y40 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Y4i oa&paou ad tar the oqulpsnt at baildin& thin- on in the proportione~and amunt8 honlna&tu iadio8t8d."~ OOSWratOlt8~y 1WSt4d ia rOtiZ-OUOO 80 t&6 OOEW8 at oold Wllqe, or to #8 aargusei or any or til ot its &waoh.InatItatIooouid to puro&mar ocll or Xeree lurdlrand other 8pptutoa*ao8s to5 the ooartru00ionof eaoh ~orYmlua6Imprwom%uw pro- Vi6@6 th8t the St8tv Ol TrtU ineXUS no Lud8btOd. aBo* aHor 4bo oentr8Ot~,* Art1010 2616 or 4&R.Y18.4! Gtattitos poYI4osa Art1010 2625QrwIdS8r w lautl of rqont8 or the a&1*&o d Ilv- dumtrlal Art8 8t DOatcm e&&l be raptweed of nlno p8r8ons*tour of *am okall ~b6 wmtaa. Th6 boar6 ef ro $0 &ti h8YO th0 por#l’ iUOi6Ollt t0 the& positr on aud to bho mme utont, so tu u ray be 8ppliOSblc 8n4 Shtil nOdY0 lib OOSQOSSStl Wi 88 18 003IfUW6 b'y18W VP t&O W&S&S Of t&O %StO isnirmI87." Ar4Iole 2622e7 provM.~t , ,‘, &?BAOXSb28l$rX'S'7&W& 338&S4 @llrgs.-;~* si tlu,institutionheralngrotlded ;ror O&&d&& WhOW in'OO~l;Ot Uith thi8 Aot.” .>~1 MI1ole 2626o-0 pwibst *Tbo lbwd or Dir*otors of The T*ua oozhgo ai‘&tS qd ~&IrrtFioO is h8F8bJI~tb3FiS8d to on* t~tO~OO~tlnit8 with pmmu,~iim8, or ~OC- polntiOl3SiOPth e lhOtiOn Oi dWmitoFi*# 8t T&O 'Ihnr: ~oll*ga or Arts 8m.l .I~ihl*$FI**, Bn4 to pur- 6hB6OiIYF16888 ~XrdSJ8Od OthW 8~&fARFtO~OS8 fOF th0 ~OOIIStl'UOtiO~ Of sooh~do~to~i~#,~ pWk68d the4 ah? state al Toxs# iRmlF* no'llsbJt llty tar th0 b&14&1i@ OF tb 8itOOr* Azt*&2c52ab plwIa8s~ %I# Boml vi Regents al the Qollego of In- dnst$r``Arts 83 Dentea, mxas, m&how I8 h,ezoby iSO6 Ob .QR & b O80 WWd lWO$ 8Kid eQU59, &%/at 80 OORtYhO8with 8Sr 9SS8at, f&FIBOF OOXpOs*tiOa, for IrhS~rr~otion;ampl8tIon 8ad rqui~inf of aueh d5EdttoPi.8UI8/OF other im$WW~&68 88 88id &Brd of br((mbs nuy Qoen 8dYISablr. Suoh IqwOpmntr $ 0b o lWO86a &thOF 013 ths SSE@i8 or TS81:8St8tS tit.8omrdd b;r#*i&iati.-, OF olr,O$~OFF601 8S- $88. ~O#d’Or &808ed iet ~4J+ 9U¶'90*,~ aEd the #ai& X5682& oi~Rag``ts is horiby mproaaly author- fa#d to pwShSS8, Or leasS,:additiOS8l``rS~ e888tm fo p B u 8k p up I o se, 01telx o il8ng0sMo u -1 OS- taso Row OF hue8r$or 0wn.d tar suoh~.ptupQ86*' X1.&929the LS&ilStun p~SsSd titiol0 26b7a. ~srnna~mtated ~aOti8ed St~tute8, SbO~iOn 1 theroof n8do "%&&aROOti Of R8@llt8 O? .thO TS88hOr8 00118&88 of lt8xao.iokeroby euthorin& 8o,.mterfnto oon- with .traatts psr8On8, fiPS8, OF OOFDOF8tiOQ* f@F -a mlootio~ a? &ormltorlu 8t anr 'h8ohSrE Collee~, && $8 p%Woh888 OX le888 18Ad8 Unb other iWFW- ant;8 tar tho oonatruotloaor mdk 4ormitorioo~ prar$ded that the St8te of %kx8S iaOtW6 PO li8bilftY W the 81tOS.w f@@ th. bufl&iYIngm Eonarable li%r~yEnox, P8ge 5 .nrt&ol.e 679 providost "!!'he'BQard Or cOntar shall pl-ap%X'e @iXl8 8nb e:pb~ifiU8tiOWJ ror improvem8nt and r8p%lr% to pub110 tiulldlngsor property or the State, end ehall superintendthrough it8 division of publio . _ building8 and ground8, the eonetruotlonor said work .wh8n8uOh tiparri8iOn.i~not oth8Iwi88BB- peeoiallypr+dsd for by lay.* Artiole 671 of the R8vi88d Statutes provldeer The Board of Control shall fnspeot all pl%ns and spooitioationetot the yublio buildingsend the.%dditionsthereto.to be eonotruotgd.forthe L i&ate before suoh pl%ns end speoifioatlons%re adopted. The Board m%y,rejcot.anyand .a11zuoh plans:and apeoifioation``~and it shall have full and final.euperlnte~eno``~over %ll buildiiigs, atruoturesor sdilitions thexeto that may be ocm- etl?l&ed for the State.