DocketNumber: O-3765
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
YXmiArrrom GENERAL OF~TEXAS A- 11.TrxM *- e- . toniAbl0 Ooor*9. Ilhoppard acm#trolLU yf PUN10Aooowto Auotin, To8ao I mu WI ,oplnlon to* a-6766 WI'(~) Io tho truofir oi avotia6 truot oortlfloatoa taxablotruo- lo tio w 8d* Ar t. lip Ii.& .,8, Ao to 47bh Log., rd., lQ4l (Q) Io t``Cra8of.r oi o-book oorbif- Loatoo thuofor to 08d from truotooo a -No tranoaotlo8wdu tho above oltod Aott Your kttor of JlirJ16, 1041, oubito for our opihm t@ alaovo1~ qulrloo a8d 18 oozmoeblaithoroml~h you attbh a bttor tra Mr. 0. t* Botia60, Attomq'oi Dallao,Turro,anda 00~ oftho ~loularv8My MO* l6r o o w8t a 8d~0tl8g tr o r to o riaOlvod0 tlflo aWotooopy irom la ld laot moatlowd lottrr a0 tollawo8 nYoudl180totbloVotl~ Buot mro 0irtaU oharroof Bopub- 110 ~tional.Lifo IWw880. tim dopooltid-dthtruo$o.o88Wd 18 th0 agraont, gurfl8g luoh tmotooo tho right to yoto ouoh otook. Agalnot lald #to&, autlfloatoo aro ~oouod povldly for ligh* (80) ualtr *r 080 (1) lh a rooftopubllo P tlo dl ufo a to o k .Tholbpulwo.lLtlonal Llfa InnyrJloo OaPprpr'ootook ha0 a par nluo of Ta Dollar0 (ho@) p0roha``oo.thif~ llghty (80) wita in *o Voti8g Trust would roproooat980 oharo of atook. "Plow. i@vloo no houUbloloXV of&uoo 6lll lOb.6 lfY.etotho trawfw of thooo war* *To break dam tho ~uootloifurthor-would it not te proper to pqrtho$p w tlm prmluo eihe,kto&rapreoented~tb u&o l~'Wt tlm unit0 appur to bo 08ly a r0oolptt I lpplloatrlo "I will bo totwofor 6Ld tohave yoiadvloo aw~fulaor lf tho ta8 10 thuo at otookVOtl8g fruot OorMfl~ttiu raprroortlryotook mado ouholdr the dtato of ‘pmr, although tha tronoirh ot tho wlto uo mu30 08thobooko oftho truot~odthi8~,8tati o fTo 8@ ,That loto lay,am tm8obvo wdo v 8o8eooldrto to 808-ro81dO8t8oubjoot to thr tranofortax?" without eIO&$dB6bZWlr,u~oonr~,'t~+~L~trurtagrr~o~ a& the rotly tnwt oortifioato attaohod fo udrforrod to 18 tho abovo &8.Oeorg0 t.6hoppard - M 2 (O-6766) latter,bat moroly roforrlng to lmo ao tho baa10 of thlo opbnlon, lviffloo t0 lq th a t tlhWtdBc; r bUOtthOZ'0~ O~*tUtd Udfb OO``fiO&OO ~0OU.d therounderlro an aooordtiowiththe ordiiry dofititio8:+,aqaptatiO8of thooo toma* Tha followly gonoraldofidtlo8 of a %otiq truot@ lo quabid from16 Ammrlorn Juriqrudoaoo, 66Q8 % mtru tru8t P*JIbr WBphO8OlYO4 doflzwd a0 a tmot oroatod v u yreo- mod btWO8 a ou of UO rhookholdorrof a oo ration ad tho truotoo or 4 a group of l&Poal agroaato btwon iadlrl T us1 otookholdorr a8d a 0-08 trwtoo, wlwro~ it lo proddad that for a bm of y0ar0, or for a prlod ao* bin6Oti up 08a OOF b aOYO#lt, i8 Or Wtilti l@ ‘OOOI~ iI t tomlmtod, OOSbro3. ovwr tho r%o& owned w nroh ``oolrboldorr,llbhor for aorbal8 purpoooo or for all, ahall bo lod6od 18 tpU tn\rtoo, olthor with orwlthout a