. 22 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS i AUSTIN O-G- a-- Honorabh 9. B. Buohahan, Jr countr Attuna~ Val VHO Cwntt Doldo,Texm D.arSir~ requoraing our opinfon oourt hat* hho attthor- d tro tha aouaty by on roads wh.toh led 8fgnaWd ooua$y road8 f owned and inelosed mob oh hourrr or other pointr 8ur.a thue CuriMfla(t~ llf* mr quer*lon are rubrbutbhl4 _- 23 Ronorsblr3, 8. Buohhan, Jr., pa&@88 to bo deolgnatod as oouaty roads after fmprovumnt. Ssld rado are not barred to publla use, but are not us04 to a great extent by the general publla an& mah wo 88 ir made by the publlo muld be oonoldeml a pennloslre use on the pmrt or tbo lanndfmor. They are not roads rhloh the Cm- Ipiooionero* Court lmn deobirod to be publlo road8 by mason of pub110 moeoolt~ or upon proper applloatlonnude bF free- holdora. It @ems eleu t&t the above dooorlbed rota b nothla(Bore than a prlv8trlyomod or oontrolled thorough- far0 fat the use of the omero of ouoh la&. Artlolb6b9Sa-1 deflaea t&r words lrd tumo as w8d in suoh law, and uulor oub- s8otlon (8) pub110 highway,as used In thr Aot, lo defined 80 as to lnoluU0 any rod, street. nap. thorouahien or brldm to tbla State not klvatai awmd~or hwollrd, for the urooi +ehloleomu vlikzn?0 whz ‘loglrlatlrr JurloUlotlon u&u Its polio* pwu* Artlole6674q-t drfino8later.1roads as r0iiw0: *All rabo which prior to January 8, lOSO, hod not beoomea part of the lyotom of State do- ri&natod highways,iOr oonveienoo in this Aot are rello4 *l8teral roads’ “. X8 is our opinion tbt the latrral roads to rhloh the Aot re- fero oan bo nathlog 8ore 8brui ouah ma60 as oorutltute a part OS the aount~ rod system as oontradlotlnguloha4 irea the stata fligh~a~ SyOtm; thUetW0, wa think the turds alloeatad to thm OOuMieO tw th0 uoo on lateral roads unlu th8 prorloloao of this &a wa%ldbe rootrlotod to the use on wdo oonotltotlry a prt of the oount o tu md over which the oounty ooa&n$e 010110ro'ooura b. &lr%lotlon. Truotlly that tho ioragoiw rtiotaotorily anowuo fours rrrf tmlf , ATrom GEImUL OT TEXAS