OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Olin Oulber,rron, Commlrdone~ Eailroad CorgPiorion Of TOXa8 Au&in, 'petal ,ut uhloh prior to bn for u&t in a total of &Q,295.60 anbwhen mram was prerontell an& apprwed by the Conmie8ion for payment they worm returned by the Oomptrol``r with the rtatumnt tTheoo aoeaunt8 lnour prior to grant of Limitation Board and not payable out or grant.* fIonorabls Olin Culberson, page 2 “In view of the fact that these items were rpsolfloally Inoluded In our request, I wauld like for you to answerthe fallowIng questiont “Can the Comptroller legally authorize warrants for ‘payment of there aooounte ren- dared to the Oommi~,sIon under date or Au&u& 6th. but whioh warm inourred prior to the applioation ror limitation grant?n The grant made by the Limitation of Payment8 Board upon the petition Of the Railroad Commission, datrd July 1, 19W, was to permit 8aId. Railroad Commission to srpenb men108 naoeraary to adequately performthe runotfon8 OS 8alil 8tatm bo- partment rrom available funds thoretotore appropriated ami then on hanb. The approval of the applioation ot the Railroad Coxmi8sion to L%~O suoh available fund8 for the doaIgnato6 pur- pose wan not an appropriation by ruoh body but 8uoh aotion on the part of auoh boriy wa8 rather a permirri~e gan$ to the Rail- road Commission allowing it to use the rpeoIii6d mottle8 f;; thr purpose an6 in the amount8 set out in the applloation. Ueny payment8 of obllgationm inourrad prior to the date of the grant made by the Limitation OS Paymanta Boar4 would ronbar the Railroad CommIsaion powerle88 to oarry out it8 statutory iuno- tionq, and the very purpose oontemplated by the Legl8lature. In creating the Limitation of Payment8 Bo,ard would, in raot, be dereatsd. Honorable Olin Oulberaon, pago 3 You are aooordlngly advleed that it la the opinion of thirr department that the Comptroller oan legally authorlea -anti payment of aooount8~renderod to the Railroad Coniml$- aion under date of August 6, 1941, but whloh aooounta were inourred prior to the applloation for limltatlon grant. Tour8 very truly ATTOEUFEY GENERAI, OF TEMB