roromtla tu tbo ownom, or porroao dorlgaatod Ipr thm, of tho powor to dlroah how ruoh aontrelr&l1 k turd* &da ouoh a6rommC tltlo to tho rtook ltorlf ururlly,thou& 8ot alwayr,18 ~rm8forrOdto tho doporlQay upom tnut for tha purporoo ,~OlflOdr” kQ11y hju 58O%wb vublag trwb agroaon% aad votlq truot oor- Mfloabo lowed %hor~undrr, ~0 lid thr four followly brmrroblorr or oltrur tlom, tho tuabltlty of aoh wo mud dotomlno hOa’O18, (1) ZIU trrrrfw or ourrudor W tha rubmrlkr to t h8 votly tNti r6ZWm.b Of @OUtifiQtQ hid byt~'8Wp#'.IWti@ rhUO& Of itOOk ia the topubllo mt1oma Lla ZarUmroO oaupuly, to rrld trurt0or with the o~oomt that raid @took hall k ouoolbd aad 8OW otimk lrauod b$C& kpubllo lktloml Life Imouraoo Qolapuptto raldtirwtoor, with fula m to rote raid rtokar tb rrld trurtoor or tb mrjorl$@ of thoa mq do- l&lrabloro (8) Tb by aad dolirrrJrto rrld 8u~orilk~ ll#m800 to the bwt, by +ho dodw%od buH~oor, of tho dororlbodbturtoooorblt~oatrr, %otti86 forbh that oroh lubmrlbor kr truofwrod to raid irur$oo om rhuo of ato& of tho IkprblioLlfb DMUWOO 6m for laoh d&h* wlto of tho trurtooo’ qrooQo8t." (6) Tho ;alo, a6m&t to roll, dollwry o? Wuwfor of tho trurtoor oorbiflo&+ol or roM86 hurt oortlflo~too, 80& atwo dororlbd, from ow holdor to mothor* (4) The dolivor) .or ro4ollvorJl at tb tmnixirtlor of tho .. tmot by raid votlq Wurhor, or tar& m~ooo#~ora La bw9, Co *ho anon ad holdorr of tho beaoflolal 18boroti, a@ roporatod by rot186 truot OUtifiNtO8 08 tb b&O OfthO tFUOtOO0, Of tb rbr8W O? OOX'tifiOdOO of @took of un mDpuloL0Irt1oluz Utr muram@ OcBgla~r WdOr flrir h&d ~iilOi#O# 6oVOm1BJ UpFO80 tNd0, 608OtUb ly, ad udrr thr d0010108# ##001~10~4 loVO~Yln( YOtir& tm,tr,m thlrk lb my bo rtatod that wdu tho firrt trawmtlom or rlturtloa dororlkd abovo, only tho m&d lr@l tit10 to t4o~arror or oortlfbdor parood to th d.ol@atod trurtQO0 uador thlr *oti86 +‘tUt rq?OW&, t h. qultabio HOXI. aO0. H. 8hOpprd - fig0 5 (04766) tit18 tud lmnefiolal imtoro& ud ouneVohipof ouoh ohm8 of wrtlfioatoo ranmlting with tho oukoriboroto the tnmt agromont and the truoferoro Of NOh OttoOk. The Yotl8g truot OeHAfloate or tru”tee8’ oortlfloato loouodoad dellarod under the oeoonddtuatloa or trawaotloa me8tlonod#boos,war merely tidontlaty of tIm roopmtltn 18tueoC rhloh the put108 to the trurt agnwaat had l8 bd to fb #to& of th0 C0m`` that lo to lay, tlyllegaltltloraulwd dfh Un truotooo but th ok neflo or lel lquitablo titleroaslnod dth the ouboorlbro or their $rwforoom, with tha right to rooolw dhldrdo Ln aooordoaoowith ruoh l~teroato~ lQh0third trmOwtlo8 or oituatloa,oo&omplrting a traarforapr ralo, &if% or othenioo of tho votbg truot outlfloateror truoteeo~oer- +~lflocboo frcdnold holdor or war to m&her, 0801g8rbloupor h;M booko and reoordo of *ho truntero,nrulto in