. ’ . .’ .-- s4li OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN xonoral4 zhcmaaA. whtit calmtqAttoraq Lmort7 couat7 hibe?t7,2exm Dear 8ibi :--’ 542. , vio tio a o h a ll b o p r mie h a bdy l .fia ln a 8 001 not leer than ~lOo,OO nor mm than 4200.00, and him liemoe @till bo ltomtIwll7 OUI- oelled,and ha W not bo eatltlodto re- ool*ranotherouohlloonooor petit for ona 7.m froa the'titoof ouoh oonvI~tIoa,' “Ia rlovof the faot that the 8uperlor of out Looal Oaae Warden ho adtiredhim that l rlolatlon of ArtLelo951 vould la locordaaao vith Zkotlon6 of Art1010 934 A am amended, lltomet10al1,f aauoelld tho ?IoMng llouAro of the rioherman.In view of thlo pooItIan and in vlovoi tha oonfliot bolwoon my op.ion and the opmon .of out looal oame lftioa e imo o dl~ l to uporior I thought that th eproper th ing td dor o uld & .to oubdt th equootloa to 7oufo~7ouropIaIonupontbo~mo,laanmuoh a8 YO all reel that we ate bound W the Attoner Oeneralto opinion in the aboonooof a Court deoirlon,vhlch I do not bar~.~ IrtIole951 of the Penal Codo’~rovIdooc *It sh&l be unlmrful for ui7 ~nan to 04t0h any rirhin the fn8h vatore of tbloMate, with q loIn8 or n4t otherthus BUWV 1oiP1, not tmlltq raot la lo&h, or to drq oxoridiI¶g a nyedno , uo o p tluoh rpooUied- eelno . or to lo ta nyXIet, Inth eh e o hvatoto o fwe statedutfngthe rrontho of Wteh aad AwIl, or to fIahrlth m7 artitiol~ -1 0f thi0 atOt ISononblo Thomo A. Wheat, Pyo 3 Vnl$oAha ptovIoIono or m101. 951, #up-, tho of eny rhh, or flohlngin the ftmoh rrtoto of MO exoopt ia laker, poadoor pooh ownad l B.-o % &irporetloa, r itf0, oity 01 tom, tb8t &MO not % V8 l8 it0 louroeof vatet ruportl ritotor otoekor la not oubjaot to o~orflov from 8 tlrrr or oteok) during the mozhtho of Utoh aad April,rlth q utlflolal halt, o, w loina 01 not,ot$ th a 8 unfnno lwdslo, not uooedfng trod7 foot trA1 b7 & Fiatof loo8 -en mot 0 nor mw thanbe madted (~100.00) hwole 93k of tpe PeMlCodO t+e, irrpottc "8.0. 2. &fore sny poroon In thlo 8-t. ohall ongag. ln the buoinooo of l ‘Oouroial ?iOhOtOBU’,mol~o~4 ?fohDulo?', 'AoWl lloh Dealer*, *BaitDealor*, PlohOoida't~ or ~00 or operate8 ohtlaptrawl,net or **lam, optor dredge,boat or oklff,for the putporo of o8tchfq or tak.Iqany odIb1.rqmtlo life from the vatetoof thloMato for pay,batter, oiioor oxohmgo, the proper llouw grotidod ior In thioAot prIril@.ngthoaro'tgdo oh4U ~fltotbr ptooutodb7,owh peteonftm'tbm 0~. Pioh and Oyoter ConmfroIonof 9~80 or ftea one of it0 authorfred agent*. "800. 3. 2ho 11aon0.08nd the tear to be paid for the oame we horob grprldod for Ln *him ALotAa& 8ra a, r0uov0r GOOIMFOI`` mh0t50d0 ~OOMO, r00 ?hto."hlato ($3)* *2* wholwalo Ploh Dmloi' Lfoonoo,foe 01 oaohplaoeof buinrra, pro Rundmd Dolbt8 fWW., 544 ionamble Thoaao A. What, Pwo 4 “(b) Rotal lidakoloro~ Lfoonso,foe Tea Dollar0(410 f fo rl&h D&O@ of buoInoo0 l( o lb ) tu PllB Bho a lo Llo r o ea ’f.0 so , ?I?twn Dollma (&5) fot'uoh plaooof buol- a008 in omh.01 or tovnof aom thanfort7 thou*uLd~ populAt10& '(d) R&U Oystri Booloro~ LIoon8o, any frerhor fromon edibleaquatie muate, other thaaoJstor8, by l UtUl fiohdmlor th. Lioon88 numd ia thio aubsog- ~OOO``Oil&$j tlon, shalloonotifyto b.tiolatian of thio Aot. "(c) l?ot~Il Beal``O' *ok Lioenso,per- mlttingthe eel. of sable rq\utIo produoto from a motor ~ehioloto ooasuamf~ onl7, f60 Twnt7-fiveDolUre (425)for mob truok; QCO' vldodthe ovnw of uky rota11flrh doelore lIoeMo Isowd linoe 8eptombolr 1, 1934. for li plaoe of bu0lao80 l o ft7 or to vn o f