OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN vw8~i08 ra wit3 (8) mm inkpeas for S'mncbr G $lWpa mvnth eaeb" The body of the hot lt will be observed ir 8ilozi1 upon the question of whether ihe 8gpPopriatlons I& therein are to be available Sor expenditure after the erplretion oS the fiscal.year ending Ailgust?il,1941. The .&t was Passed aa 30.emergency mamre~ effeat- Ire on my 1;; 1941. It appears Smri the aertfSiouteap en& by the Shies &lerX OS the Pause th6t the Act was passed f p tl Eouzo on Ziarch 20, 1941; and it appears from th6 certificate of the ;:ecretaryOS tke sennte tkat the AOC w6 pazsed by tht a-ate on April 80,194l. not wao finally paq#ed end aads effe6tlvu.