a traroforof the lqultrbletit18 or knof%oial rl&tr ad umorohlp of ruoh rhuwr or ooH~U’loai~oo of tho t,publlo ~tlooal IAfo PouranooQompupr,nproooated w ouoh truotooo1 oor%lfloatoo; tit 806 +maafw ai tho legal tltlo t9 ouoh ohano oooura thore’by, boauoo 8mo rem188 with the wbl8g trwteoa. Tho fourbh tbrurOarblo8 or rltuatlaolo fb ooa~or@oof the flrrt, l8dlf'fratoth trmafor of bho logrl~l~lo te tho oharoo oroorblfloatoo 02 tho Ropubllo lWlo8al Llfr mourmoo Omnpaqrbdc into the holdoroof tho lmrflold lxbo~8t, or their r8olg8oo8or tru18hr888, thorew rrot- 186 ;:I thw b&h th0 10&J R 8d %OlqUitdO tiblO* ador thlo u&y& of the pomlblo tunblo tmnmotloao wdu th0 obtod @tOok %XUlfOr &O$, Wl81n6 &WthO YOtb6 tr UOt l& OQQt boforo UN, wo ooroludrtht the flrrb, third ud fou~h``of~Ouo& tirnrao- tlcm or truroforo aro nabjo& to tho lxolro rbap tu ltiod therog, tmt tho rooond trunoaotla lo not tuablo thoroundor. ThiO 00801U8108 1; grouadod Up08 *ho lX~OO lo?ayQo of 0OOt108 1 of tho HoaL Trmofor Aot, whloh qpoar8 drrlsned 60 roaoh jurb luoh a rltnrrbloaa8 thlra Wo quob, rrPdrrllnlng the porbi80at porblonot %arr lo horoby &pored a8d lerloda tu a8 hard&tar provldod oa all raloo, a&rommtI to 0011, or moawasda of oaloo,ad all dellvwnrioo or truwfero of rhuor. or oorblfloato8 of atrook.or oortiftoatorfor rlr&to to ntock, or orrblfiortor of domelt rwr0108be u 18toromt 18 or rip ro"wt1~ 8orblflorto0 amdOtW%. UW thlJI Iootloq 18 rrly dmootl or forrim r8oooiatio~ -pay, or oo&tlo8. or artlfloator of & t08'08ti& Uqr ~Oi888O-Q8bWtOd bytZ'UitO0QT kRLOtOO8ati0 &tar t& lf?ootlvw data hrrwf, wbathorwdo up08 or rhow8 bybho book8 of the a88ool~tlO8,oo;mpupl, 00rpO8'&‘iO~, Or tl'U8t00, OC 'Ip,av a8Oi@!QO8t18 bla& or 4 q dellvorJrof ay prporr or ogrowmt ot aomorudw or Otbrr nld0800 of lale or trurfu or order for or agroaumt to bw, whothr lntemedlato or flml. ad wh&hor iavootlaitho holder rib6 tho ae 'lolal18torort la or logal tit10 to ouohotodr oc other carbiEt- Vta u ublo horoumdor, or wlth *ho pooooomio8 or uoe th oroof for my the futurepqment of nomy or &a future truafer of aq 08 eaoh hundnd doll-8 of fao8 nlue or f~aot.108 . . .* (~dorlimla6 oun) Thrt it m@ tt,O le g i#la tiYe i8t.dt0tOXtr uOfU8Oflh UOO or oort1florteoof @took toad w tru8toeo,lneludlslg t~8iiOOOof u Oxpre80 votlq taunt, 10 further lndlatod by the faot that 18 oreatl86orrtalnsop tiOn8 or exea@loaO fromthe abov0 quoted tax levy, u uoeptlo8 wao oonforr~d up08 ltraaOferOof oO``l~e8 fr c m l fiduolaryor frowno8e 8dnee of auoh fiduoiaq to another, propidodthe OOm oontl8ue to be held by luob naulwo for t& ame purporofor vhiohthq would be held If re+alaodtgrluoh iiduolaq.