DocketNumber: O-3649
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
liomrablo MorMaer 3mm sxooutite sBore8aPy Teaoh*rmiimen8 8y88mi 0r skxa8 Au8tin, Ibxaa BBAP SlPr wti la Pwpeot- A r*e ~8 td a- tion r*r 80 w by the ‘feadmr RoAorablo NomAr Bnswn, Page 8 enoh examinationA. If th0 d6~EtAWlt iA lW&r- Ad t0 dArrAY th6 AXpAMA iOr 8U6h 6XIIIIIIPPtlOLI8 there i8 A0 BOW60 irO& Uhi6h the IAOASY IAAJ b6 derived 6xOSpt fzoplthe itLO0 m6mberahip fAe paid by ths m6mbiw. "Ii A WIAbU COUId ApplY rOX A di6AbilitY exwlnation at no owt to tbm mAmbAr, It ir pos- Sib16 that AUSO~OU8 FAqU68tS iOrr AXU&BAtiOA8 might be roaeivoU rherm therm is lltth probe- billty that the y#0rs@n i8 ~ayl*IXtly disabl.6 aab *h&r0 swh an InUivldual wuld probably not mqu48t~aa. uwiaation is t&muamU.aatioo is to b A$ h i8 lXp WO. "In view Of the abevo fA8tA, it l.A poSA%- bls that tha epuAtion 0rthA Bystea 00uld be rath8r 88r1OWfj, iopaiM& ir the %APd Of m- to68 id8 =quhtd to 0~ PAPUA 8~ 0r mr AanUAllJ onm6eIloAl exad.n8ti0n8. It Is bA- OAPBA or this problem W&at our dqmrtmat is rAqu68ting this optpion." Sootion $3, tib8AtitioA S of haate Bill Ho. 47, &ts at the Ifit& Legislatun, J&+lar SAssitaa, a~ umnde& by &at&Xl t,, ~UbbsAiltiOll 3 Of kUSA Bi1.l a. loI& A&S Oi the Portpsevsnth LsgislAtiwA, RA&U Sassion, reads as fQpA#S: “wpQn tha ~pfi%OAtiQli or 8 meaboc et 0r his wp%op3P or hi8 lO@. IlrrpmBMtA~iVa AOtbg in hi6 b&Al*, any m6BbAr dk0 ha6 kAd tU6Aty (SO) or mn6 y6ar6 of sr6ditAbl8 66nioA leay be rAtircM by #AA Btatr %Ard 0r TrUlltAAs, QQt 168~ than thirty (80) and not mor6 ~&AA niaet8 (PO) days next ZOllOwigs the date Or firi= SWh AppliOAtiOA, OI1A &isabillty PStimMt AllOW- anos, provide4 that ths Pe6isal BoarU, after a rnAU$OAl 0xAIEIaAtlan of 8UohiAMMlber?,8bAl.l oar- tify that AUAh mabAr i8 mAAt&lf OF phtS%Od- l~.@OApAclitAtAd for the fUrthAr p6r%%a~AU09 ai duty, that 6u6h iAOApAAitf i8 likely t0 be par- aanent, And that AU& member Ahould b6 X6tislsd.R siwt1an 5, SubsAoticm 5 or tinal; m.ll )Lo* +'I, SAPgLel* aAaaund6d by aottdn E;, kbsiwattoa 8 Ar Hawe Bill 2x2 Huaomble Kortia~r &Own, PagA 8 NO. 1016, EUPFA, I'AAdS, iA PAZ%, AA fOliOWIt "q~noe eaoh ysar du~iag the first Sive (6) yawa followiag retirement et A mea~!;oroa A tllaabllitymtimaeat ~Uow8no0, pnd oaoe in Avsry three-ywc period themAfter, the State Borrd 0r &wtees may, and open hia Ap- $ft;;tiOn shall, tiqtirA any 4iSAbility ~AAA- rho hAs not yet attafnd the age of sixty "v 60) years to uadergo a aediealAzuaiea- tion, Auoh sxarabation Ii0b6 aAd at the plats 0r resldenoe 0r said benf4fiAiary or Any other plaaA AiuttilJ A&l'AAd UpOS, by A phySiAirn Or phyAioiAM dAAi.gMtAd by the &Ate Baird of :'rwteeA. &hould any dieability bemiloilrJ who has not yet attained tb -6 of 8ltif (60) years rarwe to vubait to at lemt oae r*4lcril eianilnatloa in any swh puiods by A physioian or dOSi@&At88 by the 8tate Bard or austaos, Us ~llwuro* oh&U be dimon- timed Wtir hf8 Witkh'aWd Or BUOh MfW(L1, and should his retusd 0ontLoru ror oat3 year, at1 his rights In aad to his ~llOw~aoa shill be revoke8 by t&o 8ktA Baud Oz TrAste8s." Seotlon 6, Subaootioa 18 or senate Bill xo. 49, supm, AA ~aAnded by Sootion 3, subsection 12 of %uso Bill Xo. 1016, Aupte, rMd8 AS folloust "'(18) 'Ihs8tAtO %Ati Of 'flll8tOW *ball dASi@lAtA o MAdiOdl be ~OmpOW& of &Ard to three (3) physiAlans aot eligible to p~rtlai- pats in ths Ratlreaant Bystcm. The phy~slei~as 60 appointed by the Stats Board or TmatAes Shdi ba 18gAny qUAiifiO& t0 prAOti~A0 Adi- oine in TOXAS and 8hall be phJ8iolsmI;fr~od 8tanaind ti the mdiall pmr98sm. quired, other physloiaaa may be employed to mport On SpOeid OAS118. The hdiml Board shall pa88 upon All mAdioA1 wm&&at5.ona m- quimd under the ~ltOVi81AAll Or this iLet, and shall invA8tigatA all sA8entiAl StAt8IWatS dad oertifloat88 by 08 ea b6hAlr of A aua&r Of AOIUWAtiQn With Aa AppZiOAtiAn rOr diSAt&&ity mtimeat, aati shall mport in writiag to th* Stat8 fj@,rd O? %uSt@‘,8 it8 AAatiwfAn rtnd rs- 0mndation upon all th8 mot&em miarmd ts It.* 233 nmorable I;;ortl.mar Brown, Paga 4 , Saation 6, SPbaaatiOll 9 of samto Bill No, 49, aupra, as amended by Seotion 9, hbsootioa 9 Of &ma8 Bfll No.1016, supra
