DocketNumber: O-3502
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TRXAS AUSTIN Xonorable B. L. klllolit countyAttorney Ste_ahenr Qounty Brookenrldge , Toxaa Dear Slrr oh eai#eI thero. hae baea the graatioe. lri retoral oouotlen to try tirrrt otter&era on Beb~ohesL* of lerm tbaa 88.00 in the jutMoe oourtr. Xr this true? would appreoiatr *I your adtfee on the matter, and if It Ir permirribla ts try au& a aam in th@ jutxtioe court would Uke to know St.? Eon. R. L. Elliott, page R Seation 4 of hrticle 587b, Vernon* e Annotated Penal Code, (a portion of the law oonewmly known aa the *hot shook law”) reeds aa foll0waI “Sec. 4. i%r the iiret conriotlcn for e violation of eections 1, t, or 3 OS this Aot, in the evant the chook, draft, or order given on any bank, parson, firm, or corporation, is Five Dollar8 ($5) or less, the punlmhment shell be by imprlaon- msnt ia the oounty jell not exoeeding two 7eare, or by a fine not araeodlc~ Two Rundrad Dollare ttiiao). Fcr the first conviction for a violation of sections 1, 3, or 9 of this Aat, in the event the cheek, draft, or order giver! on any bsnk, per- son, firui or corporation, 1.8 in exaeas of Pit0 Dollars ($5) , but leas thaa Hrtp Dollare, (baa) ,, punlehment shall be by imprisonment in the oouuty jell not eroeedlng two years, or by a fiue hot ex- ceeding Pive tiundrad Dollars ($300). . “If it be shown oa the trial of a ease ln- volvlng a violation of seotlaas 1, 8, or 5 OS thtr Aat in which the aheck, draft, or order given on any bank, permon, firm or corporation, Is leas than rirty Dollars (&Sol, that the aeenam has been onea before conviatsd of the came offmae, he shall, on his seoond oonvlotian, be puh%ehed by aonrinenemt in the oounty jail for not leer than thirty (30) days nor mDre than two (E) warm. “If it be ahowh upon the trim1 of a 6a8e ln- valving a violation 0r eentione 1 2, or !I of t&i8 Act that the defendant has two (5! or zaore time before baen OOAViOted of the sap’.8 offOnS0, re$ard- laes or the amouat of the oheak, draft or ordox involved in the tirst two (E) oonvietlone, upoq the third or any subsequent oonviotlon, the puntrh- mot shall ba by oohf!.neamt in the peenitentia for not lass than two (8) nor more thsn ten (107 years. “For the first wnviotion for a violation of reations 1, 8, or 3 of this kot, in the erect the oheok, araft or order given upon sny bank, per0on. ~firfm or wrporetion, is in the amouat of Fifty Dollars ($50) or more, punishmeat shall be by aon- rinement in the paltentlery for not lose then two (2) years nor xaora thsn tm (10) years.” Bon. R. L. Ullott, page 3 Article 00, Yarnon' annotated Texar Code of Orlminal i+oceaure, reeds as Pollc~rs: “Zustiasa of tha peaoe shall have jurladiotion In orileinel casas mhere the fine to be i,mpo8eU by law msp not exoeed two hundred dollars." JQ-tlale 56, V%rnon*c ¬ated Taxes Code of CrImInal Prooadure, reads as follows: "The oounty oourt8 rhallhave origfnal jurlr- dlotlon of all mIsdemeanora of which exoluoive orQIna1 jurisdiction ia not given to the jastioe court, and tian the fine to be Imposed shell eroeed two hundred dcllers.” The mesa cjf Saieddlck vs. Etate, 4 Cr. 8. Me, hold8 that oounty aourte have jurlsdlotlon a? risdemeanoru wh8re 8 S8rt of the punimhmant presoribed Is Imprironment in the eoaatf jail. The aourte have repeatedly held that jnetloe ooutt8 have no jurloiliotlon to rPn8xiy determine eny eriaiaal 8etloa *en any portion of the punirhmeut pre8arIbed by l.sni ir IWWI- ronment ior say length of time. ike the tollowin&oarerl Tuttle VII. &ate, 1 Cr. B. 304; BIllIngaley vm. State, 5 Cr. E.~'bWbi Vecker f8. 5tate, 4 Or, h. '5541~ Iaoob8 08. State, 55 Dr. R. 41Oi. Ex Perte EaGrew,40 F. 478
; &ate vs. &whous, 41 T. lG5; Xx I’rrte Fhilllps, Eli S. u. ai%. You am, therefore, rerpeotfully advi88d t&et lb 18 th8 opinion of thlr Department that ths jusbfaa bourt has no jtUi8- diction of'the offenaar inquired about. M.sdemeanor "hot ohaok” oars%8 should be tried In the county court. Felony "hot oheok” oa8e8 8hould be triad in the dI8trIot oourt. V6rg truly yours ATTOWm GghERAL OF %X.!L.S