OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Wm. J. Lawson Seoretary of State Austin, Texes Denr Sirt Attention: Hr. Wll xour resent atioa, howwux, atill Jmr only f $lO,QQ%.O%, but ml8he8 to ia- 1 *took to $X8,%0%.%%, The ha6 been raised is whether the wmrporatfon, due to the fact tlmt ft was f6rnmd b4iQW1 ArtioZe 4969 War pwtllld, IM aslend ita oapZfa& stook and &till have &mm e:hen ~1%%,%%Or%O oapital stook. f&r9 Han. ax. 2. tawao3.,page L met be apprcved by tk.SS Depertmnt, but this partloulor D‘j.estion does not ESSE bo here been raised prerioudyy Vbo attciraepe for tte oonpany faS1 that tbe ccapanylo ori&sai o&artsr le not reqUltd to OGqPly With the SUbSScplent 8tStUt.8 pIVVidin& for an irareaeed minimum o~pit0lleatlon. (1. . .I The 2u,urposs ShU6S in the Shove mm5tlo5ed oherter rude as fOllOW#I "The purpoSe far which thfr oorposetion ia 0rpnlteC ie to do a &aAeznl fldue:wy ant deporl- tory budner8 ar Suthorlse6 by rubclitirion 80, of ht. 1~1 0r the K. c. 6. 0f the saw of TOW, adopted in 1Sl.l." YS 08Mot agree With the &t@teDUOt in JOUf 1.rtt.r ahUS:A it is lta ted thatt tu ef-fea the W6I igmnted to th e Sb er tQr hneriorn Safe Deposit Coqeay la 1988 anclwa# @or to the p9aru&e of .srtiole 4Qb9, Vernon’@ Iraaofmtrd Civil ,Ststutea. It will be noted that Artlole 49bQ ,w88 odglnelly peared in 1809 emI asended in 1908 sod ageln h+utded in 19;LII1and there- fore war la foroe and 9rrbet when She ohatier warn gnnted to the abort nmtloneC aompenp. Uabdivision SO of Artioie ll81 of the Pertred Civil Statute*, 1911, eWw other thing8 euth- oriaed tte fOI‘S&StiOA of private oorporatiunS %a do l @WSrSI. fldoolary en4 depository bu%lnerr.* Artlole lU1, SUPIS, i8 now wt101e 1mt, Vemcn'e Annotated Civil 6tetutea, sna the oodlfIer8 !iA lOPr%left out the mbdlvfrlan under luflele 13OE authoririn4g the r0railtion of eorporetleno *to do a uenenl riquoierg 8515 depA2itmy bwfinerr.* Eioaver, Art1010 4969, eupra, eotheosired th6 fo,rmation of prirste aorporcrtlonr *to de Q general fBdudlary and depository bueiner6,” and ~8 in for~* and errsot men the above n0030e eol(pelly WBB tAoAr~SretSd. It w:ll be notrd that i&tale 4QbQ doocr not exprerely repeal nub- divisfon 37 of htlale 1Ul. mwerer, the two etatutee uadu eorrsf&eratlonherein are ln pri materla and thslr provi~lon~ in such reepoet oonnot bS rseonofled. .Ud unCnr nueb OirSuo- atanoss the cildsr otatuta ail1 be held tc be rSpSaLS& by lmpll- oation t4 the extent 0r tG* conflfat,. It ia presumed that tie L4k~islature iatended ta repeal all Saws end perta at laws