mr o then flro thousoad 5,OOO).popul&Ion, till be entitled to l nbato an tho omo vh*n oe5.d ovnor of ouoh lloenee rbrll furnlmh the Oomo, Ploh and Oy o tw Co ma lr 8io nl ohin ovorn to for oUd omount. Whop nwh olUm IO found to be oorreot and IO l99rov.d w fluEseoutlve Seorbtarl, of uld Oo mio o Io a ,l8mo o h a llb e paid out o? uiy mmo#o ``Ilabla in the State Trors uponv-t loswd by the Mato % lr* Oomptro "4. BaitDe&w@' Lioenoo~fO0'troDal- lAr0 (42)for swh plaorof buoluoo, ,5. (a) Ishrimp 9r6vlUoe~o for owb borto retfnilortowkrg~tr~lao~aoro than ton (10 pf foot Ia tridh at t&o mauth,&ad not mom than twenty(20f feetia.leagth, foe 9vo Doll~ro(42). c -- . . .I’ 545 5- - Rono~blo9howoA.Whut,?ogo 5 _ . “(b) +W.mp (rtiyl LIo+oo, *7. Ploh Roat Lloonu, for b&to *quippod bob with a motor’o< any kind or with aalla, fee Zhrea Dollmro(83). -. optoh tiodg.tio~n, fw Pl?teon Dol- 1~0 ;f,is). "hh h$de LIbe~oo,fu SW Bollare (42). “& P&O. Of%lOhO8O, l0 tUOd in thi0 Act, ah8lllaoluAe~th@ plaoovhem ordorofor, lq\utiO Dl'OdUOtO -0 FW@h@d, Or lfh@lv'rq\utiO ~FOdUOtS ,M SOId, -inb it lOk8 ti a VdL%OtO, th. vahiolo onrbioh, or traprrlrioh iuohrq\utIo prod- uoto arboo1d,~rhJl~oonotitut~8 gkoe of bu8lno88. The llow mhallat all tImembe poblIol7die- played w.the dorkt Ia hi8 pboo of buSl``@@ SO am to bo .taoIly oua uldth8acplqeeo of the OIpr,.?bh and to* h~iO8i``i~ And if any m&u&t&a &ohm arh troaoportod foe the PWPOSO Of *.hIolotha 11aenu r0quIr.dof ouah dealer asxi be dlo#qod Saoibe of lwh vehIO~.r 2hano A. Honorable Whut, t86.6 hotided ‘that no poreon ahallbdag intothio std. w WtiO prodoOt@ urd in this Stat0 offor 0~ for 8ale rrithout proouring tha ll- - 0o no o 8wq UlF .dfo r o uo hl tM nuo tio n b y l do lo r ln th tobtato, a ndth a fwt th a t lwh lquatlo,produato van ~oeu&t la aaothor Iltato ohallnot ontltlotbo porwa olaimiaqto ha+0 in this stat. a0 4 emended Aoto 1934, ah. $0 a 11 AOt8 349,i 1.) %O. 4. m W&-tiO grod\lOtS hmdlOd b7 W in th. ~OSOSO~CU& of w COa#wOW Plahorc man,Wholoulo Nmh Doalw, or l?ekIl PlohDulor in thlo state, 8hall rt bu tM.0 and et 8aq p&O*, b. SUbjOOt to ia@~otIoll~b~w ctmpl~. Of thO.hW, Pfrh ud mt@F 0oriOSi0Zi Of t-St UOlthOM?W~.0 0 fO? #Wh in@prOtiOn 8h8ll ooaotituto l dolet r of thio Aot, 8OOtfOa 7 Of oUd htiol. 93h -l’dOS or&&In &PtfOlOO Of th. POti cod. a0 WOll a@ dOPt8iB ArtiOl.0 Of th. Revioodciti btetUt.8 Of &a0 vhlcrh lr. ``‘0081 m&all br uld Artlole 93&a, and fmthor providerthat d parto of lure in oonfliot with or ooatnm to thlo Aot are &ero- m -R.-* ~tfOi0 %i, OURCI, f 8 IkOt OBO Of th8 tifOiO0 17 ropoa1.db7 maidArtlele93k, ~10~IO it In oonfllotVI of the proYI8Iaaoof Art10lo g34a. AaeIolor 951 aad 93h -0 lopmto and diotfnot Auto of logIolatIon,aad oroh utlolo pro- tldoo 8 penalt7 for riolrtloaoOf it0 n@p@OtiYa ~?WiSiOlU. .* J ’ . . T‘-. 547 Y . , ‘. Hanonble Thomi A. Who&, -0 7 m0 p<7 plKltidOd f& I,tiO~tiOI¶ 0 #I&idbtfOl0 99 18 a fin0 of not 1080 thanPwonty(~20.00 f Dollar0nor IDM thm One Eumlred($lOO,OO) Dollar& 'Thore?on,~ In tlev of the fact that Art10100951 and 93k of the ?onal Oodo of Toxar are rrpwato and dlotinotAotg, maah p r o tidingl~prnelt for tIolatlonoof it0 roD~otIro pro- vlrionr,a peroon t ing the proti8lono of raid viola i0 SUbjOOt t0 8 fin0 Of A0 1OU thM t%iIlt7($20.00 T i%!? nor I)M than One Rundred1#lOO.OO) Dollars, but lo not 8ubjeot to hmlxq him lloonoo SUtOlWtim7 oaaoelled. -Sting that the above 8ati8faatOril~ diSpo@eO Of 7our lnqulry,Y.rwiu.n rourr trl7 trul7 Di-Burlr DWiOS AoSiOknt