, reads as follows: “‘(9) %bbjsot to the llmltationa Q tai8 hot, tha St&, Boar0 oi Tmatoea shall, frpm time to the,: aatabllah ~&WI and ragulatMn8 for eligibility of~romberrhlp and im tha ad- lninlatratian of tha funQ8 oav8tad bJ this &et and for the tran0aatlonet 108 buaineaa.w AII aamination 02 Section 5,~ Gubrre~atlon 5 ef Seaata Bill No. 49, as mumbd, SANTA, revaala that mS4 sootion is silent as to t&a dat8Qa oonaar~&ngtha rdiaal rroainrtion of a mmbar who iire his applioatien ibr 8 diubflity ratlxwuen6 allwama. &aid 8oation #&$ PxwSd88 *that the EmIloal Board, mr a modioal mAr4lmtlen of woh mbex, shill oortity th a t luob aoaber is mtollr 0~ phjsioally inoapaoitated. . . rad that auah ma~b8~'8hould ba retiredrm %bere appwrr te be nothing in the Tuohar Ra- tlrewnt Aot rhioh requixwa the @adtodL BoarCa to aotrully rake these maai6& axaainatian8. ?t&a Aat 8aama to nq&ra only that *lbe XeBioal Board shall uj?on au sodiml exa8i5$aptlonamaqulmd under the pr 8 Of tihhi8kOt.* (Underiw3ring .oura) It la our oplniom, ba8aU upon tho akrra pwka wctlcna & the Aat, that the Board af %uatao8 01 t& Z'kaeher Rqtirmeat Spatam ma$ ptaatigata nilas `` l aamber, &kkflli~@ an applioatian ior Bia d.isclhil.ity ratlrement allowame, to aoeaapany with his l pg&lortlo~ a phy6ialan~a aartiriaate or oertiflo*taa eo~taiming 8uah InrorAatlon as the Board 0r Tru8teaa say Taquire OOAMTll- ing auoh mamber*a mental or phy8ioal aoaditlon. V!ewish to point ortt that as to ahf8 parti08lar stedicdl eramlnatlon tha A& la allant as to tba authority of the hard of Trusteesto deoignate tho l roe!in%ngPBfSi- oian. %a note that Submotion 5, Section 8 of S+aattt Fit11 No. 43, aacraendad, mpra, 8peeliioally protide that, a8 to subsequent wdioal axaminatIo111, thS Beard of %aStaW ahall designate the examinbg phfaioiaM. lQ#Jrn``, 6iAOO the ht expressly provided that the Rmrd of Tmateaa should daaignate the axacnining phfaioiror, in OM inatawa but i8 silent on this netter as to the eramination rrquind b S\rbtjeetion 5, tiO%viOn 3 Of %SltAtO Bill EBO-.491, a* AWML, lmra, wo aonolu& that tha Board of %W8taaa haa 010 aimor- &ty to deadwet% the ~,X~ni~ phpiOi8.A tS3h&m 8&6h mOdha 234 Honorable Xortimer Brown, Page 5 exaAlJJation 88 la required in 3ubsect1on 5, %otion 3 of senate Bill No. 47 air amendod, supm. Gvter*r , should tha Board of Trustees be d1ssatiail~d with the medioal report of the camber's phyeioian, the board has the authority under Seotion 6, kbseotion 12 of Senate Bill MO. 49 aaamundad, supra
, to employ its own physician to make an- other med~loal examination of t&a member. ii;*rind no provision in the Act whlah oodld ba eonstrued as giving the Board of Qustees the authority to da$~rmlne the maximum amount that a physioian shall ohargaca member for a Aedioal ercrainatlon. It Is our opin- iOA, tharefora, thet the Board 0r Tmateea 15 pot empowered to determine tha aiaxinuu amount that a phyaioi0amay 4harm a narber ior the aedioal cxamlaation as reqtired in 3a&ion Sr &baeetion 3 of Senate Bill 190. 49,~ amendad, aupra. It Is alear, hawvar, that the Board oi Trustees baa tha powar to deterniine tha oompeneation of a phyaloien when suoh phyai- aian is aaploysd by Ohs Board or Tramtees. Wa trust that na have aatiafaatorily answerad your qu*atioa, Yours very trulf