OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Dellaa Blankenrhip, Chairman Cd.minal Juri8prodenae Coamlttee mU8e Oi ~p~O8``t8tiY~8 AU8tin, %X&8 Iboar Biba YOUX’ POOOnt MQW8 llfPORthi8dO~l’t- ..wXlt h88 b.elb l’OOOiY@d Uld 0 quote rmm your re- qUO8tl 8t 8 Qll tb. tOI- 11, wftb this pPoYi*ion vrttten or 18 it fmttiid0t.d by the ill- %h. pl’OY181Oll Of uld hU80 &ill SO. 193 nhting to 'pol:tfW!ll pdY~Ft18i.ll&“, 18 found In Soatloa 1 thm4Bof, and pro- y&&8 a8 fOlbv8t “All political advertl8ing rhall b8 done at the 8am8 rate a8 leg41 notiaer, and Under the 8tu80 rupervlrion 8nd ngulatiotm. Polltl- Oal 8dYOPt18I4( -1 fltdttd~ ULUOttttW~ltt8 for pub110 offloe." St Wsll bo notloed that the orI@%al Mtlole 29, of tk 3hY18Ui CiYil bthlt.8 Of faXIN, 1925, OOd8iA8 t&O m :&ntiaal plwYI8IOa8. %m a r p tioo ntl816 hl8e Bill lo. 193 iaQlorta8 that &tlale 29, 88 nfe~F~d to, ia to be u~tttft#d. A oantlnuatlon of the e*ptlan glYe8 8GRO lttdia~tlon thBt a lb%t&iOll 011 th0 80090 Of the’ 8BO-t V&8 fJttWtd.d. &V- lYer, thi8 18 not altogether olorr frGlr a reading of the entire aaption. we have aardullyoan8ldend bo';h tly aption and tba plWY~&li8 Of 193, m9latIllg to BOU88 Bill SO. politloal adYwtls- &thOUgb Ve haYe 80~ doubt8 mgiurdl~ tb8 OaMtltutfon- Yf* ty Of the prOVi8iOXUt Of the AOt lnqulrod &Out in your fb8t a qtW8tiOtt, VO WO IiOt plVpU& t0 Ur ut tbOr WO UWOlk8tlt,u- t&68&, at say rats, our attention ha8 not beera dIreoted to any pXWi8fOt3 Of the t%Il8titUtiOIt Vhf& it 18 0bti.d raid ~l’OV181OM aantravene, a OOMtIWfItg th0 OO2t8tittttfOMii~ Of UI ht Of bb i8&ttllV, Olle Of th@ -tttal th8t eY*m m&8011- l-lb8 18 Bb 0 doubt a8 to the Vttlidfty Of the AOt M8t be n8olved f.n kff iStOP Of 8U8tkiYlilQ it. to,gm V. Stat., 111 8. w. 10281 ml’X’8 v. Jfuttne,25 8. W. (26) Zfls. Ye quote froa our Coafer8noo Cpioion go. 3081, U fol- lowrt 2h18 department,Vhrn 'aaU.ed UpOn to pro- nounoe the lnvalldltg of an rat of ~8@8bltiOtl, pa88ed vlth &l the fOlr8 and lWlUHOZl.fO8 lWqUf8fte to give it the roroo of Zav, vi31 approaah the que8tiOXt with great 08UtiOXt, ~X~E&MI lt ia wbrf pO88lble aLI)peOt,and pcader upon it a8 loq a8 d~llberatlan and patient attention uaa throw any nev llgbt upon the rub&at, and never deolrre a Honorable Doll88 ~StLkeMhiP, PagO 3 8tiitUt* void unl.88 the nriultr uld lnvrlldlty of the aat are placed, ln their judgment,be- ~ond na8onrble doubt. A mrmnable doubt mt8t be rerrolr6d in Savor Of the lO~i8hBtiY6 aation, and the rot be 8U8tained.‘” %k bOli6Ve thle r'U&i and qUOtatiOn 18 pertinent to the question of the lnvalldlty of the provlalon of Howe Bill NO. 193 Utldel'di8OU88iOIL. Ssotlon 6 of uld Houe Bill Ho. 193 sxpresrlg pro- YideS that if mj portion of the Act 18 held unoon8tltutlonal iOr q CaU88 VhntOYW it AOYerthele88 VI8 th. intWlti0l.l Of th8 h#8htUlW that the awlMining p~o~l8len8 of the Aat 8hould not thOX'.~ be affeotod, 8ad that the tigl$lrtUz'. vmild have m88Od the rewlnlq YalLd pro~1810n8 of the Aot notvlthrlmdlng the un8oa8tltutloa8lit~ a? a portfon of the 8aD8. A further ttxmlna- t:On Of th6 8``~t~ pl’OY18iOll8 Of the Aot, Vb think, 8hOV thst the Aot is 8evorable end that if the pro~l8ion relatlag to "pollt- ic?d adYOrti8ing,' QU0t.d abovo, 18 found to be u.noon8tltutlonal, that the mm8inder of’ the Aat vould not thereby be invalid. .39 sex. Jur. 84-85. tf0 tl'll8tthst in thl8 mttnner we have f’ullr atuvsrod your inquiry. Harold NaCmaken A88:8t83lt