DocketNumber: O-3566
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
.f -’ 682 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 683 ~$3.3.;; t,bs la inaued br 6 oouaty oQplfa-- wars~nt oouxt, mayor or reaoxder of ooaad.aaionera~ an inoLporat*b tam. IB avant of the lattor the ~rorlaioas of Art. SW, 0, G. P. 8hapM be ooelglia$ with. “irhen an arrost in made out oi this oouaty in a iolony ease it la your butr to brfn the oiiaadaz before a rim&atnta of tEl4 oopoty. 8ha ofieodos le not entitled to II*~ bail letha Bounty of h$a arreat In auoh oane. *In oaae of b mlaaemaaaor prQaeQutlon pelatng lh tblr oounty you CT* a&via06 that you ham 8 right to arroat tke oifr@&r'trr. ar aoilaty of tbia State unleaa tha wrrnnt iq'5.arW by l u o vnty 001e mlaa1c~0r, oommiaalonarr~ ocnirt,.myoz or reorder 0r an lnoorporatad tawn. Ii! ovaat'of bbo lattor ,4&o pwavlaionn ot Art. 'Bil4,'0. '0. P. ahoul4 be eospU.4 oith. "when UI.wxoat la ma48 aut of this bounty in's ml0demeanor oaae it 14 y&ax auty to take Oh0 ~ffoniler b&ore a auglatrPt~ of th3 oaltnoy wEam you make the arrsat. If the o$roll&W *in rka bau no IpteuX& then br reIaaard. +4 ia~thl8 aLtuat#m you wplll be attitle to your ml&age Cm g&36 ta the pfaoo o? arr~at, for ior arroao and FCa for aal~ae, but you attld not be entltlwl to tot&r 18U8tig0 ior the r8tW?B trig. “If the ofimder should not be obla to make bail as outlined above you ahauld return him to the jail 02 thiR oounty .~a& in wlpiah event you rw\ild-ba e&itlsd to miit?+&b both 6iri43 ad OS4&8& idi add%- ti0n t0 y0a 0th43r r444. *You are fuxthor odviao4 timt It ia not neoosaary that the asrest be made by u1 cifioer of tba OOUB~)T where the offender ia locratoi. UnQer the appliarble provisiona of Art. l@S, C. C. P. you hare authority tc maks an arrost aayubera in Taxam.” Artiole $56, Vernoa*s Annotated code of Crixubai PXUOsdUm, prcvldsar 8 61 Eon. Ii. D. Strillger, page 8 w’Ttr4 iollowing *re tpoaoe offloerar* the mberlff and his deputier, con&able, Me merabal or polioemen of an inoorporated tuwn or city, the olflaera, non-aoumlaaioned off loare and privetem of the Stats ranqar force, and any private person epeoially appointed to execute orimlnel pm0eiaa.” ktiole 223, Vernon’s Atmotateb Code of Criminal Prooe- Uure, reade a4 followst “A warrant oi’ erreat, iraued by any oounty or Cletriot clerk, or by any IPaglatrate (eroept aounty 8oadaoioaare or oame&arionero oourtn, mayoro or reoorders of en inaorporeteU city or tom), ohall lzten6 to any part of th* State; and any peace 0friO~r to whom said uamat ia dlreote4, or Into whose baud8 the meme hcia bean trattgierra& ahall be autharlzed to exeoute tho mamain any oounty in this State .” It ia oloar tbereforo, that a aherirf being & p~ee oiiloor 68 that term i4 ~ofin.4 In lrrtlole ,W, supra, may exaaute a warrant of arreat in any aounty in Tex4m. It rae ho14 la the ctaeeor Henaon va. State, 49 L% W. (aa) 463, that &tiole 88JI aupra, doe6 not extend the rtgbt oi I peace otfiaor to make an ezraat outaide of hia couab~ la tho ab@otb@aof a WaFLIat, aid that an arrest made without a