OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN flonorable‘Xhwo A. Wheet Oounty Attomeg UEerty, Texas Dear Mr. Wheat8 %tter of JtaawBe whioh raade as ss, zs4tr b the AWe Prle% gors 6ufflolontfurKl6 m39er, shortly aft6r gtbbg pplrell ior a?& bemann, a tolun- ~n&hasbeeaditmhargi%d e UnIted State6 Metrbt D46trl& of relcae. t6 eempany ~fllsdthldr o la boskrugtoy lor the me hots 6howthat mu Honorable 'i'hoxuas A. Wheat - page 2 the r;iving of ssid check becauee the mame &ght be a violation of Article ~IJ+B, that is, tho new *hot cheek' lau. The pertinent portion thereof, Seotion #2, mode a43fol- lOWI A6 we lnt%rpret pour inquiry, you desire to know whet&or the party xuimB%haotiolotodcmy portionOf the hot cheek law, being llrtiele227b, aith ita 6ubd%vietoms, and eepoielly subdlv%slon2. Under the faots stated, it is our o#xdon that the question should be adi im anar~d ~OID --&L-73- ee0.1. am Amdetent