* Iq Oon~Oti08 withthin OrpreOoexOeptiOnimlting flduolarlrror trWte80,. it ia oi@floant to nob that no exanptio810 oroaixdwith refersnooto trnu- Per8 of sto& or rtoak oortifloate1to or tglauohtru8feOO or flduolarirr,but ruoh exQptlo8 oomro only tranoforoto tholr nomiaecm lb thoroforrmubnltthat a fmble framaatlon or wortuality ir oreatedwder l&a 8took Trmafer Aot v either a “#ale, apeomet to l en, dellveryor tnnofer upo8the b o b a d mo o r doof,lh a r em or~oWAfloatoo of atook. or oert1floatoofor'rkhtr to stock.or oerblfloateoof dewoalt r~maeat- 6upportlryour 0088~rUO~i~ Of the tub of the #tafutO,m fi8d the parauaOiv0authorltlooof 6h ootir of lart rororli of the 6tatO of I& York ooartruiag %ho 6took Trmofor Aot of that Btate (from rhlohro underotaadthe T0n8 Ifotto k adopbod)ud oerbal8deOl8lon8of %ho lMmmdl~to Fedoml oourt~, lavolriaga8 Aot Of @8~?008 OUbOtQtilaly OiBIilU i8 thi8 re(Udo It ho boe8 otatid that a mphraoo, provloio8 or rtatuk adoptedfrcm the laws of another data or oouatrywill ordimri4 be 61-r the @me oo80truotlo8la Toxao that lt had noolvmd 18 the $ariodiotilo8 frclDwhloh it m8 borromd~ If lt had boo8 61~08 a f&d old doflalto meti 4 th0 oourtr oftit jrulodlotlon, it muld bo 61-8 thr OW meal86 18 Texaoo ThiO l”dO ?eOtO Up08 the ~OURQt108 that th txO&iO- laturrno anaro of the judloiallnferprmtatlm glvr la th0 jurlrdlotlo8 fran tiloh ths @tatut# ‘1118 t&a, Wd that 18 adopt186 ouoh OtatutO,it lntaded al00 to aooopt ouoh oonOtruotlon.nSO Tax. Jura 2Q4-886. Thormfon,'re hold that the firottraaraotloamentloaedabove lo tuablo rondrrtho A&, booau80 it lnrolvoda truafer of the lo6al tltlo ta ihwoo or 6orblfloatoo of Took of the R~publlol&tlo8alLdfo Ymw~ao~ aQpaay to tb tX'u"t000 aumd 18 the YOtly tX’Wt YXUmt, oYo8.thoU5h the qtitabl0 title or karfioi~ itiO?oWb raai8Od with the OUk~k~ Or tX%8do?ori~ Wllllom F. Eonbright & 00. Y. 6t8t0,161 ?LY. hp. SIB Oliffo Qorp. Y. Bltod hteo, 106 Fed. (8d) 77a I V&i tho mw baa10 of roa8oaln(;, m hold that the fourth traaraotlomdooorlkd abme iIWO1VO8 a twcablo%mOfO?, belag menly the WII- vu88 oftho flrot rituation.``~ Ohioago Wart Ilorfom Ibr* 00. Y. Otate,16Q 8. Y. 6. 467, afflmod, 166 & 6, Q60* Hon. (560.& Shepprd - Rage 5 (O-3765) !I?158 interpretation,upon substantiallyidentioalstatutes,appears from the adm5nirtrat5veruling and regulationsof the IL So TreasuryDeprt- ment and of the states of Maassaohusetta and New York, holdingthe transferof sharesor oertlficatesof rtook to and fram voting trusteesto be taxable., see, iafra* Rb hold the third trnnraotionnamed atwe to involvea taxable trana- far, even though the legal title to the steak does not pass by the transferof the voting trust oertifioatebut remainswith the trwtees, The statute olearly intendsto make taxable the transferof the mere beneficialinterestor equitable title to stook, uvidenoedby a voting trust oert5?icateo This oonstructionis supportedby oertaindeaisionsand by the rules and regulatianaof the taxing authoritiesabove mentioned.holdingthe tnnofer of voting trust oertifioatas to be tuublo. United Stat& v. Baker, 115 Fed. (2d) 129gJU-t.15 (7), (14) of InformationRelatinrto the Stook TransferTPX Law. (New York); Regulations71 U. S. Treas. Dept.,-kt. 34(b) and (o)~ 0 .