. - OF TEXAS Mr. M. A. Turner Secretary, 'Boardof Regents State Teachers Colleges Box i'56 Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-3762 Re: Validity of action of Board of Regents of State Teachers Col- leges in granting a year's leave of absence with full pay to Dr. C.N Shaver, President of Sam Houston State 'TeachersCollege Your letter of Karen 1'7asks the opinion of this department as to the validity of thea ction of the Board of Regents of the State Teachers Colleges of Texas in granting to Dr. C.N. Shaver, President of Sam Houston State Teachers College at Huntsville, Texas, leave of aosence forthe current fiscal y~earat full pay. From ths statement off acts appended to your letter it appears that Dr. Shaver was first elected President of the 6am Houston State Teachers College on Feb. 3, 1937, effective September 1, 1937; that he has been continued in office regularly since that date, last being reelected president on Kay 6, 1941, for the fiscal year ending k\:;ust31, 1942; that on August 18, 1941, by action 01'the Board oi Regennts of the State Teacilers'Colleges, Dr. Shaver :ias granted leave ofabsence at full pay for the fis- cal year ending August 31, 1942. It appears that .theleave of absence rrasgranted to Dr. Shaver on the grounds of ill health. The hoard felt that personal welfare of Dr. Shaver, as well as the interests of the school, required that Dr. Shaver, for the current fiscal year, be relieved of all responsibility for the discharge of the duties of president of that institution. In this instance it is not necessary to determine the question whether the action of the board violates the provisions of our State Constitution referred to in the letter of Mr. George. H. Sheppard, Comptroller of Public Accounts, Austin, Texas, addressed to the President of the Board of Regents of the State Teachers Colleges, in reference to this matter, under date of March 5, 1942. - . Mr. H. A, Turner, Page 2 o-3762 The constitutional question need not be determined in this case, because the action of the Board of Regents plainly vio- lates the provisions of House Bill No. 272, Acts Regular Session 47th Legislature, It is a familiar doctrine that public officers have only such power as is conferred upon them by law. It is an equally familiar rule that when the power to do a certain thing is de- nied by law, the publS,cofficer cannot lawfully do the thing prohibited. H.B. No. 272, Acts Regular Sessicn, 47th Legislature, is the act providing appropriations for the support and maintenance of the vartous educational institutions of this State for the cur- rent biennium. The section of that bill providing an appropria- tion for the support and maintenance of the Sam Houston State Teachers College contains a subheading and item of appropriation as follows: "Administration (12 months) “k?5. The president, with house, water, heat, lights, telephone, part time yard man.*.. .$6000.00” The general provisions appended to the act and governing and controlling the expenditure of funds therein appropriated con- tain the following subsections: "Subsection 8. Vacation allowance. "A vacation not to exceed twelve working days each year may be allowed each of the officers and employees provided fcr upon a twelve months basis'in this act." Dr. Sllaveris the President of the Sam Houston State Teachers College. The president of the college is provided for in the act upcn a twelve months basis. Wlether the president is an officer or employee it isnot necessary to decide. Palpably, he is either the one or the other. Though the Board of Regents of the State 'TeachersColleges has granted to Dr.,Shaver a jiear’s "leave of aosence" at full pay, the prohibition expressed in Subsect.ion8 cannot be avoided in that manner. plere difference in terminology cannot serve to obscure the fact that in truth the Bo;.rdof Regents has attempted to allow Dr, Shaver a vacation exceeding twelve working days during the current fiscal year. The act.expressly denies the Board of Regents of the State Teachers Colleges the authority to allow Dr. Shaver a paid vaca- tion e?:ceedingtwelve working days in the current fiscal year. It follows inexorably that the action ofthe Board of Regents in attempting to allow Dr. Shaver a vacation of a full year at full pay is invalid. Mr. H. A. Turner, page 3 O-3762 Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BY R.W. Fairchild Assistant