OFFICE OFTHE AlTORNEY OENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN fionorablo Jaawra W. Straw5 Count&' Attorney Uillaoy (fountp Raymondrlll4, TeJccrs Dear sir: sn pour letter 0 opf514n in response ofb!di4 I:IX, Texa6 COn6tftUti.05 maad uEe 6haUhav4 DO pow4rtoE4- h, or to 6uthorleb the re$4asSng :- in whole or in part, ths fndsbt- -" i or obligation of any 44rp43?atiO5 0 this state or to any countp or subdltieion thereof, or (lithermuniaipti uorporiation therein, except delfnqu4nt taxes whlah have be4n due for a perl4d of at 3.46st ten y46r6* (344. 68, iirt. 8, 6dbpt8d 814Cti45 W4V. 8, &k?%)" E@tzoiable Jaraer w. fitram, h&6 a Yrom the opinion of th6 Suprerr, Caurt, Janet 'I* pilllla6l6,45 s* w. (PitI) 130, m qu4t6t *. . . 9b6 6t6tUt66 iZOi@ ti6i4 to t-0 h6V6 BOII- trima pr4rieions for the aall4otl?~n of aem- qu4ut tax46 by rrttoX&e$'s 03 Oth6T6 by OOntT48t6 tar a *roentage a? tho tax, or t4x66, lnter48t, and ~penaltiO6 OOu60t6a. 96rOn'S Aanr Clr. &St., &6. 7%5&, 7344, -6. %t644 6IUI788th. The : power to sake 4ontra4t6 ,UtldeF th.66 6tatut66 i6 aubordlnate ii4the general ~egirlativm pmbr to i~3po64, lmareas4, di&,njllh, of remit p4,aalti46 ror tax a4linpuuroi~, ana th4 ~i6tOJUto or rwh oontract6, where kZ46 bar. adtbr becm paid nor raduord to ,jud@,ment, boaa not proventtlm rer&s8lon 6 tatuto *on beIn@ erfeatlvo,an6 thb t4Xpay4r d4lfllqU4nt h66 th4 R4Ck6 right to p6y bf8 t6XOS Without p&@lSg 0S6lti (60-Oa16b) that he woi&U6f~ hiii i%h+!%%ta n474r bean made. The rmisslon ,statuto ~agplier UU1OS6 peior to the offWQ%ire &at0 Of the 6t6t- ute th6 taxer ha4 actua12Y be46 asU.64t4d O_E rsducbd to, fisal~3ul6m48~ l . . .w YPM the above aatborlti86 rhioh you &iRdly ipr- r&6hbd U6 in y3ll.r brief, WXi CtOU6hUi4 that YOU&? Qu66tiOE 6hOti6 be aaswered in the n4gatire. Yours vary truly