DocketNumber: O-3530
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF - AUSTIN Honorable Earnest Guinn County Attorney 31 Faso County El Woo, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No: O-3530 I;0: R%ere a,defendant Is charged uith speeding in one pSeainCt and the ~88% Is idled in another preoinct may the deSenbant upon motion have the gaae trleb,ln the preeinatwhere the ofW~#e oaaumd upon a motlen:belngduly SllO6? Pour request-foran opinion from this Department has been reoelved and considered. We quote from your requeat: la ahargsd .wlt.h speeding, ?YPbare ,D8fen&aat if the Offbn86 dccurred ltiFrealnct ;ne, but the oae.0be riled in Prealnct 2 may Defenaant~uponmotion have the oaw tried in Rreoinot One before the ifurtiae of Preainog me?. 1n the event the answer to the foregoing queetlon 1s "'pes", ,`` how and when ought the motion to ~bumde?” Artlalo 8f3Sot.the Code of Crlmlnal Pro~edWe, 19ES, provide8 the.ronn of a o~plaint In a juetlae aourt, ae followe: Ysuoh complaint,ahallstate: I, The name of the aaou6od, If known and, if unknown, ehall deearlbe him ae aoourately a8 preotiaable. 8. The orfenee dth which he 18 ahaX?ged,in plain and ~ntelllglblewdrdr. 8. That the offstie wa8 aOmm%tt6d in the aoULty in whiah the uomplalnt le m.sdo.``. 4. It muet show, rr0pr thr :dateof the orrenee,,etated therein, that the ottenee is not barred by limitation.* Honorable Bn4st Ouinn, page 2 fn the aourao 0r our exa@nation, w4 have``been unable to find where the Legielaturshas authorized the transfer of a caee, like the one referred to in your request, from one juetioe greolnct to another. Provision has been made to transfer cases, in many lnatanoee in both the county ~ourte, county courts at law, and the d&riot courts. We quote from 12 Texas Jurisprudence at page 427: "For sxample, prorislon has been made for the transfer of caxse8 where there are two Criminal District Courts or two County Courtp at Law in the same county, and for transfers between Distrlot Courts in different districts. Other statutes prescribe the prooeaurefor thb_tranefor of aau8ea between partioular~Crimlna1Dis-, trtat Courts and Dlstriat Courtr, Criminal Dirtriat Courts and Oouaty Courta, Dletrlot Court0 and Oounty Oourtr, County Court8 and County Courte at Law, County Courts at Law and County Criminal Courta, and from County Courts to Distrlot.Courts. w5tlll other etetutes provide for the transfer.of oausellto Criminal Dietrlat Courts :fromDlstriot Court.8 upon the dlvsetlturs~of the criminal jurimalotlon of such Dietriot Courts, and to Criminal Diatriat.Courts when County Courtr have been tlaprlved'orjuriadlotion,or when a Criminal Diatriceourt haa be4n dispoaaessedof lte arlmlnal jurledlationwhioh hae been vested b a Dfetriat Court or a County Court." wo do not believe the holding In the aaae of Rx Parts Von Koennsrite, 105 Tex. Grim. R. 13,5,Z88 8.W. 987, is authority for the proposition that a defendant may have his case transferred upon proper motion being filed. ~. In 22 Corpw Jurla, 8eousldum, page 24S, the r0110wlng rule ir givan: *In.tho abeenoe of an apzlicable etatuto the tranefer 'bf a oaee from one oourt of aompetant juriedlatlonto another having conourrent jurlsdlotlon thereof is nelthor eomp4llable, nor allowable, dlrsctly or indlreotly. Wlthln constltutlonal limits, however, the legislature of a atnte may provide by statute for the transfer of criminal caa688 from one oourt .- i s,-:- ‘... Honorable Ernest Gulnn, page 3 to another, and valid statute8 oxlet in many states under whloh oourta are authorized to transiar auoh cauma lnetitutedbefore them to other ~ourtet.~ For all of the rearoas diouassd, we are of the opinlon and you are so advised, that your first question should be answered In the negative. For that reason it is not neoeasary to answer your other question. Very truiy ymrs Ey s/ IIaroldMcCracken Assistant FIRSTASS8TMlT AlWl'tOVBD:' OPINION COMMITTEE ATTW milUWu By EWB chairman