Rallroad Carmrlaelc~ of Texae Auetln,Texae oentlweut oplIllal lo. o-3824 Rer Member of laglelatureholding 8n offloe II&i&e Rxwntlre mp.staent Of'the state gorsnuwut, whloh offlaewa8 createdbytie Le@lature of which the Legislatorwaea member. liehave for whunrbQmaent ywr lmtterof Jdy 28, 191, which readB a8 follolmr "Mayamember of the bgielatum lawfullyeoceptand holdenoffioe in theIkeoutireDepar+awntof thestate Covermwt, in 8u admlnietratlve capeclty,where themmey to pay the ealmy luoldentto the offloewas appro~iated by a b&datura ofvhiohsaldpereoawae a~ matireend perticipatlng member, -the offloeharin~beenoreatAdand eetabllehed,80 fai-ea a creationti estibliehmeiit ever oeme &o&by aald eama Legislatureofvhloh ealdaember w88 8n aotive md pa-tloipat~ m8mberP You referne tono partlaalarfecteituat.im,bnt it eeme ae qneetim whioh yun desire to wk may be stated ae follower Way a mwber of the bglelature laufallyacceptaud hold m office in ths Exwatlrs Departmentof the State Comnunent,vhmiohoffloewae ereatedby the Leglelatureof whloh eald Legti~lator NW a memberZm Articl83, Seotlm 18, of the State Conetltuticm,reads in psrt (LB ~fOu.oml l~Senat.ororBepreeentatire&all., during the tea for vhlch he may be eleoted,be eligibleto w ciriloffloe ofprofltunder tbie State,whloh ehall havebeenmealxd,or the QQlmnanta ofwhlchmc.y havebeen Increasedduringauoh telmi . . ." Ballxoad 0orias1aI of TezM, Pa&l. 2 (0-3i324) mRovEDAu61,lg41 APPEovEDoPm~ C- BY /e/.]B.W.B. /a/ Cnwer Sellam CRAmNAn ;., L