. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hoaoreible 3Tolner CM'rPiean, SF., Page 2 in .eaidzzovmept,un3maa said arivorupon dmaand of said peram ox psaoe oifloer mkes, signa tinCdelivers to said person or yea46 offloer a writtea 8tatsmnt aontainl~ all the infomatic:nbarelc required to be Included in permits. &r&b driver shall be fined not less thar:Tw~r~tpfivs ( ES&O) Dollars nor zora thas TWG U&red (8IMO&O) Dollars for each hoad of l.ivslstoak and eaah dozestio fowl ,~ hi said mmement whiah ie not oovsred by all the following infonzatA.on:iJam or place of ox-i&i, laoluding nam4 of ranah ar other place; p&it of destlnatioti isioludfng n&m of renah, market aeater, pe4kl.q house or other place; wsber of Iivertfiak or fowls with the desoriptiontheroof, including kind, brood, color, SAG altioarks and brands if there br =w. Falluro OP reC?ueaLof such driver tc exbiblt to e pamon or jnaco officer s&id yeraft or t 0 mGk5 said sta.tsment,shall coratit.utS prubabls cm.asefor LO ~gaerson or peaa* officer to irdarahsaid fruak or vehlale to aeaertwlioif It containb anq stolen Livsstoak or stolon,dcm?mtlofowl8 and to dataln aold eaV&mt a 'rmsonable len$th of tfge to asarrttrrin whsther anj atolaa livsstaek or stole. fmZ5 are ocnteinad therain. Aay drlosr who &as In l&s pcs*cssf.ci~my f8lee or foqed paniLt or who makes any false wrlttsn Zitatment shall be fined not lam than Tuo Hundred (@Ob.%) Dollar6 nar more than Fivs,mridmd (8r5GO.00) Collars or ba ah~ll.bs l.qritoned iiit&e aoua~g .jaiLnot lass thun sixty (50) &sys nor mre than six (4) zcmthbe,or'he eb.~ll. be punlshsd by both suah Pine and imprlsomrient. It is ju-ovidsdthet tha ~rovitafoats of *$Lti ket eball alao ag,?lyto a2ac&tersd llvtiiatock azd fc~wlsan& butahwed portions thereof.* The otatute ag!gsarlto be tithin the pollee power bf the stata inmiar au Ooneern8 tha authority it extends to pm6 OfrLln. 30 doubt the legality of t&t portion of the law attw~tis<; to tisgtirsdrivera of.vehiolstrto uhibit the permit, or m&e the statmsnt gremoribml in lieu of eudh psmdt, to pemons other thao peace offlierra,~ but a detoralnationof that pueotion is not nw before us. fn $mssic.~the act, the l6gia~etire"intsnt is app6lunt fro3 the foXlowIng lsn~uage Of t&I.snsrgency claw81 The tacta that there are n~srou% thQ.fts of lfvezHxvak,anddozM&lo f.owlaend that the aaid stolen Uvoetoeh sod row18 aim beiog hauled in tarrrfcrr, autmobi&oa sod otlwr vehloles troa mnehea, paatuma and gnmireu along .gublloroada, thoroughfaresand high- wqw and timt there icr94,adipuate .&w mgnlafing movements'of ll~estwk by tamb, autfm4bfl46 and otlwr vrbiales whewb;g ,ataeh thefti~nay be prsve&mI ma &M&d crRste an Qmrgen6y* * *. By pnwl.dons of $he a& t&b offle~em am authmite6 to ato;,any vehicle u2on.U a,?psa&g thatmoh oehiole I8 tmnaporttng lIvestook or doaas%iO fowl, aither.alXVsor shughtarrd, an4 to mqueat the Qriver~%O erhibit $hQ pmnlt 6amsribrd An the et&ate. ,Sf t&a. Q``vex luy ~90 aiwh &t, 5t Id.11bQ proper em the orriaem to reQueett~'tbmit t.h* drlrrr D~O&d.lB ?p~!ibthe otat&WiSt tifWZ'e& to. ff ZViiwal