DocketNumber: O-3677
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
:x:1. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN G-C.- -- Hanorable George R. Sheppesd ccmptmller of Public Accounts Auatln,TexBa Dear Sir: 1s self-explanatory and r 'TMS a- mqaeetr for laform cowity or city may r 047c-1, Vernm*e bilOt8ted “"IQyfided, that the tax imposed ahallbe 3aa lleu of say other ooaupatlaaor exeiss tax imposed by the State or say politlaal subdIvlslon thereof, ~1 cigarettes. ,j, ,,.) “.I ‘. Hmorsble George II.Shep,pard,Page 2 %?c. 4. Every distributor, vholeeele deal- er and retaaildealer in this Stste nw engagedor to becm engaged in the sale or use of cigmettes upm which a tax 1s requlmd to be pad, shall, vithln thirty (30) days from t&e date, thla law beaomea effective, file vlth the Comp- troller en applicstiaz for a algarette pernritas a distributor, wholesale dealer or retaL dealer, 88 the casemaybe, said applloatlan tobeaccom- panted by a fee of Tveaty-five ($25.00)Dolors if foradlatrlbutor~e permilt,or8 fee of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars If for a wholesale d%a.l%r*oper- mlt, or a fee of Five ($5.00)Dollara 1s for 8 retail dealer's permit. * * l “* 4 4 ‘Ifth % Sppkkatiaa is for a persdtto sell cigwettes from or bymeans of a cigwette fentig IpachSne,train, ~toaobile or other vehlale, the serial numberaf aald veadlngp``chlne, themaha, motor numb%r aad Stat% highway lloensenumber of bald autonroblleor other vehicle ex%dthe wune of ther8Xm8yowpauyaadnusiber of said trah shall be shown cm the upplioatloas. *t 4 4 %ec. 2.22,It is expressly pMIoided tUtno oocmpH.lm tax f&s11 be collected from any peram veadlngoi*ttea by maa8 of a vand.lagmuh¶ae for fiheprltilegeof *elrJnac&pettss -by meensoisuahlsahlnee ot&ertlzasthepenPitfee heMntmpueedfo;reechmWdae.* UnderSeotlona 2 sab 12 of drtlole 'fCWp-1, stqga, it is apparent that oitles sad countlea of thla atate rm prohibited Floralevying and colleating 811ocaup&lax tax m dealers of cigarettes or operators ofcig6rette vending aschinea. Ue have beon unable to ftid any stetute vhlch would authorize or grant to a county the use of general police pover3. Keltheerdo we find ans statute specifically authorizing a county to regulate cigarette vending mschinea. For these re88on8, ve aX8 Of the OpitriOQthat oountles l.n this Stste have no authority to regulate cigarette vending ma&Snes nor do they have any authority to levy and oolleot permit fees thereon. See HarrisCounty et al v. Kaiser et 81, 23 S. W. (26) 840 (writ refused). We have been uauble to find any general statute which speolflcally gives the cltias of this State the auth- ority to regulate cigarette vendlag machines. It is probable, hwever, that some cities vere incorporated under 8 special Act of the Legislature. This being true, it vould be neoes- sary for such laws to be exsrainedin order to determine what pavers such citlee have. It would also be necessary that the charters of the citles'be exsmined in order to deterxnhe Its charter povere vith respect to this question. The pollee paver of 8 oltg la only such 8s ir de- rived from Its charter end must be either expreaslg panted or be vlthin the terms of suoh grent. Cain vs. State, 2%7 s. w. 262. We note that Articles 1015 and 1175, Vemcn's An- notated Civil Statutes, amaag other things, su+&orize cities to make certain regulations pertalnlng to public health and safety. We are not advised es to the reasf& for regulating the cigarette vending ties, and, furthermore, it vould appear to be a fact question 8s to vhother or not theee machines affeoted the publlo health or safety in suoh mennor IMIto permit regulatlm thereof. In this ccnnecztim ve vlsh to point out that the use of olgarette vending machlnea in olgarettea is 8 l8vfu.lbusiness. Thwe machinea we duly licensed and regulated by the law8 of this State. Artiole 7C47c-1. Thla being true, the cities vould be vlthout the pover to adopt any regulatlcn vhlch vould be unduly oppressive or highly injurious to such business. Sam'8 Lsbn Office, Ino. of Ap- v. City of Beaumont, 49 9. W. (26) 1089, (Comu~I.sslon peals, 15321. See also 14 Texas Isv Revlev 278. . I Hmorable George H. Sheppard, Page 4 In concluding ve vlsh to say that ireare unable to detemaiae whether or not any or all cltles csn levy and collect permit fees 01 cigarette v~cilng machines. The i ultlmato deteruthation of this quwtica may well rest upcm numerous fact lsauss of vhloh me are not advised. We t-t we k%ws satlsf8otorily ausmred your questicn.