2fs9 lionos*bleW. Y, Tuokor CouAS~ AttaSn@y VWlington , Tsrad has Sir; CppinfoaX0. 6-6669 Rot Xi?feotief Eoum BfU 96, 17tk 1 lsttuso, on peJsdiJi& tar e3 *8 and amwt @oata* fn your letter of June 4, Wtl, you dllnot attan- iion to PotLeoBill X?Q+ 76, 4%h Le@latuso, makiqg o**ala rbmirsioar of peaal~ies ad intaert upon btblS.n~usat a& valoram aad poll t-6 pal4 en 6~ before Nowsaber1, 1042 ~4 'rectpeatow opinion in rupm8e to the folla*iag puo~ioa#~ "l;- Shall the proririonr OS thfm se% bo 60 00AstsMd 08 to bol8 thb fldng 0i dat5qube tu s\tits, r0s ~4 naittm mad poll Car, until Xw. &id, 19IlP (Thbdate of thb expiration of thii sot) *Es- Bhall aaL6 Bill, M baaotbd be OM- etrubd 80 a8 tlb make tmo~garblo and unoolleotfbl, lbrtmot few, Yheriff'a proabae fem, an& othw naobsaasup ooust oeata, in sultr filed on Jum lrt, and pwllng trial In the Plwsabes Term of court, 1941?” Tha r&t doea not Ceolare a moratoriui on deiinpummt tams, uor lift the sam Jut of a stats of cleltnquen``. It mnlJ meLas osrtaln raed8slons a8 &n faduoamsnt to url~ pap mantof moh dollnquent taxe8, whloh isrestill 4~ snd ala&. suita may stUl bb malntaine4 1 ally to aollect suoh taxol. Judgmbnt8, howOver, ohoul4 conta"fA proviafone safwdw tha right of the praperty ownor to ths remiesfotuihfirsn!?J the ,iot,in gwe he makes payssAt on or before Novenber 1, 1942.. This fs 'in answer to pour .?iratqiuetfon. Buri OA yOUr SeOQAd qUO&iOA, W9 f&U&0 -0tiOA t o? 8aiQ Xouse Eli "g 1 VI, a8 follow8t Tit&t U&3. SO8t8 Si SWb~ k&Ad Slid aham T%&er at hare’aaarwl i)r attaahad 01: that my hozeafter aocruo or attaah to or by roams of $o~inquan~ poll Or ad talor~ tam8 on whioh *at6 poll or a4 nrlorim tsx thr interoat and pen- al.tisrMoe ban rsloased by any of Cho ~rorlslons at thi8 Art ahall be and the same are huwbl ra= lsasti, ur& no such aorts sh~1.lhttreafterbo ohxg*4, oo~lesfmt, tiraouountrd for, r)rorlUod, hwamr, that any oo8ta that are nov duo an8 pap &ble to my ofrioer or ofrlolal shall remin e valid obli&AtfOA, Aotulthat6Adi~ the prOViSiOAB bereor. * It will tbw be seem that all costa are reloaaa& hi 05Se of papmsnt of the d&.inqtwIt taxes DA or btiaro Llotr- kr 1, 1842, aroapt tho80 due aAa payable to offiSaS or ~ffi- slab at the efteotlte &ate a? the bat, nny and all 0oaS8 aoarulag artsr the SHSotivS &its or the hot ~ipp Be la a p s6 by auk%&& pOpfHbAtaf tha dellApAt tCUW drip@ the lfiWti- pcrloa of fiousoSill 76, This 1s true, wader the erprur pro- rf~ioao of thS 8tatutS. without rsforonoe to the date t&w rrrit wattOf wr be fllsd. Howwor, ruoh costs arm Aot rsieand and wi2.lbe co1lscrtiblou~lws the taxpayer makes $myAmAt of hla aOii5QUOAt taxer on or before Bmoarbor 1, 1941.