DocketNumber: O-3670
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Honorab&e B. T. Walters County Auditor Smith County Tyler, Texas Dear Sir: Oplnlon Ho. O-3670 Re: Commissioners8 Court of Smith County has authority to allow county attorney reasonable necessary travel- ing expenses in attending justice courts of the county. Your request for tiplnionhas been received and carefully ooas%dered by this Department. We quote from your request a8 follows~: "Pletlse.~advlsethe method of crmputlng the aaount_of traveling expenses that may be legally paid the County Attorney of Smith County for at- tending the Justloe of the Peace Courts in the different precincts of Smith County." Smith County has a population in excess of 20,000 ln- habitants, and its county officers are compensated upon a salaly basis. Section (b) of Artlolc 3899, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, reads as follows: "(b) Each officer named in this Act, where he receives a salary as compensation for his servlaes, shall be empowered and permitted to purchase and have charged to his county all reasonable expense8 necessary In the proper and legal conduct of his offloe, premiums on officials1 bonds, premium on fire, Hon. B. T. Waltera, page 2 (O-3670) burglary, theft, robbery insurance protecting public fund8 and lncludlng the cost of surety bond8 for his Deputies, such expenses to be passed on, pre- determined an allowed in kind and amounts, as nearly aS pOSSlbI0, Qy the Commlsaloners~ Court onoe each month for the ensuing month, upon the application by each officer, stating the kind, probable amount of expenditure and the neaessity for the expenses of his office for such ensuing month, which application shall, before presentation to Said court, first be endorsed by the County Auditor, If any, otherwise the County Treasurer, only as to whether funde are available for payment of such expenses. The Com- nilssloners~Court of the county of the Sher ff's residence may, upon the nltten and sworn aapllaa- tlon of the Sheriff stating the necesalty therefor purchase equipment for a bureau of criminal ldenti- flcatlon, 8uoh as cameras, finger print cards, Inks, chemicals, microscopes, radio and laboratory equlp- ment, filing cards, filing cablUOt8, tear gas and other equipment in keeping with the system In use by the Department of Public Safety of this-State, or the United States Department of Justice and/or Bureau of Criminal Ideutlfloatlon. "'Suchpurchases shall be made by each officer, when allowed, only by requisition in meaner provided by the County Auditor, if any, otherwlsc by the Commlss~oners~ Court. Each officer shall, at the close of each month of his tenure of office, make an itemized and sworn report of all approved expenses incurred by hlm and charged to his county, accompany- ing suoh report with invoices covering such purchase8 and requlsltlons Issued by hlm in support of such report. If such expenses be incurred in connection with any particular case, such report shall name such case. Such report, invoices and requlsltlons Shall be subject to the audit of the County Auditor, if any, otherwiae by the Commissioners' Court, and if lt appears that any item was not Incurred by such offleer, or that such item was not a necessary or legal expense of such office, or purchased upon proper requlsltlon, such item Shall be by Said County Auditor or court rejected, in which ease the payment of such item may be adjudicated in any court of competent jurisdiction. All such approved claims and accounts shall be paid from the Officers' Salary Fund utiess otherwise provided herein. Hon. B. T. Walters, page 3 (o-3670) "The Commlssioners~ Court of the county of the Sheriff's residence may, upon the written and sworn application of such officer, stating the necessity therefor, allow one or more automobiles to be used by the Sheriff in the discharge of official business, which, if purchased by the county shall be bought ln the manner prescribed by law for the purchase of supplies and paid for out of the General Fund of the county and they shall be reported and paid in the same manner as hereln provided for other expenses. "Where the automobile or aUtomObil are owned by the Sheriff or his Dsputles, they shall be allowed four (4#) cent8 for each mile traveled Ln the di8- charge of official business, whlch~sum shall cover all expense8 of the maintenance, depreciation and operation of such automobile. Such mileage shall be reported and paid In the same manner prescribed for other allowable expense8 under the provisiona of this Section. Wo automobile shall be allowed for any Deputy Sheriff except those regularly employed in outside work. It shall be the duty of the County Auditor, if any, otherwise the Commissioners1 Court, to cheak the speedometer reading of each of said automobiles, owned by the county once each month and to keep a public record thereof; no auto- mobile owned by the c?ountyshall be used for any private purpose.' i. We have considered the cases of State vs. Carries,106 S. W. (2d) 397 and Casey vs. State,289 S.W. 428
, whiah construe Section la) of Article 3899, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and hold that the rule of construction 'ejusdem generls!$quallflatl the general language (other necessary expenses) by the antecedent specially enumerated items of expense (stationery, stamps, telephone, premiums on officials' bonds, including the cost of surety bonds for his deputies, premiums on fire, burglary, theft, robbery insurance protecting public funds, traveling expenses) and reatrlcts and limrts the meaning of the geo@ral language (other necessary expenses) to expenses of the same kind and class of the above specially enumerated items of expense. We have also considered the case of CroSthwait vs. State, 138 S. W. (2d) 1060, whl.chconstrues Section 19 (1) of Article 39120, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, and hold8 that the rule of construot$on 'ejusdem goneris 18 applicable to Said SO&ion. (Said section is in all material respect8 hereto - virtually the same as Section (a) of Article 3899.) Eon. B. T. Walters, page 4 (0-3670) The rule of Construction 'ejusdem generls' has been defined by 19 Corpus Juris, page 1255, as follows: "Liberally 'Of the same kind of species.' A well-known maxim of construction, to aid In ascertaining the meaning of a statute or other written instrument, the doctrine being that, where an enumeration of specific things is followed by some more general word or'phrase, such general word or phrase ~18to be held to refer to things of the same kind." It is our opinion that the rule of construction 1eju8dem goneris' Is not applicable to Section (b) of Article 3899, Vernon's Annotated Clvll Statutes, because the general words X "all reasonable expenses necessary ln the proper and legal conduct of his office" do not follow the specific words "pre- miums on offlcials~ bonds, etc." but on the contrary antecede Said SpeOifiC words. Clearly the rule of aonstructlon 'ejusdem generis ) would not apply to Section (b) of Artiole 3899, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes. ':It is frequently necessary ln the proper conduct of his office that the oounty attorney travel from the county seat to the .varlousoutlying justice courts of his county. It is our opinion that the oomnlssloners I court of Smith County would have authority to allow the county attorney_reason- able necessary traveling expenses for attending justioe courts of the county. The method of computation of such expenses allowed, if any, would be for the commlssloners~ court to deter- mine in their sound discretion. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GEKERALOFTEXAS APPROVED JUL 3, 1941 By /s/ Wm. J. Fanning /dy;;;sg;$- Wm. J. Fanning Assistant ATTORl'EXG1EiiERAL WJF:H:mjs