DocketNumber: O-3690
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN opinion lo. o-3690 Ber whether mtiperlntendent of Ini dawndent aahool dirtr%ot may ‘at-the aeime- tary of ,the board of trurteea. letter of Dotober 9, 1941, vhioh “said trwtees’uhallmeetwithin twetity days after’ the eleotion, or aa.aoon’thereaiter as possl- ,ble, for the purpose of.organising. A majority of said board &all odnstitute a Quorum to do businers. They shall ahoose from.thelr number a prealdent, and.they ahEll ohoow aa~WQ?2Wy, a tr!asurer, as- eeeaor and collector of~tax@#, and other neoeaeary ‘oifloers.and oommitteea.’ c The emplojnnent of a auperlntendent ia governed by Arti- fZ&J, Revised Civil Statutea, whiokve quote aa follovs: 392 Honorable 1. A. Woods, page 2 "The Board of trustee8 or any ofty or tovn OP any independent aohool biatrlot mar employ a superintendent, prinoipal, teacher, OP other exeou- tire offioera in the aahoola therein for a term not to exeeed~thwe yerud, provided that the Board of truateea of an tidependant aehool dirtriot vhioh ha&a aoholaatio population 0f.5~000 or mope lnthe last preoedlng aahoJ*at&o yew may.employ a .aupe~- lntendent, prinOipa1, teacher, OP other executive offloera tn the rohoola therein ror a term not to exoead five yeara. All~tvelve-month oontrahtr made by truateeb of lndepeudent lohool diatriota witQ employee8 herein mentioned ahall begin eon July ‘. j. .‘.. firat and end on June 30th ofi the yeas terml.Mt- .; ing the eonfiraotim i You vant to know whether the superintend& of school8 ~2% may alao nerve aa aeoretary OS the board ot truateea. Ue are of r-‘ ;’ . Ii* ogd.nlon that--he omlaot.- ,,~. 4,. ’ ; It $8 aettled~lav iri Tda that-the ‘same person cannot ii .hold :two lna~tible offloea . 9 Tex. Jur. 3%; Kugle v. Olen Bore Independent Sahool Matriot, 50 S.Y. (2d) 375. .Offigea are inoomp8tlble.ii the dutlea attached to one’are fnoonalatent or in wrUl.iot tith the dutiSa attaahed to the other. Thomae v. Abernathy Sohool Matbiot, 290 S.Y. 152. lie believe that the dutPei-attaohed to the office of superintendent independent aohool dirtriot are inoonaiatent rlth those o? eeoretary to the board.of trnrteeq of such dletrlot. Ye quote the iollovlng lknu’the ~oplnlon In the Abernathy case, olted above: . “In OUT opinion the offiCier of aohool truatse and elderman are 1noompatlble;‘~for. under our eya- tern there are in the oity oounoll or board of alder- men va~ioua dlreotory add 8uDervirory povera exert- able lwreapeot to aohool property looated vithln the oity or town and In reapeot to the duties of aohool trustee per$ormable vithin ita llmite....” (Emphaaie supplied) The aeoretary generally signs oontracts made by the board or trueteea and warrants OS the diatrlot to ita teachers a& em- RlOyeea. If the mmretary were also.auperlntendent, he would then, ‘, 393 Bonorable L. A. Woods, page 3 am seoretary, sign him ovn oontr6kgt and the varrant to him ln hia oapaoity am superintendenti.Th6~aeoretary is ~eaponsible iOr the mlnutea of $he various meethga of the,board, and he must be pre-- rent at the meetings to reoord what transpired therein. -He Vould be present vhen matters relating to him ai l uperlntendent would be dlaouased. He vould be In e positionto lnfluenod ‘hembermof the board, bnd ,they oould not hot am ireily were the auperrint&l&nt totally dlaoomeoted vith theis meetings. While vex-+at preaome that he vould~ OPFJ out the dutiea~of both,oriioea p-&perly aud ao- oording to law, this presumption does not ellmlmte the above men- tioned inoonaiatenoiea~ It la the opinion oi this depkmnt, tharefore, that the offioes are lnooaipatible. Aeoomllngly, your, question is an?- vered In th6 IwzqwVe. Very truly you-8 ATTORRBYORRRRALOY TgULS