OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL.OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable H. mD* Striager gate the neoetraltgSor the itauame of a lloenae : over 14 -$I under 16 years of age. to say n&nor Honorable II. D. Stringer, page 2 &norable il. D. Stringer, page 3 situation invoking the dootrlne of reapon&at cuperior, *aLId be liable for a minor'8 opera- tion of a motdr vebii3le siaqly because you g&y ed h3.c~ ap#LaatioiCfor a dz'lVer#~ lipetiee. I: mnut ~6ftePate that 8scWon 8 ia meaningleaa unless tbir aonutrwtlon 28 gtven." %eo. 7. ApplMatien of minora. “The Dqt8rtmemt lrM.3 not grankthe 8ppIi- certlon of any miner under the e;ge of eighteen (18) yeara for an ~opePa$'or*i#; copeneruial opera- tor',s,' OF abauiYew*a 3Acer~iae..~Wesa such applf- aatlon 14~signed by the'fathey bf the epplioant, 5.f’‘the ‘iather ia 2i.@ilg aa& has the custody of the apjWc&nt, otharvlse by the notheP,or guardian Honorable X3. D, Stringer, page 4 It is to be observed that House Bill 20, neither in Section 7 or 8 thereof, nor elsewhere, expressly provides that the person signing 8n applioation ehall be liable In damages by reason of haviapr eigned the applloatlon of a minor pursuant to the requixwuanta of Seation 7. We do not believe that such arlsee by neeereary iBspllostlon from the negative reclitatlons in Section 8. There is no lntlmatlon OP suggestion in the title to House Bill 20 of anp suoh purpose, uhf&, aa you point out, would represent a *departure in the lav." A negation In a statute -11 noksupport the positive thereof when the latter, if it wxild ezP#t ra1.13~ by virtue of the etatute, iu non-exlrrtent Lo. t&e statute.