UaPrant i0 WXi6. Artlola 884, Vernon’& Annotated Code of Criminal Pmoeduro, providear 'When a warrant or arrest ie Ieaued by oounty ooma&saioner or oommlaalormra court, mayor or reoorber of an iaaorpo~te4 ol* or tom, 3.t 00B not be sreaufed In another OoUntY thui the ana ia which it feeuee, exae~tt “1. It be 4nUorecPd by s fudga 0r a oourt of moor&, in whioh oaae It say be etaouted anywhere In the state, or *2. Ii lt be indoraed by my meglistrate in the oounty in *ioh ‘the aroused %a rotllve, it aray bo executed In suoh oounty, The 1nUorwnmt my bet 3011. 3. 3, Btrlwar, pa66 4 'ht this warrant be lX6OUt8d $D the cOUBtf Of . . . . . . . ...*... ’ Or, If the, 16 rade by flldOr686l8llt . jUd&;s Of 6 00th iEidOr68i665t Or r*OOrd, th8n th8 nVry be: 'Let thi6 WafFaZIt be 6S8OUt8d $5 ~6Iy oounty of the T~:tate Of T6Xeer* hy otb+r words of th6 6am6 rrje& Will be EUfficiCnt. %%8 indOrS8- ltlant atmll b8 dated, and slgn8d otfioially bJf the sqistrate making it." Article 1066, Veraon*~ Annotated Cob6 02 Criminal Prooe- dura, read6 in part a6 tolLow6t 'The follo*i56 f68S 6heil be tilOWOd the sbsriit, or other pea00 0rria6r 36rtQl'Bi56 tb6 86m# BUTiO@E $tl ld6hOmOUtOP O&686, t0 be hU8d against the defendant on aonrletlon; I). . l “1 2. Par moh miLe he mey be eoepallt4 te r tnV8l ill 8XOOUth(l O?hiU6l m0O668 and I-6d.a or attaoting witnoar, 68f.n aad ene-Bali 085t6. Rar trPv@llng in th8 8WVioe Or prOQMf8 not Oth8PWiOO provided ror, tb8 6um or 68t65 and one-half OMtB ror 8aCh tile gofELg mad rsturniag. Xi ,two or mere pereons are maticaed In the a86m writ, or bwo 0s mose Wit6 fn the amI* 0960, he shall cbargo 0nU ror the 616tanoe *oWally aad 58cP866arl3.y t*a7*104 In ths aamc.n Article SW, Vermm*8 Aa&atwl Cob8 or Crlmlnal Br00edur6, provlde6r Wne arreeted rof a lolrraamsaaor @hall be t6kui before a magl6bYdO Qf the QOUtLt~wb6lW th6 arS68t take6 pl.aad who 6hal.L take ball 654 tran6ntt lmedlately tbs bo#d a0 token '%a the court bari jurladiction of the of~8n68.* Article i334, Wernan~n Annotated Code af Crtminal hOO6dur8, prorides: mOnc arreeted in one oo~u5t:J ror felony OOS- mitted in mother ahalL in all 06688 be t6k6a before 6OEIBMf+Strat@ Of ttl6 OOUIktr VdlSr8 it WO8 alleged the 0rr~n89 wa8 commltt4(1." 686 3011. 3. D. Ytrltuer, pa60 8 After Cardfilly oonslderl~ td%e above m?ntione& PtatUta8 in Oorxa8atio& with the 8``t~n~8 made In your l8tter Opinion quoted above, we a&roe wit& 6.ll the cona~u6:onE 8t6ted thsn- In cFoapt tim Statement in the til%h paragraph relative to the mileag4 the ahsrifi would bs 8nhithd to r8oeiYc whn the party oharged with the ariEdOEi6a$AOrOffOKLSS is armsted in another oountp W3 taken before a 6mglstrate OS that county where km make6 ball. YOU atata that the 6h8riff WOUU not be entitled to mileage Sor the mturn trip. It i8 OUI' OQipiOa that uabr s8ctiOn 11 of Artiole lOb6, 6upra, tbe 6herifi n0ula be 8iltitbd to #he 8aIB8 msloag~ neoe88arlly an@ aotually traveled 011 hi8 return trip a8 he Would be in &Otm to the p la a 0 o r lrr88t. ITrimtfng thab the Coregoin( tuuy M8W8r8 your inquiry, W8 are t!!!!!? coMM BY GOull