*' ,:1' Ar?Aolss 672~and 673 prqvide for theninqeotloir and ex%mln%tibnand upkeep or all state building6by the . Board of Control. Artiolo 68i of the Revised Statutes provide81 Vho Board-orControl, through the ohieror auoh diYi8IOn, &%ll deei@ 8l.lpublio~bulldings e~r8otedat the expense or.the state wh8re~.designF. Ing is not.otherwiseprovided for by law or by the trapropriationbIll,.but in no inetanoe shall plan% Or dO8l@l8 be edopted by the heed of any d8pertm8nt,board, institution,sohool or prison eystcsmofthe state unless auoh designend plans ~hevebeen approved by the Board.' Upon % oasusl reading or the above etatutesrela- tive to the various sohoole of Tex%e.and the power of the boards of tri~&eee of eeid institution8to let the OC&r8Ot8 ior end supervise the oonstructionof'building8and perm%nent Improveme:ntsand the %rtiol+3 giving the Board of Control eupervisfonand oontrol or the oonetruotionor publio build- ings there arppearato be acme oonfliote. Honorable Harry Knox, Page 6 The not 0r the LegislatureIn 1919 oreatingaa Board of Conlirolapparentlyhad.as its objeotivethe pl,a+- ing under one board the powerand the authorityto pureha.@ eupplles ro-rfillstate lnetltutions when same are to bm *id for out.of the'ganaralraveme& In dealingwith publIe buildingsft was evidentlythe purpose or the Lagislatlm to plaoe under the oonbrel and @are of the Board of Goad the building6'for.all pub110 iuatitutions,whioh iastltm- tlons ware in turn to-ba oontrOlled by said board, such as the asylums and Institutesfor the blind. Shoe the aot ot 1919 wa6 passed creatingtha Board of Control moat of the abova statutesgiving the power and aanti Board or Direotors or the various e.ohoola or the'erckdtlonofpe~anent buildingsaadthi, purohau od land and &ring said instltutlons~theright of aminentle main have 'beanpassed. We acreInformad that It-haa uev6r been the easta or the Board or Control to prepare plans and designs or ta in any way oouttiolthe~.kfsdor oharaoterof pemauent Wd- inga emoted by any of the Stats aohoole,this having beu lert entiraly,tothe Board of Dlreotore or eaoh or mid saWaL* and oollegss: The Legislaturehas oontinuedto Hake apw .prlationaror permanent buiXdlngaat the various collegeaud aohools presumablytith the kuowledge or the faot that tba Direotora of the sohools have been expendingthe money iada- .pendant of the Board of Control. #Ihile.thls oonstruotlan 1s not oontrolllng,it is highly persuasive. If the Board oi Txustess d the State'shigba educationalinstitution8cannot let a oontraotfor the ame? tion of a building for u%ioh an appropriationhas been xade by the Legislatureuntil and unleee the plans and deniy therefor have been approved and adopted by the Board of Control there is no way for said buildingsto be ocmstruatad If aald Boards oannot agree upon the plan8 and dealgn. The raot that the Leginlaturehas for the paat 10 years made appropriation8r0r the.sreotionand omstroetioa of buildinga at these various,uuiverslties and collegesXaH- ing that same would be expended and the buildingsareated upon plans and deaigua and speoliioatlonsdrawn and pre& by the respeotiva Boards of Truetees of the particularlx- stitutionror whioh the appropriationwas made; and the far8 . _ 2’46 Henorsb~ctEa~zr Knot, Page 7 that the Board of Oontxol aa'well aa the Board or Trusteea of thene vrrlous institutlem hate 80 oonstrued eala etatute and appropriation bill during all of theee yeara are aa we have ~abwe atated,Mghly pelrsqulve althoui#iit Is not abso- lutely eontrolling. It lr or oourse the zple that oourts~wlll ia ocm- strutng.8tattzSenprodrve all Etatutea, ae paseed by the LegI@- lature rathem tbx~bertroy ftaw and will when paeslble reoon- olle apparen~ly,oon?liotlng statute8 60 that both or all or mme niaybe preserved. It ie ilieretore o&r op%nlon that the Stati Board or Control 18 not nqulred torpprwe the plans and deelgns aad let oontraota-~foxtheoonrtruotlon of the buildingsor other m&r ~iapmvemnts at'thsStabe'b higher eduoatlonalinetltu- tfonr .s ~iAreqon&``Uty reSb tiponthe rsepso~tlveBoards ot rb&mtc~or maid lnstlt~tions. Yours very truly