- - Booause such voting trust oertifioateoare desigaedto merely avidenoe the beneficialor equitableinterestsof the holdersof such oertifioateain the actual shar%s of certificatesof stock of the RepublioNationalLWe Ynsuranoe Company,the tax looruingupon the ttinsferthereofwill be computedon the basis of the ppr v:nlueof such stook, to the extent that smne is representedby the unite ooveradby said vuting trust oertificateso The fourth transactioninvolvedin the instantfacts, that is, the irsuanosand deliveryof the voting tursteesof voting trust oertifioates,io not a taxabletransferbeoause name ir tantamountto an originallcrsueof ntook, ddoh haa been held not to be wbjeot to this tax measure,Iprour OpinionNo. D-3594,direotedto you* Ry the issuanoeof suob oertifloatoaby tha voting trus+ees,ao transferof the legal or equitaue title to aharea or oortifioateaof rtook or intereststherein oooura,but suoh rertlfioaterare merely ev5deatiaryof the righta ore&ad Iy the voting trust lgraamntt. Annwring your last question,you ara adoiaedthat the three tram- aotlono ortraaafers held to be taxableherein,will be govamod by the prin- oipleoannounoadin our opinion NDo O-3713 direotedto you0 Tran8fen by non- rerldentoto non-resident8of stook oertifiaateror voting truet oortifioates will be taxableif aa, one of the four taxabletranaaotlonoor evnnto nomad in the otatuterand in raid opinionooour8 or transpiresin the State of Texas. Idoraopoolfloally,if the trawler6 of the unit8 raprerated bthe voting truot oertifloatao56suedin the inatwt oaoe are reoordrdupon the book8 and reoordrnocrdo requiredto bo kept @' the ro%incgtrurtaeawithin the State of Texar, under the exprorrtemr of the votiag trurt l gnmnant, or lf the tran~- for of tha a,haroror oerf5fioateoof atook of the Hepublio NationalL5fe InouranooCanpeny by or to said vuting trurtees,ir made up08 tha transfer of said oo&pemyin Torah,then, under our opinion I& O-3713, bookr andanstrordo a rtooktranrfer tax aoouzw, even though the agreementor oontraotinvolving _ Eon. woe H. Shepprd - Rgo 6 @-3766) tb al8 or trmsf8r of mob 8-8 or wtiag %rurt artifloatu, the a & ua l lleor kaa8fer of 8uoh 8-n ud tholr de- tx oo1-llfioato8, liwrp, uoh and all drurp&rd iaitrukfr~ aalwr8 your laquirio8, Trurtiagthe for8goiagratirfkotorily war8 Yourr-m~truly By /I/ Pat b &if, Jr0 Pat k. hff, Jr. li8818t8d &PP?#VBD 8Ep 4, Is41 /8/ Qrowr 60118XV ?lRsT M6I6TAm ATTc6BiBrQxBRAL -. m8Ih$8@I