OFFICE OF 7’HE ATIy)RNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorabls Aubrey Iioblson oounty Attorney Wrrie County hingimield, TOma Dear sin Oplnlon Eo. 04d8Y tit s00ay judgi0 -a 40wy slorks are not entitled to r*oa in seour~ng adnia- rlon of tuberoularr to dtato Roepitels. to a $?i.oO trial for in a oam ahenin l tubercular la owcaltted to a Stato,8aattorlumP 10 t&w Coimty Olark entitled to coat8 ior prepWing and fonard- lag ths tranooript?” haa bean rsoeivea and oaretully oonridrmd by this Cepartmtmt. irtlalaa m!59, aeio, 5241, auw, SUS, se44, SUS, 51146, 8847, 82443,3249, 3860 ana 3m, v8modfi Annotstea TOXWB oitil Btatutee, deal with State TuberwiPosf8 ~eniteTiU!aUand the ad- #tinis#ionof patients thsreto. rrtfole 9248 provides that the parant, guw%3n or rrimia of any patient eseking aatahiton to tha State Tubsroular lioiosp,ital knaymke applfoatlon 1. In wkitl.n&' end under oath to the oounty jud&I Otths OOuOtY Mmnin such patient resldae, Zor r&leuion oi said paticrat into ths state oolony or hosplkl. .SalC~statutsprovide's, eleven raquireaent8 ei3to what aaid applioetlon shnll contafn, I 379 Hon. kubrey iiobfeon,page e luah ee name, a g e rslatiree, , property, *to. Ar t1 013343 0 pmvldos that the epplIo~.tlonmwt be lec o mp enled by the kind of phySlOlan'8 oertItloataoutlined by raid atetute, etc. Artfclo 3.844,among other thinee, provi4ee that the oouaty J&r, if satisfied that the pereon OtiOuld bs abitted, ehall rorward the l pplioetlon dsaoribed in hrtiols 3343, together with the ocunty judge*e applioetlon for admieeion of eald patient to the Stat4 oolony or ho4plt41. Patl4nte are olaaead 88 lndteant, non-indigent ind private petieote. krtlcls 3Q48, Vernon*e ¬ated Civil Statutee, r44de 44 fellcwe I "The oounty judge 4hall 48~ that 4aeh ptlat admItted to the colony ie lupplled with three tull luitu OS W``WOE~ and ow neat top Boat, all bein& euoh ae may be preeoribed by th4 State Ueaith 3ffloet; and the expeneee of the alething and tranr- port4tion of public lndigmt patient8 &hall be paid by thetoounty from which the petient 18 sent. ff 4ny @lent 14 admitted birmotly ugonths outiflaate of the dtate Health Offloer a8 4n bAi@mt petknl, than ths State ebalth orfioer lhall eupply euch ptiat xith euoh clothing and his oertifioate thereof ehell be full evidenoe thrat the 445& was 80 uup lied and of the +aluo thoraof, end the ooanty from &oh. eaid prtient 44414r&l1 be oher3oabl.awith eeid clothe8 end shall pay the 8-a upon presantation of 8414 04mtlfleat~. Bon-indleent pub110 paticants elm11 pay for their slothlng and tnneportatlon them- 441Y44." The above etetutes lmpoee no duty whatever on the oounty olerk to prepra and forward a traneoript. ft is the duty of the county ju&.-eto rorward the applloetione to the etate oolonp or hoepltal. a hare been unabls to rlnll any atatuto which would provide 8 fee for the county judge for hi8 esrricse in suoh matterer iitatutsspresoribing fess for pub110 officers are etriotly oonstrued1 and hence a right to fee8 my not mat in ln~lioe- tion. &OCUllE 98. city or l~ockdels,248 6. ti.634. i%c constftution fixes the oompsneation 0r oertain 0fri0er4 an& suthoriees to provide by law f'orthe f.!oi~psn- the satlon of dL1 other officera, servant@, agent@ and publie I den, Atabrey Robi@an, pagr S oonuracton. Furrumt to the authority thtu aenfarro&, nuw erota8 statute8 have been gaf!sed fixing the’ooqpo~atlon ior ~6riour oa888ff or omo8re. A8 heroinabove 8tote6, the mm- jm88Blou of publla ottleera 18 fixed by the Conatltutlon or 8t8tUtO8. .iLLOrriO8r WY not 018ila Or r8EOh MY EkC?n8lWithout 8 18W aUthOritiSig him t0 d0 60, and cleiarlyrimg th8 uount to whleh he 18 mtitlwl. %5rOrd V8. Robi8OR, 844 s. 9:. 809fi Artfolo 8986, v8r505'8 An!kolUtOdcivil Statutbo, wh1.h protid8* a thru dollar SW ror th8 oou5t~ juage for owl& 01~11 Qa8O f15811y dl8p0888 02 by him by tti81 or othwuiro, to bO t-86 8@58t tha party OO8t in thO 8tit, iO O&Or&y Rot lpplleoblo hero. 980 Opi5iOn Ot ohi8 D.~8S&b81* hbb& Way 00, 1@&8, Written by &a5. A. fhnfOr(l, Jr. 3. &88i8tUft Atummy CWw8.1, On& raoordsd ln Vol. SM. pegash ai4 SOO, ktOer 0piniOll8 Of t&m Attorney hnU81 Of T-8*, uhieh hold8 that th. aowty jid&. i8 net s5tithd t@ WJ f-8 for the 4utiu &orfomWl bg him Ln 800t~l4 &~%88iOE rrttubuw&rr ta th8 $8atO OObw Or hO8pitOl. B7 zF.9 2-e Wm. J. Rwltlng A8airtaut WJ?$H APPROVECJUN 23, 1941 ATTORNEY GEtif.‘Er,l.. OI’ =‘ZfAS