any county or city not oontrlbutlng monthly to the-ln- take end c4rtIfIoatlon ~notlona of th4 programs in th4 oouatv or city in an amount 4qual tu th4 amount ua8d for the aaeu iunotlona and axp4nd4d by said ooun%y or elty during th4 month or Jenuarg,.19& W4 ialL to find any authority smpow4rlng or au- thoricing 4 oouuty oomm.%aalon4ra * aourt to approprlatr and lxpoha tha a+mtyd'uunda for any of th4 purpose mrntlomd in 4lth4r of yourqu4atlona.aa abovr atat4d. Unl488, rrlatlrr to your rirst``qu4qtlon, aUi&4Xp4%llbUr48 ar4 8t4ai vor tin purpoa4 oi' aiding and. coop4ratlng w&W the a&snolrs'or the Stat4 and Federal Cvvarnmente 4ngag4d in the adminiatratl~n or r4114t or th4 un4mploy4d end n44d p4opleor th4 Stat4 or T4xas.' (Cur opinion No. o-3099.7 In answ4r to your 84cond qurstlon you will not4 that 6h4 authority extsnd4d by Arti& 2372e-2, enipra, is limited to the provisions or oiila4 opaoe end the r4 ular aonthty utitlity bills ror 8u@ oftlogs such at a4ntfon4d ther4 n, ror the purpose of a lng an aooprra Ing with thr agenoise of ths Stat4 Fnd Fea~ml Corwnmnta sngag4d In th4 aa~iotrstlon or r4lisr 0r ths unmploysd and. n44ay prop14 or the State or Tqxas and dose not authorlxr th4 furnishing or saoh supplies se ?nstitIon4d in your seoond quastlon. Bonorablo R. L. Armtrong, pagr 8 Trusting that the roraeolng fully amwra your inquiry, we (Pm Yours vary truly A'll!ORNXYGEtiEiUL OFTEXkR AW:RW Al?PROWD.OPIRIONCOXMITTEXRY L.V.R. ORAIm